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Constitution Basics The Federal Government. I. Who James Madison, “Father of the Constitution” Alexander Hamilton, “Father of the First Bank of America”

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Presentation on theme: "Constitution Basics The Federal Government. I. Who James Madison, “Father of the Constitution” Alexander Hamilton, “Father of the First Bank of America”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Constitution Basics The Federal Government

2 I. Who James Madison, “Father of the Constitution” Alexander Hamilton, “Father of the First Bank of America” John Jay, “Father of the Supreme Court” 1787The Founding Fathers2

3 II. Where Begins in Annapolis, MD as a convention to resolve trade issues Moves to Philadelphia, PA for nostalgic reasons As a federal republic, NYC was the first capital of the government 1785-1789Place3

4 III. When 1787—Constitution drafted 1788—Constitution ratified 1789—Constitution goes into effect when Geo. Washington is inaugurated as President in March 1787-1789Dates4

5 IV. Why The Articles of Confederation were too weak – Can’t tax – Can’t enforce (no executive) – Can’t make laws without a super majority – Can’t make changes unless unanimous 1779-1788Articles—First Constitution5

6 V. How A Series of Compromises 3/5 of all slaves for representation and taxing Bicameral legislature (big state v small state) States give up western land claims 1787-1788Debates6

7 VI. What Three Branches of Government – Legislative (law-making) – Executive (law-enforcing) – Judicial (law-interpreting) Separation of Powers Checks and Balances EnlightenmentBaron Montesquieu7

8 Officials 1788 ffManpower8

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