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INF 132 Usability Testing Presentation 5. Overview of the System.

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Presentation on theme: "INF 132 Usability Testing Presentation 5. Overview of the System."— Presentation transcript:

1 INF 132 Usability Testing Presentation 5

2 Overview of the System







9 Problems That We Are Dealing With

10 - The user interface is really hard to use and is convoluted. - Advanced terminology - Many different options, with no simple “standard” option. - It feels as if they put all the normal options and settings together.

11 - It is hard to understand what the visualizations or graphs mean. - There are so many colors and lines that is hard to make sense of it.

12 - The slow response of the system makes it harder to use, making the user impatient. - Impatient to understand the system or to even use the system.

13 Methods Used to Test Usability of the System

14 Questionnaire Two questionnaires are given to the user Initial Questionnaire  Basic information  Examples:  Experienced with a computer?  Used TopicNets before? Post Questionnaire  Opinion and thoughts about the system  Examples:  Overall impression of the system? (positive, negative)  Was TopicNets easy to use?

15 Screen Recording Users are asked to perform a series of tasks provided by us. While they perform the necessary tasks, the screen is being recorded to capture their mouse movements and the actions they take. In addition, users are encouraged to "think aloud" during there tasks. o This provides another source of resource to help us better analyze and understand their thoughts and actions.

16 Tasks to Do : Understanding TopicNets Task A 1.Select the Health dataset 2.Name 3 topics related to health Task B 1.Search for all documents related to flu 2.Visualize a graph that has topics related to flu

17 Tasks to Do : Understanding TopicNets Task C List the following document nodes based on time 1. Research Committee 2. Amended Striking 3. Hospital Payment Task D 1. Reload the Health Graph 2. Create graph for only the documents related to quality measures 3. Open up contents of any one document related to quality measures

18 Tasks to Do : Understanding TopicNets Task E 1. Switch to Calit2 dataset 2. Name three topics in the dataset

19 What Next?

20 Schedule Breakdown Week 5 |> Establish Incentives for Test Participants - Team |> Gather Sample Space of Users - Team, Individually Done |> 60-70% Graduate Students - Minda & Jonathan |> 30-40% Undergraduate Students - Manuel & Juliano Week 6 |> Work on Interim presentation - Team |> Establish User Testing Process - Team, Jonathan & Juliano |> Start user testing - Team |> Progress Report - Team Week 7 |> Interim Presentations - Team |> Continue user testing - Team |> Review User Testing Data for Inconsistencies/Errors - Team, Minda & Manuel

21 Week 8 |> Finish up user testing - Team |> Re-run user test if detrimental errors are discovered - Team |> Progress Report - Team Week 9 |> Analyze and Organize Data - Team, Minda & Juliano |> Interpret Data and Explain Findings - Team, Jonathan & Manuel |> Work on Final Presentations - Team Week 10 |> Final Presentations

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