flexible, secure, coordinated resource sharing >among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions, and resources (referred to as virtual organizations) –Challenges in such settings >authentication >authorization >resource access >resource discovery >and other challenges"> flexible, secure, coordinated resource sharing >among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions, and resources (referred to as virtual organizations) –Challenges in such settings >authentication >authorization >resource access >resource discovery >and other challenges">
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Grid Computing & Web Services: A Natural Partnership Ian Foster Mathematics and Computer Science Division Argonne National Laboratory and Department of Computer Science The University of Chicago Address of Poznan Supercomputing & Networking Center Poznan, Poland February 7, 2002 Dave Angulo Department of Computer Science The University of Chicago and Mathematics and Computer Science Division Argonne National Laboratory
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Partial Acknowledgements l Open Grid Services Architecture work is performed by –Ian Foster, Globus Co-PI @ Argonne/UofC –Carl Kesselman, Globus Co-PI @ USC/ISI –Steve Tuecke, Globus Toolkit Architect @ANL –Jeff Nick, Steve Graham, Jeff Frey @ IBM l Globus Toolkit R&D involves many fine scientists & engineers at ANL, USC/ISI, and elsewhere (see www.globus.org) l Strong collaborations with many outstanding EU, UK, US Grid projects l Support from DOE, NASA, NSF, Microsoft
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Abstract l "Grid" computing has emerged as an important new field l Distinguished from conventional distributed computing by focus on –Large-scale resource sharing –Innovative applications –High-performance orientation (in some cases) l In this talk, this new field is defined –First, "Grid problem“ reviewed, which Ian Foster defines as >flexible, secure, coordinated resource sharing >among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions, and resources (referred to as virtual organizations) –Challenges in such settings >authentication >authorization >resource access >resource discovery >and other challenges
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Abstract (Cont.) l This class of problem addressed by Grid technologies l Major Grid projects worldwide reviewed –Describe their contributions to the realization of this architecture. l Future Architecture Overview –Open Grid Services Architecture is presented
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Partial Acknowledgements l Globus Toolkit TM –R&D involves >many fine scientists & engineers at ANL/UofC, USC/ISI, and elsewhere (see www.globus.org)www.globus.org –Led by >Ian Foster @ Argonne/UofC >Carl Kesselman @ USC/ISI l Open Grid Services Architecture work performed by –Ian Foster, Globus Co-PI @ Argonne/UofC –Carl Kesselman, Globus Co-PI @ USC/ISI –Steve Tuecke, Globus Toolkit Architect @ANL –Jeff Nick, Steve Graham, Jeff Frey @ IBM l Strong collaborations with many outstanding EU, UK, US Grid projects l Support from DOE, NASA, NSF, Microsoft, IBM
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Grid Computing
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago The Grid Problem Resource sharing & coordinated problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Why Grids? l A biochemist exploits 10,000 computers to screen 100,000 compounds in an hour l 1,000 physicists worldwide pool resources for petaflop analyses of petabytes of data l Civil engineers collaborate to design, execute, & analyze shake table experiments l Climate scientists visualize, annotate, & analyze terabyte simulation datasets l A home user invokes architectural design functions at an application service provider –An application service provider purchases cycles from compute cycle providers
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Elements of the Problem l Resource sharing –Computers, storage, sensors, networks, … –Sharing always conditional: issues of trust, policy, payment, … l Coordinated problem solving –Beyond client-server: distributed data analysis, computation, … l Dynamic, multi-institutional virtual orgs –Community overlays on classic org structures –Large or small, static or dynamic
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Grids: Why Now? l Moore’s law improvements in computing produce highly functional end systems l The Internet and burgeoning wired and wireless provide universal connectivity l Network exponentials produce dramatic changes in geometry and geography
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Grids: Why Now? l Moore’s law improvements in computing produce highly functional endsystems l The Internet and burgeoning wired and wireless provide universal connectivity l Network exponentials produce dramatic changes in geometry and geography –9-month doubling: double Moore’s law! –1986-2001: x340,000; 2001-2010: x4000?
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago The Grid World: Current Status l Dozens of major Grid projects in scientific & technical computing/research & education –Deployment, application, technology l Considerable consensus on key concepts and technologies –Globus Toolkit™ has emerged as de facto standard for major protocols & services l Global Grid Forum has emerged as a significant force –And first “Grid” proposals at IETF
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Selected Major Grid Projects NameURL & SponsorsFocus Access Grid www.mcs.anl.gov/FL/ accessgrid; DOE, NSF Create & deploy group collaboration systems using commodity technologies BlueGridIBMGrid testbed linking IBM laboratories DISCOM www.cs.sandia.gov/ discom DOE Defense Programs Create operational Grid providing access to resources at three U.S. DOE weapons laboratories DOE Science Grid sciencegrid.org DOE Office of Science Create operational Grid providing access to resources & applications at U.S. DOE science laboratories & partner universities Earth System Grid (ESG) earthsystemgrid.org DOE Office of Science Delivery and analysis of large climate model datasets for the climate research community European Union (EU) DataGrid eu-datagrid.org European Union Create & apply an operational grid for applications in high energy physics, environmental science, bioinformatics g g g g g g New
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Selected Major Grid Projects NameURL/SponsorFocus EuroGrid, Grid Interoperability (GRIP) eurogrid.org European Union Create technologies for remote access to supercomputer resources & simulation codes; in GRIP, integrate with Globus Fusion Collaboratory fusiongrid.org DOE Off. Science Create a national computational collaboratory for fusion research Globus Project globus.org DARPA, DOE, NSF, NASA, Msoft Research on Grid technologies; development and support of Globus Toolkit; application and deployment GridLab gridlab.org European Union Grid technologies and applications GridPP gridpp.ac.uk U.K. eScience Create & apply an operational grid within the U.K. for particle physics research Grid Research Integration Dev. & Support Center grids-center.org NSF Integration, deployment, support of the NSF Middleware Infrastructure for research & education g g g g g g New
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Selected Major Grid Projects NameURL/SponsorFocus Grid Application Dev. Software hipersoft.rice.edu/ grads; NSF Research into program development technologies for Grid applications Grid Physics Network griphyn.org NSF Technology R&D for data analysis in physics expts: ATLAS, CMS, LIGO, SDSS Information Power Grid ipg.nasa.gov NASA Create and apply a production Grid for aerosciences and other NASA missions International Virtual Data Grid Laboratory ivdgl.org NSF Create international Data Grid to enable large-scale experimentation on Grid technologies & applications Network for Earthquake Eng. Simulation Grid neesgrid.org NSF Create and apply a production Grid for earthquake engineering Particle Physics Data Grid ppdg.net DOE Science Create and apply production Grids for data analysis in high energy and nuclear physics experiments g g g g g New g
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Selected Major Grid Projects NameURL/SponsorFocus TeraGrid teragrid.org NSF U.S. science infrastructure linking four major resource sites at 40 Gb/s UK eScience Grid grid-support.ac.uk U.K. eScience Support center for Grid projects within the U.K. UnicoreBMBFTTechnologies for remote access to supercomputers g g New Also many technology R&D projects: e.g., Condor, NetSolve, Ninf, NWS See also www.gridforum.org
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Grid Communities & Applications: Data Grids for High Energy Physics Tier2 Centre ~1 TIPS Online System Offline Processor Farm ~20 TIPS CERN Computer Centre FermiLab ~4 TIPS France Regional Centre Italy Regional Centre Germany Regional Centre Institute Institute ~0.25TIPS Physicist workstations ~100 MBytes/sec ~622 Mbits/sec ~1 MBytes/sec There is a “bunch crossing” every 25 nsecs. There are 100 “triggers” per second Each triggered event is ~1 MByte in size Physicists work on analysis “channels”. Each institute will have ~10 physicists working on one or more channels; data for these channels should be cached by the institute server Physics data cache ~PBytes/sec ~622 Mbits/sec or Air Freight (deprecated) Tier2 Centre ~1 TIPS Caltech ~1 TIPS ~622 Mbits/sec Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 4 1 TIPS is approximately 25,000 SpecInt95 equivalents www.griphyn.org www.ppdg.net www.eu-datagrid.org
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Grid Communities and Applications: Mathematicians Solve NUG30 l Community=an informal collaboration of mathematicians and computer scientists l Condor-G delivers 3.46E8 CPU seconds in 7 days (peak 1009 processors) in U.S. and Italy (8 sites) l Solves NUG30 quadratic assignment problem 14,5,28,24,1,3,16,15, 10,9,21,2,4,29,25,22, 13,26,17,30,6,20,19, 8,18,7,27,12,11,23 www.mcs.anl.gov/metaneos: Argonne, Iowa, NWU, Wisconsin
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Grid Communities and Applications: Network for Earthquake Eng. Simulation l NEESgrid: national infrastructure to couple earthquake engineers with experimental facilities, databases, computers, & each other l On-demand access to experiments, data streams, computing, archives, collaboration NEESgrid: Argonne, Michigan, NCSA, UIUC, USC www.neesgrid.org
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago The 13.6 TF TeraGrid: Computing at 40 Gb/s 26 24 8 4 HPSS 5 UniTree External Networks Site Resources NCSA/PACI 8 TF 240 TB SDSC 4.1 TF 225 TB CaltechArgonne TeraGrid/DTF: NCSA, SDSC, Caltech, Argonne www.teragrid.org
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Intl. Virtual Data Grid Lab. Tier0/1 facility Tier2 facility 10+ Gbps link 2.5 Gbps link 622 Mbps link Other link Tier3 facility www.ivdgl.org
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Access Grid l Collaborative work among large groups l ~50 sites worldwide l Use Grid services for discovery, security l www.scglobal.org Ambient mic (tabletop) Presenter mic Presenter camera Audience camera Access Grid: Argonne, others www.accessgrid.org
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Grid Architecture & Globus Toolkit™ l The question: –What is needed for resource sharing & coordinated problem solving in dynamic virtual organizations (VOs)? l The answer: –Major issues identified: membership, resource discovery & access, …, … –Grid architecture captures core elements, emphasizing pre-eminent role of protocols –Globus Toolkit™ has emerged as de facto standard for major protocols & services
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago The Critical Role of Protocols l Need for interoperability when different groups want to share resources –E.g., IP lets me talk to your computer, but how do we establish & maintain sharing? –How do I discover, authenticate, authorize, describe what I want to do, etc., etc.? l Need for shared infrastructure services to avoid repeated development, installation, e.g. –One port/service for remote access to computing, not one per tool/application –X.509 enables sharing of Certificate Authorities
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Grid Architecture Application Fabric “Controlling things locally”: Access to, & control of, resources Connectivity “Talking to things”: communication (Internet protocols) & security Resource “Sharing single resources”: negotiating access, controlling use Collective “Coordinating multiple resources”: ubiquitous infrastructure services, app-specific distributed services Internet Transport Application Link Internet Protocol Architecture For more info: www.globus.org/research/papers/anatomy.pdf
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Globus Project and Toolkit l Globus Project™ –R&D project at ANL, U.Chicago, USC/ISI –Emphasis on identifying and defining core protocols and services –O(40) researchers & developers l Globus Toolkit™ –A major product of the Globus Project –Open source software: reference implementation of core protocols & services –Growing open source developer community
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Globus Toolkit: Evaluation (1) l Good technical solutions for key problems, e.g. –Authentication and authorization –Resource discovery and monitoring –Reliable remote service invocation –High-performance remote data access l This + good engineering is enabling progress –Good quality reference implementation, multi- language support, interfaces to many systems, large user base, industrial support –Growing community code base built on tools
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Globus Toolkit: Evaluation (2) l Protocol deficiencies, e.g. –Heterogeneous basis: HTTP, LDAP, FTP –No standard means of error propagation l Significant missing functionality, e.g. –Databases, sensors, instruments –Programming tools: workflow, … –Virtualization of end systems (hosting envs.) l Little work on total system properties, e.g. –Dependability, end-to-end QoS, … –Reasoning about system properties
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago “Web Services” l Increasingly popular standards-based framework for accessing network applications –W3C standardization; Microsoft, IBM, Sun, others l WSDL: Web Services Description Language –Interface Definition Language for Web services l SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol –XML-based RPC protocol; common WSDL target l WS-Inspection (WSIL) –Conventions for locating service descriptions l UDDI: Universal Desc., Discovery, & Integration –Directory for Web services
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Transient Service Instances l “Web services” address discovery & invocation of persistent services l In Grids, must also support transient service instances, created/destroyed dynamically –E.g., to manage eBusiness workflow, video conference, or distributed data analysis l Significant implications for how services are managed, named, discovered, and used –In fact, much of our work is concerned with the management of service instances
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Open Grid Services Architecture l Service orientation to virtualize resources l From Web services: –Standard interface definition mechanisms: multiple protocol bindings, multiple implementations, local/remote transparency l Building on Globus Toolkit: –The Grid service defines standard semantics for service interactions –Factory, registry, and mapper services –Reliable and secure transport l Multiple hosting targets: J2EE,.NET, “C”, etc.
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago OGSA Service Model l System comprises (a typically few) persistent services & (potentially many) transient services l All services adhere to specified Grid service interfaces and behaviors –Reliable invocation, lifetime management, discovery, authorization, notification, upgradeability, concurrency, manageability l Interfaces for managing Grid service instances –Factory, registry, mapper l Heavily leverage Globus Toolkit technology => Reliable secure mgmt of distributed state
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago The Grid Service l A (potentially transient) Web service with specified interfaces & behaviors, including –Creation (Factory) –Global naming (GSH) & references (GSR) –Lifetime management –Registration & Discovery –Authorization –Notification –Concurrency –Manageability
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Factory l A Grid service with Factory interface can be requested to create a new Grid service instance –Reliable creation (once-and-only-once) l Create operation can be extended to accept Grid-service-specific creation parameters l Returns a Grid Service Handle (GSH) –A globally unique URL –Uniquely identifies the instance for all time –Based on name of a home mapper service
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Mapper l A GSH is a stable name for a Grid service, but does not allow client to actually communicate with the Grid service l A Grid Service Reference (GSR) is a WSDL document that describes how to communicate with the Grid service –Contains protocol binding, network address, … –May expire (I.e. GSR information may change) l The Mapper interface allows a client to map from a GSH to a GSR –http get on GSH also returns a GSR
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Lifetime Management l GS instances created by factory or manually; destroyed explicitly or via soft state –Negotiation of initial lifetime with Factory l SoftStateDestruction interface supports –GetTerminationTime message for inquiry >Notification interface also allows for lifetime notification –SetTerminationTime message for keepalive l Soft state lifetime management avoids –Explicit client teardown of complex state –Resource “leaks” in hosting environments l ExplicitDestruction interface also available
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Discovery l A Grid service instance may maintain a set of service information –XML fragments encapsulated in standard containers l Discovery interface allows clients to query the Grid service instance for this information –Query operation, plus supporting operations >Extensible query language support l See also Notification interfaces –Allows notification of service existence and about service information
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Registry l The Registry interface may be used to discover a set of Grid service instances –Returns a WS-Inspection document containing the GSHs of a set of Grid services –Also returns policy associated with the set –Also available through Discovery interface l The RegistryManagement interface allows for soft-state registration of a Grid service –A set of Grid services can periodically register their GSHs into a registry service, to allow for discovery of services in that set
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Authorization l Protocol binding handles authentication during invocation of Grid service operation –Gives service URI for authenticated subject l Grid service instance should apply authorization policy on all operations –May be site-, service-, instance-, etc., specific l OGSA defines standard interfaces for remote management of access control policy –OperationAuthorizationManagement –SubjectEquivalency
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Notification Interfaces l NotificationSource for client subscription –One or more notification generators >Generates notification message of a specific type >Typed interest statements: E.g., Filters, topics, … >Supports messaging services, 3 rd party filter services, … –Soft state subscription to a generator l NotificationSink for asynchronous delivery of notification messages l A wide variety of uses are possible –E.g. Dynamic discovery/registry services, monitoring, application error notification, …
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Use of Web Services (1) l A Grid service interface is a WSDL portType l A Grid service definition is a WSDL extension (serviceType) containing: –A set of one or more portTypes supported by the service –portType & serviceType compatibility statements, to support upgradability >For discovery of compatible services when interfaces are upgraded –Implementation version information
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Use of Web Services (2) l A GSR is a WSDL document with extensions: –Extension to service element to reference serviceType –Service element extensions to carry the GSH, and the expiration time of the GSR l A GSH is an URL, with the following properties: –Globally unique for all time –http get on GSH + “.wsdl” returns GSR –Can derive GSH to Mapper from it l Registry returns WS-Inspection documents
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Using OGSA to Construct Grid Environments Factory Registry Service Factory H2R Mapper Service... (a) Simple Hosting Environment Factory Registry Service Factory H2R Mapper Service... F R F M SSS F R F M SSS (b) Virtual Hosting Environment E2E Factory E2E Reg E2E H2R Mapper... F 1 R M SSS F 2 R M SSS E2E S (c) Compound Services In each case, Registry handle is effectively the unique name for the virtual organization.
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago OGSA and the Globus Toolkit l Technically, OGSA enables –Refactoring of protocols (GRAM, MDS-2, etc.)— while preserving all GT concepts/features! –Integration with hosting environments: simplifying components, distribution, etc. –Greatly expanded standard service set l Pragmatically, we are proceeding as follows –Develop open source OGSA implementation >Globus Toolkit 3.0; supports Globus Toolkit 2.0 APIs –Partnerships for service development –Also expect commercial value-adds
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Globus Toolkit Refactoring l Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) –Used in Grid service network protocol bindings l Meta Directory Service 2 (MDS-2) –Native part of each Grid service: >Discovery, Registry, RegistryManagement, Notification l Grid Resource Allocation & Mngt (GRAM) –Gatekeeper -> Factory for job mgr instances l GridFTP –Refactor control channel protocol l Other services refactored to used Grid services
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Timeline l Summer 2002 – Alpha releases of high- level Grid Services l Late 2002, Early 2003 – Alpha release of new core Grid Services (MDS, GRAM, GridFTP)
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Migration Paths l Globus Toolkit TM evolutionary in nature –Toolkit implementation may change –Underlying model of Grid Computing remains the same –Capabilities of future Toolkits will be superset of today’s Toolkit l New implementations integrate better with existing commodity technologies l In cases of radical departure from current implementations, migration paths will be provided –possibly maintain compatible APIs –possibly create gateways to today’s protocols
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Summary: Evolution of Grid Technologies l Initial exploration (1996-1999; Globus 1.0) –Extensive appln experiments; core protocols l Data Grids (1999-??; Globus 2.0+) –Large-scale data management and analysis l Open Grid Services Architecture (2001-??, Globus 3.0) –Integration w/ Web services, hosting environments, resource virtualization –Databases, higher-level services l Radically scalable systems (2003-??) –Sensors, wireless, ubiquitous computing
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago Summary l The Grid problem: Resource sharing & coordinated problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations l Grid architecture: Protocol, service definition for interoperability & resource sharing l Globus Toolkit a source of protocol and API definitions—and reference implementations –And many projects applying Grid concepts (& Globus technologies) to important problems l Open Grid Services Architecture represents (we hope!) next step in evolution
dangulo@cs.uchicago.edu University of Chicago For More Information l The Globus Project™ –www.globus.org l Grid architecture –www.globus.org/research /papers/anatomy.pdf l Open Grid Services Architecture –www.globus.org/research /papers/ogsa.pdf –www.globus.org/research /papers/gsspec.pdf
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