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The chromatin Yin / Yang

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1 The chromatin Yin / Yang
9-98 The chromatin Yin / Yang Heterochromatin Euchrochromatin - Heavily condensed - Gene poor Silent genes Late replicating DNA hypermethylated - Rich in histone H1 Histones have repressive post translational marks - Less condensed - Gene rich Active genes Early replicating DNA hypomethylated - Poor in histone H1 Histones have specific, activating post translational marks

2 Where on the chromosomes are condensed and open chromatin located?
9-98 Where on the chromosomes are condensed and open chromatin located? Condensed chromatin Open chromatin Constitutive Heterochromatin Typical of the active gene loci along the chromosomal arms Telomeres Centromeres Condensed chromatin is also found at several silent genes located in the chromosomal arms Polycomb group and trithorax group genes are important regulators of chromatin along the chromosomal arms

3 Chromatin 9-98 Polycomb (PcG) and trithorax (trxG) group proteins: epigenetic regulators of genome function Originally discovered in Drosophila as regulators of Homeotic genes, responsible for specification of the body plan, they also regulate many other targets involved in cell differentiation and proliferation PcG proteins silence genes, trxG proteins activate them Conserved throughout evolution In human, they maintain the fates of differentiated cells, but they are also required for cell proliferation and the maintenance of several types of stem cells including ES cells. Finally, they regulate X-inactivation in females as well as genomic imprinting Mutations in PcG and trxG genes induce many different cancers

4 PcG, trxG, and maintenance of gene expression
Chromatin 9-98 Early development OFF ON Maternal, Gap, Pair-rule, Segment polarity Establishment of patterns Ubx OFF ON Polycomb-Group Maintenance phase trithorax-Group Transmission of pattern after disappearance of early factors OFF ON Intro

5 Members of the PcG and of the trxG
Chromatin 9-98 Members of the PcG and of the trxG PcG Gene protein motifs PhoRC Complex Pleiohomeotic (pho) Zinc-finger (DNA binding) Esc/E(z) Complex Enhancer of zeste (E(z)) SET (H3K27MTase) extra sex combs (esc) WD repeat Polycomb (Pc) chromo domain (Binding to H3 methyl K9 or K27) PRC1 complex polyhomeotic (ph) Zinc finger, SAM domain Posterior sex combs (Psc) RING finger trxG Gene protein motifs FACT complex Trithorax-like (Trl) BTB/POZ (dimerization) Zinc finger (DNA binding) TAC1 complex trithorax (trx) SET (H3K4HMTase)/ PHD-finger Ash-1 SET (H3/H4HMTase)/ PHD-finger Brm complex bromo domain brahma (brm) (DNA dependent ATPase/helicase)

6 PcG proteins bind to specific DNA elements, named PREs
Chromatin PcG proteins bind to specific DNA elements, named PREs 9-98 Bound by PcG proteins in vivo (in polytene chromosomes and by cross-linking experiments) Binding leads to maintenance of PcG-dependent repression of reporter genes Repression is enhanced by the presence of multiple PRE copies

7 Action of PcG and trxG complexes on chromatin
9-98 Action of PcG and trxG complexes on chromatin Nucleosome remodeling (BRM complex) trxG ON Ac Maintenance of active states (open chromatin) Histone acetylation and methylation (TAC1 and ASH1 complexes) Me K4 H3 Target gene PRE OFF PcG Me K27 H3 Deacetylation and methylation (ESC-E(Z) complex) Maintenance of repressed states (compact chromatin) - Chromatin compaction - H2A Ubiquitination (PRC1 complex) Ub H2A

8 What does Polycomb do to chromatin ? Chromatin Condensation
9-98 What does Polycomb do to chromatin ? Chromatin Condensation Recombinant PC-containing complexes can condense an array of 12 nucleosomes in vitro Condensation requires PSC (not PH) protein, and involves histones but does not necessitate histone tails Data from: Francis et al. (2004), Science 306, 1574

9 Chromatin 9-98 2. Silencing of a transgenic reporter gene depends on PcG and trxG proteins Fab-7 UAS-lacZ white Fab-7 Pc -/+ Fab-7 Pc +/+ Fab-7 trx -/+ Fab-7 trx +/+

10 PcG and trxG proteins associate to multiple genomic loci
Chromatin PcG and trxG proteins associate to multiple genomic loci PH DAPI Polytene chromosome staining shows around 100 bands for each PcG protein Merge 9-98

11 Chromatin 9-98 Recruitment of PcG proteins at PREs: chromatin analysis by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and DNA microarrays (chips) Sonicate and purify chromatin (average size = 1 kb) Add antibody and purify antibody-chromatin complexes on Protein A Sepharose, purify DNA and amplify by Linker-mediated PCR Cross-link cells or embryos with formaldehyde to induce protein-DNA crosslinks Use amplified DNA as probe to hybridize DNA chips containing the genome. Extract the distribution profile of the proteins of interest ChIP on chip

12 Example of the chromosomal distribution of PcG proteins at BX-C locus
Ubx AbdB abdA * bx bxd iab iab4 mcp Fab Fab8 BX-C PH Suz12 Pcl PC H3K27me3 E(z) Example of the chromosomal distribution of PcG proteins at BX-C locus

13 PcG proteins form nuclear compartments called PcG bodies
Z axis maximum intensity projection PC / Heterochromatin We count about PcG bodies in diploid nuclei, while ChIP on chip finds over 200 Polycomb domains We postulate that multiple Polycomb domains are clustered in the nucleus !!

14 Genome-wide Chip on chip in ES cells
Chromatin 9-98 PcG proteins are required for the maintenance of ES cell fate, as well as for the fate of hematopoietic and neuronal stem cells and of differentiated cell types Genome-wide Chip on chip in ES cells Transcription factor family members occupied by the PRC2 protein SUZ12 in human ES cells Overlap between PRC1 and PRC2 targets in mouse ES cells Eed (831) Rnf2 (1219) HOX IRX BHLHB PRC2 PRC1 CDX 66 365 TBX MEIS/EVX 94 55 DLX Suz12 (1271) Phc (922) MYO 300 164 HES FOX 512 ATOH NEUROD 98 6 EBF GATA 121 31 POU RUNX 23 SOX PAX NKX SIX LHX Boyer et al. Nature May 18;441(7091): Epub 2006 Apr 19 Lee et al. Cell Apr 21;125(2):301-13

15 Regulation of transcriptional pathways is
a major « raison d’etre » of PcG proteins 48 6 18 26 240 29 Mouse PcG targets Human PcG Fly PcG Transcription factor activity (87.4%) Potassium channel activity (2.8%) Morphogen (2.8%) Receptor activity Electron transporter activity (1.4%) Unknown N=72 common targets to fly and vertebrates Total No. of fly target genes: 260 98 target genes in fly, that have clear human and mouse homologs Unknown (7.7%) mRNA binding (11.45%) Actin binding, cytoskeleton (15.4%) Kinase activity (3.85%) Oxidoreductase activity (3.85%) Dehydrogenase Receptor activity Nucleic acid binding (3.85%) coA ligase activity Alkaline phosphatase Transcription factor activity (38.5%) N=26 unique targets for fly

16 PcG and trxG proteins regulate cell memory and dynamic patterns of gene expression
stem cell maintenance and plasticity proliferation differentiation PcG and trxG proteins X-chromosome inactivation cell fate determination Vertebrates Fly spermatogenesis Genomic imprinting Cancer

17 The ph0 clones show ectopic autonomous mitosis in eye discs
Anti PHOSPHO-H3 wt ph0 clones Image ph505ph36 du dans projet2007

18 Massive overgrowth of adult ph0 eyes
Control Mutant escapers Dossier annemarie60307 dans projet 2°semestre 2006 90% lethal 10% of escapers Polyhomeotic is a tumor suppressor gene !

19 Chromatin 9-98 Allez, on a presque fini… une dernière question: alors, elle a quelle forme cette chromatine en fait ?

20 Chromatin Chromatine active 9-98

21 Chromatin Chromatine réprimée 9-98

22 Website to download this course:
Chromatin 9-98 For more info… Inserm Actualités N. 201, Octobre 2006 ( Polycomb and cancer: Chromatin movie: Website to download this course:

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