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6/28/2015S. Stark1 Scan of the supersymmetric parameter space within mSUGRA Luisa Sabrina Stark Schneebeli, IPP ETH Zurich.

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Presentation on theme: "6/28/2015S. Stark1 Scan of the supersymmetric parameter space within mSUGRA Luisa Sabrina Stark Schneebeli, IPP ETH Zurich."— Presentation transcript:

1 6/28/2015S. Stark1 Scan of the supersymmetric parameter space within mSUGRA Luisa Sabrina Stark Schneebeli, IPP ETH Zurich

2 6/28/2015S. Stark2 Outline AstrophysicsParticle Physics Cold Dark Matter Supersymmetry: mSUGRA scenario Monte Carlo Generators Preliminary Results

3 6/28/2015S. Stark3 Cold Dark Matter (CDM) missing mass !

4 6/28/2015S. Stark4 Supersymmetry (SUSY) Motivation: Higgs boson needed to generate masses of weak gauge bosons quantum fluctuationsquadratic divergences SM no candidate for cold dark matter (CDM) … MSSM: Minimal supersymmetric extention of the SM doubling of SM particles & 2 complex Higgs doublets new multiplicative symmetry: R-parity R = (-1) 3B+2S+L mSUGRA: Constrained model only 5 input parameter: m0, m12, tan , A0, sign(  )

5 6/28/2015S. Stark5 Supersymmetric CDM The lightest SUSY particle (LSP) is an excellent candidate for CDM particles in the Universe: LSP is massive, neutral, stable and interacts weakly with ordinary matter. From WMAP and other Cosmological Data: Spergel et al.,arXiv:astro-ph/0302209 CDM =0.23±0.04 ;  c ;Hubble constant h= H 0 /100km -1 s -1 Mpc -1  CDM =0.23±0.04 ;   c ;Hubble constant h= H 0 /100km -1 s -1 Mpc -1 AstrophysicsParticle Physics

6 6/28/2015S. Stark6 before WMAP results m LSP ≈ 0.4 m 1/2 m gluino ≈ 2.7 m 1/2 CDM region using 0.1 <  CDM  h2 < 0.3 J.Ellis et al, hep-ph/0303043 mSUGRA Parameter space: m  =200 GeV m gl =1 TeV m sq =1 TeV 50 35 20 10 5 tan  = m 1/2 (GeV) m 0 (GeV) Constraints from: WMAP+cosmol. data  CDM h 2 < 0.129 M.Battaglia et al, hep-ph/0306219 m0, m12, tan , A0, sign(  ) A0 = 0

7 6/28/2015S. Stark7 No systematic studies of the trilinear scalar coupling A0

8 6/28/2015S. Stark8 Monte Carlo Generators SuSpect( Djouadi et al.), ISAJET( Baer et al.): DarkSUSY( Edsjö et al.): 5 input parameter at GUT scale Iterative application of renormalisation group equations Couplings and mass spectra at the EW scale WMAP cut on relic density Calculation of the relic density m0, m12, tan , A0, sign(  ) 4`500`000 models generated

9 6/28/2015S. Stark9 Differences between SuSpect and ISAJET

10 6/28/2015S. Stark10 Differences in the relic density

11 6/28/2015S. Stark11 Preliminary results The variation of the trilinear scalar coupling A0 strongly affects the allowed SUSY parameter space.

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