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200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt Double Jeopardy 100.

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Presentation on theme: "200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt Double Jeopardy 100."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt Double Jeopardy 100 pt PopulationSoilBiodiversityForests

2 Two countries with the highest population.

3 What is China and India?

4 The four factors that influence a population’s size.

5 What is birth, death, immigration and emigration?

6 A demographic transition stage characterized by high birth and death rates.

7 What is the pre-industrial stage?

8 A reason for fertility decline in Bagladesh.

9 What is family planning?

10 The country with the greatest ecological foot print (ha/person).

11 What is the U.S.?

12 A farming method used in Brazil for reducing soil erosion.

13 What is no-till farming?

14 The layer or horizon of soil that is most nutritive for plants.

15 What is the A horizon or topsoil?

16 A method used to conserve soil when cultivating crops on a hilly or mountainous terrain.

17 What is terracing?

18 An intensive form of agriculture that uses large amounts of fertilizer, pesticides, water, and heavy equipment.

19 What is the green revolution?

20 Genetic modification saved this Hawaiian crop against the ring spot virus.

21 What is papaya?

22 A scientist that classifies species by their similarity into a hierarchy of categories meant to reflect their evolutionary relationships.

23 What is a taxonomist?

24 The taxonomic address in hierarchical order from largest group to smallest.

25 What is Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species?

26 An area that supports an especially great diversity of species that are endemic to the area.

27 What is a hot spot?

28 The panda bear symbol for the World Wildlife Fund is an example of this type of species.

29 What is a flagship species ?

30 An invasive species that decimated the bird population on Guam.

31 What is brown tree snake?

32 The controversy over habitat fragmentation and keeping an area intact.

33 What is SLOSS dilemma?

34 The removal of dead trees following a natural disturbance.

35 What is salvage logging?

36 Burning of forests under carefully controlled conditions.

37 What is prescribed burn?

38 In forestry or fisheries management where the goal is to achieve the largest amount of resource extraction without depleting the resource from one harvest to the next.

39 What is a maximum sustainable yield?

40 Most U.S. timber harvests occur on this type of land.

41 What is private?









50 A form of agriculture often used in the rainforest where a plot is cultivated for a few years and then abandoning it.

51 What is slash and burn agriculture or swidden?

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