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Multipath Routing Ph.D. Research Proposal Ron Banner Supervisor: Prof. Ariel Orda March 2004
Agenda u Introduction & summary of results u Multipath routing schemes for survivable networks u Multipath routing schemes for congestion minimization u Selfish multipath routing u Online multipath routing for congestion minimization u Future research
What is Multipath Routing? u Multipath Routing is the method of establishing multiple paths between given source-destination nodes within the network.
Advantages of Multipath Routing u Survivability Provides redundancy. u Congestion avoidance Improves network utilization. Provides load balancing. u Management and control Provides better performance in the presence of selfish/unregulated behavior
Previous Research u Survivability Mainly solutions that focus on the establishment of pairs of disjoint paths (e.g., the 1+1 and 1:1 protection architectures). u Congestion avoidance Mainly heuristics (e.g., ECMP). Online: no previous work for multipath routing. u Management and control No previous work on the degradation of network performance due to selfish behavior of users that employ multipath routing.
Notations G (V,E) – Directed Graph V - Collection of nodes E – Collection of links (edges) P (s,t) -Collection of all paths from s to t (s,t) –flow demand from s to t d e -delay of link e c e -capacity of link e p e -failure probability of link e f e -flow rate on link e D(p) – the end-to-end delay of path p i.e., C(p) – the capacity of path p i.e., (p) – the reliability of path p i.e.,
Summary of results: Survivability u We provide a quantitative framework that specifies the desired level of survivability against single failures. c=20, p=0.05 c=30,p=0.05 c=10, p=0.05 c=30, p=0 c=30, p=0.05 S T
Summary of results: Survivability u We developed optimal polynomial schemes for 1:1 and 1+1 protection that consider important tradeoffs Survivability vs. bandwidth Survivability vs. feasibility. … u No need to establish connections that consist of more than two paths. u Derived a new “hybrid” protection architecture that has several advantages over both the 1:1 and 1+1 protection architecture. u Show that by just slightly alleviating the requirement of full survivability a major improvement is obtained.
Summary of results: Congestion minimization-offline u Goal: Minimize network congestion when all demands are known in advance. u Cope with constraints Delay jitter End-to-end delay Number of paths u Minimizing the congestion under end-to-end delay and/or delay jitter NP-hard Pseudo polynomial solution optimal approximation scheme u Minimizing the congestion while restricting the number of routing paths NP-hard 2-approximation scheme
Summary of results : Congestion minimization-online u Goal: Minimizing the network congestion when demands arrive one at a time. u Derived a multipath routing algorithm for congestion minimization with an O(logN)-competitive ratio. u Derived a lower bound of Ω(logN) for any online multipath routing algorithm for congestion minimization u Our algorithm is best possible.
Summary of results: Selfish multipath routing u Goal: Investigating the degradation in network performance due to selfish behavior of users. u Given a load-dependent performance function q e (f e ) for each link we consider bottleneck network objectives i.e., Max e E {q e (f e )} and additive network objectives i.e., u Assume that users are selfish and their performance is dictated by their worst (bottleneck) elements. ∞ 1 ∞ M Additive Bottleneck Network objective Routing approach Multipath Routing Single-path Routing
Agenda u Introduction & summary of results u Multipath routing schemes for survivable networks u Multipath routing schemes for congestion minimization u Selfish multipath routing u Online multipath routing for congestion minimization u Future research
The tunable survivability concept u Current survivability schemes typically offer two degrees of protection against single failures Full (100%) protection. No protection at all. u In practice, the requirement of full protection is often too restrictive In many cases it is infeasible (N. Taft-Plotkin, B. Bellur and R. Ogier). In other cases it is very limiting (G. Maier, A. Pattavina, S. De Patre and M. Martinelli). u Tunable survivability enables to consider valuable tradeoffs. Survivability vs. bandwidth Survivability vs. feasibility Survivability vs. end-to-end delay …
Survivable connections u p-survivable connection: a collection of paths (p 1,p 2,…, p k ) P (s,t) ×P (s,t) ×…× P (s,t) that, upon a link failure, has a probability of at least p that at least one path out of (p 1,p 2,…, p k ) remains operational. The bandwidth of a survivable connection with respect to the 1+1 protection architecture is the maximum B≥0 such that n·B ≤ c e for each link e that is common to n paths from (p 1,p 2,…, p k ). u The probability of a survivable connection to remain operational upon a single failure is the probability that all the common links are operational upon that failure i.e., The bandwidth of a survivable connection with respect to the 1:1 protection architecture is the maximum B≥0 such that B ≤ c e for each e that belongs to a path in (p 1,p 2,…, p k ). It is also
Two Paths are Enough u Theorem Let (p 1,p 2,…, p k ) P (s,t) ×P (s,t) ×…×P (s,t) be a p-survivable connection. There exists a p-survivable connection that has at least the bandwidth of (p 1,p 2,…, p k ) with respect to the 1:1 (alternatively 1+1) protection architecture. u Proof (sketch for the 1:1 protection) We shall construct only from the links that belong to paths in (p 1,p 2,…, p k ). Therefore, the bandwidth of is at least that of (p 1,p 2,…, p k ). u Formal proof Critical points
Most Survivable Connections with a Bandwidth of at Least B u Since two paths are enough, we focus on survivable connection that consist of two paths. u The most survivable connection with a bandwidth of at least B for the 1+1 protection architecture is established by a reduction to the min cost flow problem. u The flow demand is set to 2∙B flow units. A link in the original network Links in the transformed network Discard the link C e <B B≤C e <2∙B C e ≥2∙B c e =B, w e =0 c e =B, w e =-ln(1-p e ) c e,p e
Most Survivable Connections with a Bandwidth of at Least B u Since the flow demand and capacities are B-integral the min cost flow is B-integral. u The flow decomposition algorithm can be applied in order to decompose the B-integral link flow (that transfers 2·B flow units) into a flow over two paths: p 1, p 2 such that f(p 1 )=f(p 2 )=B. u Since the flow has a minimum cost, has a minimum value. u Therefore, (p 1,p 2 ) is a connection with a bandwidth of at least B that maximizes hence, it maximizes
Establishing Most and Widest p-survivable Connections u The most survivable connection is the connection that has the maximum probability to remain operational upon a failure It is also the most survivable connection with a bandwidth of at least B=0. u The widest p-survivable connection is the p-survivable connection with the maximum bandwidth. u How to establish the widest p-survivable connection? u Idea : search for the largest B such that the most survivable connection with a bandwidth of at least B is a p-survivable connection. u It is enough to perform a binary search over the set Why u The widest p-survivable connection is therefore established within O(logN) executions of any min cost flow algorithm. Why
u The only difference in the reduction lies for the links that have capacities in the range [B,2B]. u For 1:1 protection only one of the paths carries B flow units. u Hence, all links that have a capacity in the range [B,2B] can concurrently be employed by both paths. A link in the original network Links in the transformed network Discard the link C e <B C e ≥B c e =B, w e =0 c e =B, w e =-ln(1-p e ) c e,p e Establishing Survivable Connections for 1:1 protection Go to 1+1 reduction
u The tunable survivability concept gives rise to a third protection architecture. u Reduces the congestion of all links that are shared by both paths w.r.t 1+1 protection. u Upon a link has a faster restoration w.r.t 1:1 protection. u Provides the fastest propagation of data. u However, requires additional nodal capabilities. The Hybrid protection architecture S T
u The hybrid architecture transfers through each link exactly one duplicate of the original traffic. u Hence, the bandwidth of (p 1,p 2 ) with respect to hybrid protection is u Hence, by definition, all schemes for 1:1 protection apply for hybrid protection. The Hybrid protection architecture Go to Def
Simulation results u We quantify how much we gain by employing tunable survivability instead of full survivability. u Random networks 10,000 Waxman topologies 10,000 Power-law topologies. Explain the construction Bandwidth ratio (1:1)
Simulation results Bandwidth ratio (1+1) Feasibility ratio
u Introduction & summary of results u Multipath routing schemes for survivable networks u Multipath routing schemes for congestion minimization u Selfish multipath routing u Online multipath routing for congestion minimization u Future research Agenda
Problem formulation u Goals: Minimize network congestion when all demands are known in advance Cope with constraints (delay-jitter, delay, number of paths) u Performance Objective: network congestion factor Minimizing RFC 2702 and others. No link becomes over-utilized. More room for future traffic growth by maximizing the common scaling factor.
Requirements for practical deployment u Restricting the delay-jitter among all routing paths RFC 2991. Avoid the “fast retransmit” mode. Reduce buffering requirements. u Limiting the number of paths per destination S. Nelakuditi and Zhi-Li Zhang. Reduce the tendency of packet reordering. Reduce overhead. Simplify the schemes that distribute traffic. u Bounding the end-to-end delay of each path.
Computational Intractability u Minimizing the network congestion factor under the end-to-end delay restriction is NP- hard. Proof. u Minimizing the network congestion factor under the delay jitter restriction is NP- hard. Proof. u Minimizing the network congestion factor under the restriction on the number of paths is NP-hard. Proof.
Minimizing congestion while restricting the number of paths u Observation : The optimal network congestion factor of a /K- integral path flow is larger by a factor of at most 2 than the optimal network congestion factor of a path flow that admits at most K paths. u Proof: Let f * be a path flow that has the smallest network congestion factor α * among all path flows that transfers flow units from S to T over at most K paths. f=2∙f* is a path flow with a network congestion factor 2∙α* that transfers 2 flow units from S to T over at most K paths. Round down the flow f(p) over each path to a multiple of /K. Let f R be the resulting path flow. Given a network G(V,E) and a source- destination pair. Since f transfer 2 flow units over at most K paths f R transfers at least flow units from S to T f R is a /K - integral path flow that transfers at least flow units from S to T and has a network congestion factor of at most 2∙ α *.
Minimizing the congestion under integrality restrictions u A /K-integral path flow admits at most K paths. u Corollary: minimizing the congestion while restricting the flow to be integral in /K is a 2-approximation scheme. u The network congestion factor of all /K-integral path flows belong to. The flow over each link is integral in /K and is at most . Hence, for each e E it holds that In particular,
Minimizing the congestion under integrality restrictions Goal: Find a /K-integral path flow that has the minimum network congestion factor in Solution Find a path flow with the smallest such that the following procedure succeeds. u multiply all link capacities by a factor of α. u Round down the capacity of each link to a multiply of /K. Since the flow must be /K-integral, such a rounding has no affect. u Apply a maximum flow algorithm that returns a /K-integral link flow when all capacities are integral in /K. If the link flow transfers flow units from S to T return Success Else, return Fail
Minimizing the congestion under end-to-end delay restrictions - linear program u It is straight forward to extend the linear program to the multi-commodity case. u The path flow is constructed using a variant of the flow decomposition algorithm. u The complexity incurred by solving the linear program is polynomial in D The number of variables is O(M·D). The number of constraints is O(M·D).
Approximation Scheme u Goal: reduce the value of the end-to-end delay restriction D. u Delete from the network all the links with a delay d e >D. u Delay scaling: u Apply the linear program for the new instance. As the new instance relax the original instance the congestion is not worse then the optimum. u Convert each non-simple path into a simple path. u Total error for a path: N· . u New end-to-end delay: D+ N· =D∙(1+є).
Minimizing the congestion under delay-jitter restrictions u Idea: restrict the minimum end-to-end delay L and the maximum end-to-end delay U of the routing paths. u It is sufficient to add the linear program a minimum end-to-end delay restriction L. New Linear Program. u Given a delay-jitter restriction J and an end-to-end delay D For each L [0,D-J] solve the new linear program with a minimum and a maximum end-to-end delay restrictions L, L+J, respectively. u Scaling down the end-to-end delay restriction D produces an є- optimal approximation scheme for the case where d max =O(J). Details.
Agenda u Introduction & summary of results u Multipath routing schemes for survivable networks u Multipath routing schemes for congestion minimization u Selfish multipath routing u Online multipath routing for congestion minimization u Future research
Selfish Routing u Network users are selfish. Do not care about social welfare. Want to optimize their performance. u A central Question: how much does the network performance suffer from the lack of global regulation? u A flow is at Nash Equilibrium if no user can improve its performance. May not exist. May not be unique. u The price of anarchy: The worst case ratio between the performance of a Nash equilibrium and the optimal performance.
Previous Work u [Koutsoupias/Papadimitriou] First paper to propose quantifying the cost of lack of regulation. Concentrated on two node networks. u [Roughgarden] General networks. Infinite number of users. users route traffic along the minimum latency path. The price of anarchy is unbounded.
Model u A set of users U. u For each user, a positive flow demand u and a source- destination pair (s u,t u ). u For each link e, a performance function q e (∙). q e (∙) is continuous and increasing for all links. u Users behavior Users are selfish. They optimize bottleneck objectives u Network Bottleneck objective Additive objective
Non-uniqueness of Nash Equilibrium s t u One user wants to transfer 1 unit from s to t. u Assume that q e (f e )=f e for each e E. u (f p1 =1, f p2 =0) & (f p1 =0, f p2 =1) are Nash flows with respect to unsplittable flow vectors. u (f p1 =0.5, f p2 =0.5) & (f p1 =0.25, f p2 =0.75) are Nash flows with respect to splittable flow vectors. u We identified two different Nash flow for each routing approach. e2e2 e1e1 e3e3 p1p1 p2p2
Existence of Nash Equilibrium Definition: integral flow vector is a feasible flow vector where is integral in for each user u U and p P. u Theorem: Considering integral flow vector there exists a Nash equilibrium for each N +. The existence of NEP for Single-path Routing corresponds to the case where N=1. The existence of NEP for Multipath Routing corresponds to the case where N →∞. However, still needs to prove for the case where “N =∞”. The proof of the theorem.
No price of anarchy for bottleneck network objectives u The price of anarchy is usually more than 1 and it is often unbounded. Roughgarden: the price of anarchy is unbounded. Papadimitriou: the price of anarchy is u Theorem: Given an instance [G(V,E), U,q e (·)]. If multipath routing is allowed then the price of anarchy is 1. Proof. u Braess paradox: the addition of links to noncooperative networks can negatively impact performance of all users. However, cannot occur for multipath routing (when q e (0)=0).
Price of anarchy is at most M with additive objectives u Theorem: Given an instance [G(V,E), U,q e (·)]. If multipath routing is allowed than the price of anarchy with respect to additive network objectives is M. u Proof: Let f and f * denote a Nash and an optimal flow, correspondingly. Therefore, B(f) ≤ B(f * ). Therefore, max e E {q e (f)} ≤ max e E {q e (f * )}. Hence, ∑ e E q e (f)≤ M∙max E {q e (f)} ≤M∙max e E {q e (f * )} ≤M∙∑ e E q e (f * ) ■ u Corollary: Driving users to route traffic according to bottleneck metrics bounds the price of anarchy of additive network objectives to M.
Bad news for single-path-routing u The price of anarchy is unbounded for single path routing Additive network objectives. Bottleneck network objectives. A = B = 2∙ ST Additive Bottleneck Optimal flow Nash flow Price of anarchy
Agenda u Introduction & summary of results u Multipath routing schemes for survivable networks u Multipath routing schemes for congestion minimization u Selfish multipath routing u Online multipath routing for congestion minimization u Future research
The Model u Requests arrive one at a time and there is no a priori knowledge regarding future demands. u Each request specifies: the source s r and destination t r. the requested flow demand r. the maximum number of routing paths k r that can carry the demand. u Goal: Route all demands while minimizing the network congestion factor. u For the case were demands are limited to single an O(logN)- competitive strategy was derived by Aspnes, Azar, Fiat, Plotkin, Waarts.
Evaluating the Quality of Online Algorithms u A solution is offline if it is based on the entire input sequence. u The competitive ratio is the worst case ratio between the performance of the online algorithm and the performance of the optimal offline algorithm. u In our case the performance is the network congestion factor. u The entire requests sequence is denoted by R.
Minimizing the congestion under integrality restrictions u A path flow is /K-integral if the flow of each request r R over each path is integral in r /K r. u Theorem: The optimal network congestion factor of a /K-integral path flow is larger by a factor of at most 2 than the optimal network congestion factor of a path flow that admits at most K r paths for each request r R. Proof. A /K-integral path flow employs at most K r paths for each r R. u Corollary: minimizing the congestion while restricting the flow to be integral in /K is a 2-approximation scheme.
Online solution u Upon the arrival of the n th request: Split the request to K n successive requests to transfer n /K n flow units. Employ the online strategy of plotkin at el to route the demands over single paths. u Plotkin’s online strategy produces a competitive ratio of O(logN). u Therefore, we establish an online strategy with a competitive ratio of O(logN) for /K-integral path flows. u Therefore, we establish an online strategy for our original problem with a competitive ratio of 2·O(logN)=O(logN). snsn n /K n tntn
A Lower Bound of Ω(logN) for Multipath Routing S VNVN V N-1 V3V3 V2V2 V1V1 The K-th request wishes to transfer a flow demand of flow units from S to some target in layer K.
A Lower Bound of Ω(logN) for Multipath Routing (cont.) u After logN requests the network congestion factor is at least ½∙logN. u The optimal offline algorithm can achieve a network congestion factor of 1. S VNVN V N-1 V3V3 V2V2 V1V1
A Lower Bound of Ω(logN) for Multipath Routing (cont.) There exists a lower bound of ½∙logN for networks with at most N’=N∙logN+N ≤2 N∙logN nodes. u We have to show that ½∙logN=Ω(logN’). u Indeed, there exists C>0 and N>N 0 such that logN’=logN+log(2·logN)=logN+log2+loglogN ≤ C∙ ½∙logN. There exists a lower bound of Ω(logN) for the best possible competitive ratio. Our online algorithm is best possible.
Agenda u Introduction & summary of results u Multipath routing schemes for survivable networks u Multipath routing schemes for congestion minimization u Online multipath routing for congestion minimization u Selfish multipath routing u Future research
Future research u Deepening the current work Deepening the current work u Selfishness in multipath routing Selfishness in multipath routing u Online multipath routing for finite holding time connections Online multipath routing for finite holding time connections u Other congestion criteria Other congestion criteria u Multipath routing and security Multipath routing and security u Recovery schemes for multipath routing Recovery schemes for multipath routing u Multipath routing and wireless networks Multipath routing and wireless networks u Fairness in multipath routing Fairness in multipath routing u Time dependent flow demands in multipath routing Time dependent flow demands in multipath routing
Deepening the Current Work u Consider for the proposed schemes Distributed implementation Heuristic schemes with low complexity Multi-commodity extensions (congestion minimization) Already considered in the scheme that restricts the end-to-end delay. u Establish a unifying scheme that bounds the number of paths, the end to end delay of each path, and the delay-jitter among all paths. Online computation Offline computation
Selfishness in Multipath Routing u In networks that have many users, the price of anarchy with respect to additive metrics may be very large. u If all users route their traffic with respect to bottleneck objectives, the price of anarchy with respect to additive network objectives is at most M. u Driving users to route traffic according to bottleneck metrics bounds the price of anarchy to M. u Advertising only the condition of the worst links may cause users to route traffic according to bottleneck metrics. In that case, what can be said on the price of anarchy when the network manager advertises the condition of the K-worst links?
Online Multipath Routing for finite holding time connections u We have established an online strategy for permanent connections (i.e., connections with infinite holding times). In practice, the holding times are usually finite. u There are online routing schemes with provable performance guarantees for the finite holding time case. The holding time may be specified upon arrival Only the distribution on the holding time is known. No information on the holding time. u Investigate multipath routing for the finite holding time model. Investigate the lower bound. Establish corresponding multipath routing schemes.
Other Congestion Criteria u Thus far, we measured congestion according to the most utilized links in the network. u Although these links are the most severely affected by congestion, other links are affected as well. u Moreover, there are cases where congestion is better modeled through non-linear optimization functions. u Consider other optimization functions for congestion. More general link congestion functions. Already considered in the work on selfish routing. Congestion functions that consider all the links in the network.
Multipath Routing and Security u Only the target sees the whole data stream when it is split among several node-disjoint paths. u Reconstructing the data stream is possible only at the target node. u It is essential to Identify several node disjoint paths. Assign a limited portion of the traffic over each path. u Develop multipath routing schemes that engage this inherent advantage The solution must consider the requirements of multipath routing.
Recovery Schemes for Multipath Routing u Multipath Routing has the advantage of fast restoration upon a failure. u Upon a path failure, the data stream that traveled over the failed path may be split along the remaining paths. Avoid additional path computation and resource reservation. u Requires that the sum of the spare capacities of the remaining paths is not smaller than the flow on the failed path. u Establish multipath routing schemes that enable fast recovery while considering the requirements of multipath routing.
Multipath Routing and Wireless networks u Energy Efficient Routing In wireless networks nodes have a limited power resources (batteries). Energy consumption is proportional to node transmission rates. Therefore, splitting the traffic among several paths can prolong the time until the first battery is exhausted. Establish schemes that maximizes the network’s lifetime while considering the requirements of multipath routing. u Survivability in wireless networks Standard survivability schemes establish pairs of disjoint paths. If two links that belong to different paths are too near, noise can affect both links. Establish schemes that consider the minimum physical distance between two links that belong to different paths.
Fairness in Multipath Routing u A commodity may attempt to establish too many paths In order to maximize its bandwidth. In order to maximize its survivability. u This may come at the expense of other commodities. E.g., a commodity may use too many entries in a (limited) routing table. u Seek suitable fairness criteria for multipath routing and establish schemes that incorporate the new criteria.
Time Dependent Flow Demands in Multipath Routing u We have assumed that flow demands are constant in time. u Often, flow demands are not constant. Users send/receive data for short periods of time. The TCP congestion control mechanism changes transmission rates with time. Extend our model to cases where → (t).
The End
Two Paths are Enough u Theorem Let (p 1,p 2,…, p k ) P (s,t) ×P (s,t) ×…×P (s,t) be a p-survivable connection. There exists a p-survivable connection that has at least the bandwidth of (p 1,p 2,…, p k ) with respect to the 1:1 (alternatively 1+1) protection architecture. u Proof Remove from the network all the links that are not used by the paths of (p 1,p 2,…, p k ). We have to show that there exists a pair of paths in the resulting network such that Assign to each link two units of capacity, and assign to all other links one unit of capacity. There exists a pair of paths that intersect only on links from iff it is possible to define an integral link flow that transfers two flow units from s to t. Hence, it is sufficient to show that it is possible to define an integral link flow that transfers two flow units from s to t.
Two Paths are Enough u Proof (cont) However, since all capacities are integral, the maximum flow that can be transferred from s to t is equal to the maximum flow that can be transferred from s to t when the integrality restriction is omitted. Hence, we left to show that it is possible to transfer two flow units from s to t. Suppose by the way of contradiction that it is impossible to transfer two flow units from s to t. Hence, according to the max-flow min cut theorem there exists a cut (S,T) with s S and t T such that Therefore, since the capacity of all links is integral it follows that C(S,T)≤1. Hence, since each link has at least one unit of capacity, it follows that at most one link crosses (S,T). Denote this link by e. Since C(S,T)≤1 it follows that c e ≤1. Obviously all paths from (p 1,p 2,…, p k ) must traverse through e. Hence, Therefore, by construction c e =2, which contradicts the fact that c e ≤1.
Establishing the widest p-survivable connection u Why is it enough to perform the search over the set If one path admits a link e then the bandwidth of the connection is at most c e. If both paths admit a link e then the bandwidth of the connection is at most c e /2. Hence, by definition, there exists at least one tight link e E such that the bandwidth of the connection is either c e or c e /2. u Why O(logN) executions of a min cost flow algorithm ? The set contains 2·M elements. A binary search over the set enables to consider O(log2·M)=O(logN) values.
The end-to-end delay restriction is intractable A special case of our problem: Is there a path flow that transfers flow units from s to t such that if path p transfers a positive amount of flow then D(p) ≤ D? The partition problem: Given an ordered set of elements a 1, a 2,…, a 2n that constitute a set A with a size s(a) + for each a A, is there a subset A’ A such that A’ contains exactly one element of a 2i-1, a 2i for 1 ≤ i ≤ n such that ∑ a A’ s(a)=∑ a A\A’ s(a)? u All link capacities are 1. Claim: It is possible to transfer 2 flow units over paths whose end-to-end delays are not larger than ½∑ a A s(a) iff there is a subset A’ A such that A’ contains exactly one element of a 2i-1, a 2i for 1 ≤ i ≤ n and ∑ a A’ s(a)=∑ a A\A’ s(a). S(a 1 ) S(a 3 ) S(a 5 ) S(a 2n-1 ) S T S(a 2 )S(a 4 ) S(a 6 ) S(a 2n )
The end-to-end delay restriction is intractable <= There is a a subset A’ A such that A’ contains exactly one element of a 2i-1, a 2i for 1≤i≤n and ∑ a A’ s(a)=∑ a A\A’ s(a). The selection of the links that correspond to the elements of A’ and the zero delay links that connect these links constitutes a path p. Path p is disjoint to the path that the complement subset A\A’ defines. Since all capacities are equal to 1, we have two disjoint paths that can transfer together 2 units of flow. The end-to-end delay of each path is ½∑ a A s(a).=> There is a path flow that transfers two flow units over paths that are not larger than ½∑ a A s(a). Let p be a path that carries a positive flow; by construction, p contains exactly one element of a 2i-1, a 2i for 1≤i≤n. Since all the links have one unit of capacity p can transfer at most 1 flow unit. Therefore, there exists a path p’ that is disjoint to p that transfers a positive flow; by construction, p’=A\p Hence, D(p) ≤ ½∑ a A s(a) and D(p’) ≤ ½∑ a A s(a). Therefore, since D(p)+ D(p’)=∑ a A s(a) it follows that ∑ a p s(a)=∑ a p’ s(a)=½∑ a A s(a).
The delay jitter restriction is intractable A special case of our problem: Is there a path flow that transfers flow units from s to t such that if path p 1, p 2 transfers a positive amount of flow then D(p 1 )-D(p 2 ) ≤ J? u Reduction from the problem with end-to-end delay restriction. S T A link with a capacity ∑c e and a zero delay. It is possible to transfer flow units in network A over paths with end-to-end delay at most W iff it is possible to transfer +∑ce flow units in network B over paths with delay jitter restriction W. S T A B
The restriction on the number of paths is intractable u A special case of our problem: Is there a path flow that transfers flow units from s to t over at most K paths? The single source unsplittable flow problem: Given a network G with a source s, targets t 1, t 2,…, t k and corresponding demands D 1, D 2,…, D k, is there an assignment of traffic to paths such that for each 1 ≤ i ≤ k demand D i is routed over a single path without violating the capacity constraints? Claim: There exists a path flow that transfers = D 1 + D 2 +…+ D k flow units from S to T over at most K paths iff it is possible to find an assignment of the demands D 1, D 2,…, D k to paths such that D i, 1 ≤ i ≤ k is routed over a single path without violating the capacity constraints There is exactly one path from S to t i for each 1 ≤ i ≤ k. Hence, there are exactly K paths from S to T that carry a positive flows. There is at least one path from S to t i for each 1 ≤ i ≤ k. However, since there are at most K paths there is exactly one path from S to t i for each 1 ≤ i ≤ k. S t1t1 t2t2 tktk T D1D1 D2D2 DkDk
Waxman and Power-law topologies u Waxman networks: Source and destination are located at the diagonally opposite corner of a square area of unit dimension. 198 nodes are uniformly spread over the square. A link between two nodes u,v exists with a probability, which depends on the distance between them δ(u,v): where α=1.8, β=0.05. u Power-law networks: We assigned a number of out-degree credits to each node, using the power-law distribution β∙x -α where α=0.75 and β=0.05. Then, we connected the nodes so that every node obtained the assigned out-degree.
Minimizing the congestion under delay-jitter restrictions
Approximation scheme for the restriction on the delay jitter u We impose a restriction 1≤H≤N-1 on the hop count. Important in order to cope with routing loops. u We present an approximation scheme for the case where d max =O(J). The number of variables is in the order of M∙H∙min{ D,H∙d max } ≤ M∙H 2 ·d max. u The delay of each link is reduced to smaller integral value. u Total error in the evaluation of the delay of each path is H∙Δ. u A pair of paths that originally have a delay jitter J may now have a delay jitter J+H∙Δ. u Therefore, in order to relax the new instance the delay jitter restriction is:
Approximation scheme for the restriction on the delay jitter u Assume that p 1, p 2 transfers a positive flow in the output. We will show that D(p 1 )-D(p 2 )≤J(1+є).
Approximation scheme for the restriction on the delay jitter u Assume that p transfers a positive flow in the output. We will show that D(p) ≤D(1+є).
Existence of Nash Equilibrium u The joint strategy space is finite. Each user selects at most N out of |P (s,t) | possible paths. There are at most |U| users. u By the way of contradiction assume that there is no Nash equilibrium. u Each profile in the joint strategy space has a player that can improve its bottleneck. u Let be a sequence of profiles such that for each two profiles f i, f i+1 exactly one user in f i+1 reroutes its traffic and improves its bottleneck with respect to f i. u After a finite number of transitions between successive profiles we must encounter the same profile. u Let u be a user that achieves the worst (not constant) bottleneck in all profiles. Let f k be the profile where u achieves for the first time the worst bottleneck. u There exists in profile f k-1 exactly one user u’ that improves its bottleneck. u However, since u’ ships traffic through the bottleneck of u in f k, u’ is not improving its bottleneck.
No price of anarchy for bottleneck network objectives Theorem: Given an instance [G(V,E), U,q e (·)]. If multipath routing is allowed than the price of anarchy is 1. proof : u Notations f- Nash flow. (f)- The collection of users that ship traffic through a network bottleneck in f. g- Path flow f without the users U\ (f) and their respective flows. E’ – The collection of all network bottlenecks with respect to g. P(e)- The collection of all paths that traverse through link e. u Lemma: g is a Nash flow that satisfies B(f)=B(g) b u (g)=B(g) for each user u (f). Proof.
No price of anarchy for bottleneck network objectives (cont.) u By contradiction assume the existence of a flow vector h, B(h)<B(g) u Since g is a Nash flow, every path p P (s u,t u ) where u (f) must traverse through at least one network bottleneck from E’. Therefore, for each bottleneck u (f). u Therefore, u Therefore, since the total traffic of every feasible flow vector that traverses through the paths equals to, the total traffic that traverse through equals to both in g and in h.
No price of anarchy for bottleneck network objectives (cont.) u Since B(h)<B(g) it follows that q e (h e )<q e (g e ) for each e E’. u Therefore, h e < g e for each e E’. u Therefore, the traffic that traverses through P(e) is smaller in h than in g for each e E’. u Therefore, the traffic that traverses through is smaller in h than in g. u However, this contradicts the fact that the total traffic of the paths in is the same in flow vector h and g. Since B(g) is optimal and since B(f)=B(g), it follows that B(f) is optimal (the bottleneck of f that also satisfy the demands of all the users in (f) can only be worse than the bottleneck of g)
Proof of the Lemma u Let E’’ be the collection of all bottlenecks with respect to f. u B(f)=B(g): By definition, the traffic that is carried over E’’ belongs only to (f). Therefore, since for each u (f) and p P, it holds that for each e E’’. Therefore, B(f)=B(g). b u (g)=B(g) for each user u (f). Consider a user u (f). u must ship traffic through at least one link from E’’ in flow vector f. Since for each u (f) and p P, it follows that u must also ship positive traffic through a link from E’’ in flow vector g. Since q e (g e )=q e (f e )=B(f) for each e E’’, it follows that b u (g)=B(g). u g is at Nash equilibrium: Since f is a Nash flow, every path p P (s u,t u ) where u (f) must traverse through at least one network bottleneck from E’’.
Proof of the Lemma We have shown that all bottlenecks of f remain unchanged in g. Therefore, every path p P (s u,t u ) where u (f) traverses through one network bottleneck with respect to g. By contradiction, assume there exists a user u (f) in g, that can improve its bottleneck. Let E (s u,t u ) be the collection of all network bottlenecks in g on paths from P (s u,t u ). Let P(e) be the collection of all paths that traverse through e. u can improve its bottleneck only if it reduces the total traffic that it carries over paths from P(e) for each employed link e E (s u,t u ). Therefore, it must ship traffic to other paths from P (s u,t u ). However, we have shown that all other paths already traverse through at least one bottleneck from E (s u,t u ).
Minimizing congestion while restricting the number of paths u Theorem: The optimal network congestion factor of a /K-integral path flow is larger by a factor of at most 2 than the optimal network congestion factor of a path flow that admits at most K r paths for each request r R. u Proof: Let f * be a path flow that has the smallest network congestion factor α * among all path flows that transfers for each r R, r flow units from S r to T r over at most K r paths. f=2∙f* is a path flow with a network congestion factor 2∙α* that transfers 2 r flow units from S r to T r over at most K r paths for each r R. For each r R, round down the flow f(p) over each path p P (s r,t r ) to a multiple of r /K r. Let f R be the resulting path flow. Given a network G(V,E) and a source- destination pair. For each r R, f transfers 2 r flow units over at most K r paths. Therefore, f R transfers at least r flow units from S r to T r for each r R f R is a /K - integral path flow that transfers at least r flow units from S r to T r for each r R and has a network congestion factor of at most 2∙ α *.
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