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1 PROFESSIONAL ADAPTABLE INDISPENSABLE INVENTIVE CREATIVE Engineering the Future: working together to enhance understanding, commitment and participation in engineering Students are always interested in how the knowledge and skills they pick up while studying at school could be used in the world around them. Engineering, and engineering approaches naturally lend themselves to the investigative, collaborative and problem solving approaches to learning that are currently considered to enhance their learning experiences in an enjoyable way and encourage them to be more independent and successful learners. Engineered structures and devices are all around our students environments in the form of buildings, bridges, and cars etc, it is therefore very relevant to the pupils that we can discuss and investigate the underlying scientific principles that make the building of these structures possible and that in doing so they can identify the relevance of what they are learning in school with the wider world for themselves. Why Engineering? Students do tend to be more motivated when they are actively engaged in their own practical activity in which they have had the opportunity to plan and research for themselves. They respond well when they can see an application of the work they are doing in the class. The science becomes alive and they students become more engaged and confident when they actually experience the practical relevance of their knowledge and understanding especially when this is applied to a real world situation. They activity made you realise that engineering is not just nuts and bolts, but involves science/ physics. Its kind of expanding science. Id relate it now to science. You use physics in it. Youd think about e.g. aerodynamics and not just building things, engines, etc. We could use engineering knowledge in future life. Curriculum for Excellence SCN 4-20a I have researched new developments in science and can explain how their current or future applications might impact on modern life. SCN 3-12bI have explored the role of technology in monitoring health and improving the quality of life. SCN 4-20b Having selected scientific themes of topical interest, I can critically analyse the issues, and use relevant information to develop an informed argument. TCH 4-01cI can debate the possible future impact of new and emerging technologies on economic prosperity and the environment. TCH 4-14bI can apply skills of critical thinking when evaluating the quality and effectiveness of my own or others products or systems. TCH 4-14dBy examining and discussing the features of everyday products, I am gaining an awareness of the factors influencing design and can evaluate how these products meet the needs of the user. LIT 3-09aLIT 3-10aLIT 4-14aLIT 4-15aLIT 3-25a Engineering the Future aims to develop a sustainable model of activities that enhance the learning experiences of pupils, develops their knowledge and understanding of contemporary engineering and smoothes the transition into engineering from school to university. Holy Cross High School Partnership Linda Glancy 1, Brian Smith 1, Tony Gachagan 2, Roy Chapman 2 and Tony Mullholland 2. 1.Holy Cross High School, South Lanarkshire, Scotland 2.Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Scotland Description of engineering experience Motivation, engagement and pupil response The Wheatstone bridge The purpose of this activity is to introduce SQA Higher Physics students to a practical engineering application of the Wheatstone bridge circuit. They will consider how an engineer can model and monitor changes in the strain on a road bridge as part of an ongoing safety assessment. After learning the underlying physics of the Wheatstone Bridge circuit incorporating a strain gauge and the operational amplifier (in differential mode), the students are asked to investigate the relationship between the out-of-balance potential difference and the applied force on the strain gauge. Each group of students selects one of a number of bridges of different designs and builds a model for testing. They then use their scientific knowledge and findings to measure the strain (using a known load) in the middle of the bridge and at either end. The results are presented to the rest of the class and comparisons made. Ultrasound This activity is intended to demonstrate how engineers have used their understanding of ultrasound to produce a range of everyday useful appliances. It is relevant to Standard Grade Physics, in particular the Health Physics topic, which includes the discussion of the use of ultrasound to measure the progress in the development of unborn babies. Pupils gain an understanding of the key science concepts and then work in groups of 4 or 5 to research the range of uses for ultrasound and demonstrate their creativity by designing another novel everyday use of ultrasound, They present their design to the rest of the class. Through this they enhance their knowledge and understanding of key concepts relating to Telecommunications and Health Physics and develop research skills and other skills that essential to the role of the engineer. Skills developed, links to Curriculum for Excellence and the four capacities Engineering and learning principles The activities highlight the application of electrical engineering principles to find solutions to problems in the real world. They incorporate the use by pupils of up-to- date instrumentation. The teacher has opportunities to explain the nature of engineering as the practical application of Physics principles, using existing technology and developing new technology, to address issues and needs. Pupils learn about these engineering applications in practical activities (for example, using the Wheatstone bridge equipment to measure strain on a model bridge) and in discussion in groups and with the teacher. The characteristics of engineering involved are: specification of application requirements application of scientific knowledge teamwork report writing. Skills developed Thinking, applying knowledge and teamwork… Successful learners: Understanding concepts such as amplification and mechanical stress and strain. Confident individuals: Independent working and investigative skills and making informed and valid conclusions. Responsible citizens: An increased awareness of the importance of safety in engineering and the need for large structures to be monitored. Effective contributors: Collecting and processing their own data and using it to justify conclusions. Amplifier Wheatstone Bridge Strain Gauge Ultrasound

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