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1 Preliminary Cable Labor Estimate Howard Budd University of Rochester Rochester Meeting Dec 4 2008.

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1 1 Preliminary Cable Labor Estimate Howard Budd University of Rochester Rochester Meeting Dec 4 2008

2 2 Attempt to estimate labor To estimate the amount of time it takes a person to build a part you need to know the number parts and amount of labor I started by tackling what I thought was the hardest, the post polishing labor time One the labor sheet, we record seperately prepolish and post polish tech time. However post polished cables are in various stages of production and so the number of parts is not defined Janina was working on T2K production so effectively all post polishing production for cables stopped, so there was no way to estimate post polishing production time

3 3 Estimating Labor time Continuation of the presentation given in Nov Using same technique as I think I can get the quickest answer Tech lists the number tasks he performs for each task and the amount of labor which is charged to the project With the number of tasks and time I can do a least square fit to determine the amount of time each task takes per cable I presented the after polish results in Nov I haven’t changed the calculation as Janina worked on t2k for a significant portion of Nov. Next page gives that result

4 4 Results for Fit for Post Polish Tech Time Post Polish time fit Preglue = 0.93 min Boot = 13.5 min Test Light Tight = 6 min Sort = 0.19 min Paint = 1.95 min Total so far = 22.6 minutes/Cable Same as presented 3 weeks ago

5 5 Before polish Labor time From the start of when Mike Herron joined us he was keeping track of what he did each day. This included the tasks and usually the number of times he did each task. He created information which I would evenually ask him for even though I didn’t ask at the beginning When there was a task which involved a large number times, such as reaming connectors, sometimes he didn’t record the number he did and sometime he gave a guess as the number he did. I took the guess when it was there as the number of times he reamed the connectors For assembling connectors he usually gave the exact number There were some tasks which didn’t take much time, in which he did not list a number I could use, so I just put in some small placeholder

6 6 Mike’s time Mike time= 10.83 (all times minutes) Reaming =.61 Cut tube = 0.11 Assemble Cable = 6.9 Label Cable = -0.013 Inspect before polish = 1 ( a placeholder) Inspect after polish = 1.19 Repair after polish = 1 ( a placeholder)

7 7 Heng Bao’s time Heng Bao started recording the number of tasks when I asked her on the week of Thanksgiving. She defined 4 tasks and there was 5 days of task. In addition the numbers of these 4 tasks she did were about the same each day. Hence, the time of each individual tasks from the fit is probably not meaningful However, the number of these 4 tasks is probably meaningful and probably gives a realistic about of time she is spending on each cable Heng Bao time = 9.91 minutes Total before polish = 20.75 minutes Will probably try to look at the labor sheets to see if this is in the right ball park, but that will take a little while

8 8 Optical Cable QC Labor Time The QC files are written with the date and time in the name, Hence I can use this to estimate the QC labor time. The QC consists of Turn on LED and wait atleast 1 hour During this time the tech gets to be tested and clean the connectors with alcohol and blow them dry 3 direct measurements & 3 goldens Measure the cables 3 goldens and 1 direct Put the cables away

9 9 Cable QC labor We do a linear fit of number of cables measured vs the amount of time between the first direct measurement and the last direct measurement. The constant gives an estimate of the 4 direct measurements + the golden measurement. There is probably other inefficiencies in there The linear estimate Constant = 67.25 minutes Time/cable = 3.63 minutes This time does not include the setup time of turning on the LED and cleaning the cables. Lets say this takes 1 hour. Hence Constant = 127.25 minutes

10 10 Labor QC Estimate Need to set up a model for QC, could be wrong In order to understand the status of production better we are trying to group cables in lots of 50 Lets see what happens if we measure in groups of 50 + the 12 before booting cables. In addition we are tying to QC 25% of the cables before booting. This means that the time to QC 50 booted cables is 127.25+62*3.63 minutes = 352.31 minutes 7 minutes/cable ( with an 25% measured before booting)

11 11 Other Labor Estimates We assume that Cables are brought to and taken from lab 7 in groups of 100. Each trip takes about 1 hour. 120 minutes/100 cables = 1.2 min/cable Putting Cables in boxes Dmitre put the Tracking Prototype cables in boxes and filled out the QC sheets in about 3-4 day for 760 cables Time = 4*8*60/760 =.4 min/cable

12 12 For a Grand Sum of The total is 20.75 + 1.2 + 22.7 + 7 + 0.4 = 52.04 minutes 0.868 hours/cable In Project we have 1.39 hours/cable Note this is preliminary as in doing this I have found mistakes as I have done it. Note, no R&D has been taken place by the techs while recording their numbers, so clearly this does not reflect what happened during the tracking prototype

13 13 Status Cable numbers in this file need to be checked Will do it today with Janina Using these new time as weights we get we have made labor weighted 1853 cables 4379 to make (NOT including recent additions or our failures, need to put this in) Total cables to make = 2536 cables 2192 hours, 1.25 tech years to finish cables

14 14 Discussion I have done some of this yesterday, so it will need some checking Have not included additional cables or ODUs Cable Labor Janina can work probably 40% on mapping Mike 50% Hang Bao about 50% Not clear on Dmitre or Note 50% time of a day is not efficient on clear cable QC If this were put into effect we would need to continue to see if the predictions were born out.

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