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Safer Working Practices: good for pupils, good for staff Deborah Steele Schools Advisor (Child Protection) Wiltshire Council January 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Safer Working Practices: good for pupils, good for staff Deborah Steele Schools Advisor (Child Protection) Wiltshire Council January 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safer Working Practices: good for pupils, good for staff Deborah Steele Schools Advisor (Child Protection) Wiltshire Council January 2012

2 Why are we here today? Strong commitment from School’s senior management to safer practice To understand why a shared understanding of safer practice is important, reflecting guidance, policy and procedure To ensure that safer practice is firmly embedded in this school’s culture and practice To develop strategies to support safer practice To think about what already exists in this school, and what else needs to happen

3 Win-win Good for pupils Good for staff Good for the School

4 Drivers for change Death of Victoria Climbie 2000 Death of Lauren Wright 2000 Every Child Matters: Staying Safe S.175/157 Education Act 2002 Soham - Bichard recommendations Experience from allegations against staff

5 s.175 Education Act 2002 Statutory duty for schools “to safeguard and promote the welfare of children” (s.157 Education Act – same provision for independent schools and academies)

6 Every Child Matters: the 5 outcomes Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being

7 Multi-agency working Children Act 2004 Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) – Multi-Agency Child Protection Procedures

8 Government Guidance Working Together: a guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children (Government Depts 2010) Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education (DfES 2007) Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults Who Work with Children and Young People in Education Settings (DCFS March 2009)

9 Elements of safe practice Safe practice Safer recruitment procedures and practice Culture of openness/challenge Dealing effectively with allegations

10 Focus on prevention Recruitment: ‘weed out’ / reject unsuitable people Induction, training and support for staff: reduce risk of staff unwittingly making themselves or pupils vulnerable Culture of openness and challenge: bring to light instances of poor or inappropriate practice

11 Safer practice: some key principles Welfare of the child is paramount Transparency professional reason for any action

12 Openness and challenge: Supported by polices, procedures and training –Government guidance on Safer Practice –School’s Code of Conduct for Safe Practice –Whistle-blowing policy –Procedure for dealing with allegations against staff

13 Openness and challenge: Appropriate and inappropriate conduct Professional reason for all conduct All staff responsible for safeguarding all children and young people

14 Allegations against staff Chapter 5 Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education 2007 – multi-agency child protection Wiltshire Council procedures

15 What next? Embedding safer practice in the school’s culture and practice Ensuring that the Code of Conduct is a well-understood working tool, not more ‘wallpaper’ Identifying any additional staff training or support needs and making provision for them

16 What next? Embedding safer practice in the school’s culture and practice Ensuring that the Code of Conduct is a well-understood working tool, not more ‘wallpaper’ Identifying any additional staff training or support needs and making provision for them

17 Focus on prevention Recruitment: ‘weed out’ / reject unsuitable people Induction, training and support for staff: reduce risk of staff unwittingly making themselves or pupils vulnerable Culture of openness and challenge: bring to light instances of poor or inappropriate practice

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