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Bi 212: Lecture 3 Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida.

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1 Bi 212: Lecture 3 Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida

2 Phylum Platyhelminthes: The flatworms   Require an aquatic habitat  Often under rocks   Some free- living, but many parasitic forms  Hosts provide aqueous environment

3 Evolutionary relationships

4 Platyhelminthes are triploblastic, but have no body cavity  Note positions of embryonic tissue layers (section is not through pharynx…)

5 Protostomes vs. deuterostomes

6 Basic Platyhelminthes features  Eversible pharynx  How does it work?  Gastrovascular cavity  Functions  Water and ion balance  Protonephridia (flame bulb system)  Nervous system  Brain? Nerve cords? Sensory structures?  Movement  Muscles  Cilia and mucus

7 Reproduction  Hermaphrodites  Internal fertilization  penis, sometimes with stylet  hypodermic impregnation (R-rated flick)  Penis is also used for???

8 Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings Fig. 33.12  Tapeworms are one many types of parasitic Platyhelminthes

9 Phylum Nematoda: The roundworms   Covered with cuticle like Arthropoda  Contains chitin  Molts cuticle as it grows   Most abundant phylum in terms of numbers (?)   Found in nearly every environment   Some free-living, but also important parasites on plants/animals

10 Evolutionary relationships

11 Nematode body cavity: pseudocoelom  Mesoderm on inside of body wall, but not surrounding gut (thus not a true coelom or “eucoelom”)  Roles of pseudocoelom?

12 Body plan  Feeding/digestive system  Nematodes suck!  Complete digestive system  Gas exchange  Body surface  Intestinal surface (minimal)  Body cavity (pseudocoelom)  No circulatory system  Excretory system/osmotic regulation  “lateral line”, not well understood  Locomotion:  Have only longitudinal muscles  Demo: The nematode swim!  Elastic cuticle

13 Body plan (cont.)  Nervous system  “Brain”: nerve ring  Four nerve cords (where?)  Ganglia along ventral cord  What are ganglia?  Unique connection of muscles and nerves  What is unique about them?  Sensory structures

14 Reproduction, etc…  Reproduction  Sexes usually separate, but some hermaphrodites  Internal fertilization  Many parasitic forms  Trichina worms  Heartworms  River blindness  Elephantiasis  Also parasitic in plants

15 Phylum Annelida: The segmented worms

16 Evolutionary relationships

17 Acoelomates, Pseudocoelomates and Coelomates

18 PseudocoelomCoelom  Surface area for nutrient absorption and gas exchange ++ Larger organs++ Fluid cushions/ protects organs ++ Hydrostatic skeleton is possible ++ Completely lined by mesoderm -+ Mesenteries suspend internal organs -+ Independent movement of gut -+

19 Basic Annelida features  Have all features of protostomes (know!)  Have body segmentation (new feature)  Repetition of body parts  Similar structures found in each region  Some specialization of regions  Some continuous parts (digestive system)

20 Annelid diversity Class Polychaeta Class Oligochaeta Class Hirudinea

21 Body Plan   Digestive system  Complete  Specialized regions   Circulation  Closed system  Multiple hearts   Gas exchange  Body surface  Coelom  *Parapodia (Polychaetes only)   Excretory  Metanephridia

22 Body Plan (cont.)   Nervous system  Brain (=cerebral ganglia)  Ventral nerve cord (fused pair of cords)  One ganglion per segment   Movement  Peristalsis  Setae

23 Feeding in different classes  Class Oligochaeta: Earthworms  Earth suckers (create vacuum by expanding muscular pharynx)  Why important in ecosystem?  Class Polychaeta: Marine segmented worms  Many are tentacle feeders  Many other feeding modes  Class Hirudinea: Leeches  Food suckers (create vacuum by expanding pharynx, digestive tract)  How do blood sucking leeches feed?.  What three substances do blood sucking leeches secrete to aid in the process?  NOTE: Not all leeches are blood suckers!

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