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Observations of proto-planetary disks and exo- planets with the JWST E. Pantin, P.O. Lagage and the MIRI science team.

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Presentation on theme: "Observations of proto-planetary disks and exo- planets with the JWST E. Pantin, P.O. Lagage and the MIRI science team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observations of proto-planetary disks and exo- planets with the JWST E. Pantin, P.O. Lagage and the MIRI science team

2 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry

3 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry SPITZER (IRAC, 8  m)JWST (MIRI, 7.7  m)

4 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Thermal Background

5 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry + FGS: Tunable Filter Instrument 1.5-5 um, R= 100, NRM (21 baselines)

6 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry NIRCAM coronagraphic occulters 3 apodized SPOTS 2 apodized WEDGES

7 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry MIRI Fields of View, Coronagraphs F1550C or (F1550C+ F1140C) => Teff, CO 2, clouds F1065C + F1140C => Ammonia, clouds, T° probe F0560W => water F0770W => methane All + modeling => some atmospheric parameters Some degeneracies exist => combination with NIR is crucial 4QPM Coronagraphs 15.5µm 11.4µm 10.65µm 24 x 24 arcsec. Low Resolution Spectrometer 5 x 0.6 arcsec Imager 75 x 113 arcsec Medium Resolution Spectrometer > 3.5 x 3.5 arcsec Lyot Mask 23  m 30” x 30”

8 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Principle of 4QPM IWA  /D  0.35" (n-1)e =/2

9 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry

10 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry NIRCAMMIRITFI-NRM Central wavelength 2.5  m15  m4  m Median angular resolution 0.1 "0.6 "0.07 " Coronagraphic mode Yes NA Field~ 20x20 " ~ 0.6 "

11 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry

12 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Sensitivity

13 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Major points: extreme sensitivity combined fairly good angular resolution ("a VISIR in space") stability JWST is not meant to discover new exoplanets but characterize already known ones

14 Exo-planets

15 Exo-planets imaging science case

16 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Simulated coronagraphic images NIRCAM: M0 star 4 pc 2 M j 7 AU 1 M Jup 5 M Jup 10 M Jup 500 K 10 Myr 165 Myr 670 Myr 300 K 80 Myr 1 Gyr 3.5 Gyr MIRI: M2V star 10 pc 5, 10, 15 AU 1h integration = 11.4  m

17 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Rejection performance Beichman, 2010

18 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Parameters space NIRCAM/TFI/MIRI M stars Bright early-type stars GROUND-BASED IMAGING

19 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry

20 JWST exoplanets imaging science case A simulated targets sample for exoplanets detection

21 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Simulated performances Sample program Monte-Carlo ~700 stars) 1000 runs d< ~150 age : 1 Myr- 1 Gyr 1  dispersion, all stars 25 best (highest detection success rate) symbol sizes  fractional detection rate Beichman et al., 2010

22 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Full sample NIRCAM MIRI TFI-NRM

23 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry M stars only NIRCAM MIRI young planets < M j old planets > M j

24 Giant planets formation mechanism around low-mass stars: The M stars niche for MIRI imager

25 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry The ("adolescent") M stars opportunity

26 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry The M stars opportunity 12 M0-M5 stars d=10-40 pc ages < 200 Myr TW Hya (10 Myr)  Pic mg (12 Myr) Tucana-Horologium (30 Myr) AB doradus (80 Myr) Castor mg (200 Myr) complementary NIRCAM and TFI observations are compulsory to assess the planetary nature of sources found !!

27 Exoplanets characterization using mid-IR spectroscopy

28 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Exoplanets mid-IR spectra

29 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Hot Jupiter primary and secondary transits (NIRCAM, NIRspec) courtesy of J. Valenti HD209459 b secondary transitprimary transit t=6h hot neptunes spectra (4 transits) are accessible using NIRCAM-NIRspec instruments

30 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Exo-Earths transit spectra (NIRspec, MR) NIRspec simulated spectrum of a (H2 rich) super-Earth exoplanet (GL581-like, M3, 6 pc, 20 transits) Clampin, 2009

31 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry MIRI transit spectroscopy (probably not as performant as NIRCAM/NIRspec, TBC) imaging (++) spectral deconvolution using the MRS

32 A couple of (non exhaustive) niches concerning telluric planets !

33 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry The molten exo-Earths opportunity Miller-ricci et al., 2009 No atmosphere  100 000 yr cooling time Atmosphere  1-10 Myr cooling time

34 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Exo-rings SECP rings can survive on Gyr-timescales ! Pantin et al., in prep

35 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Exo-rings Detection limit "Fomalhaut b-like" ring

36 Circumstellar disks

37 Spectroscopy of PP disks

38 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Spectroscopy of PP disks : a key program for MIRI GTO observations Full inventory of organic (pre-biotic) species : oNH 3 oC 6 H 6 oCH 4 oHCO + oHCN Full inventory of organic (pre-biotic) species : oNH 3 oC 6 H 6 oCH 4 oHCO + oHCN

39 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry

40 THE MIRI GTO imaging proposal on proto- planeteary disks

41 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Goals study:  large-scale geometry of the disks:  MIRI tremendous sensitivity allows to observe the disks up to very large distances from the star  for the first time, a large sample of T-Tauri disks are observable/resolvable in the mid-IR  disks (dust) vertical structure  dust settling  dust coagulation  disks stratification  search for forming/formed planets signature:  direct detection of forming protoplanet is highly unlikely (brightness peak@accreting phase ?)  embedded massive bodies produce structures in disks: ogaps obright rims oasymmetries

42 MIRI study of Large Scale Structure of Protoplanetary Disks

43 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry What do we observe in the mid-IR range ? Mainly the thermal emission from heated dust grains Mainly the inner rim (1500 K) that produces >90% of the total 10  m flux (continuum)  coronagraphic mode is compulsory to avoid detector saturation (F max =20 mJy) and decrease photon noise Once, the inner rim masked/subtracted, the thermal emission produced at the disks' surface (  =1), on intermediate distance scales (3-100 AU) PAH emission (7.7, 8.6, 11.3  m) on larger scales (  R out ) ~1 AU,10 mas ~100 AU

44 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Large Scale Parameters Star measure:  scale height at a given distance  flaring parameter  dust sizes vs distance  dust composition vs distance indirect indications/constraints on:  gas content  turbulence (small grains)  surface density HD97048 8.6  m VLT/VISIR (Lagage et al. 2006)

45 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Disks in "transition" phase HD 95881 model sketch

46 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Continuum profiles In the case of Herbig disks, the PAH emission (8.6, 11.3  m) is brighter and more extended than continuum emission MIRI

47 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Scattered mid-IR emission

48 MIRI study of Disks Vertical Structure

49 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Disks appareance

50 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry PAH dominated spectrum Disks appareance as a probe of dust settling

51 Signatures of giant planets formation in PP disks

52 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Simulated observations of a PP disk with a giant exoplanet ELT/METIS (2018 + ?) 1 M j @20 AU d = 100 pc Herbig Ae-type disk

53 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Why "long-wavelength" data ( >20  m) are also very important ? HD142527 Q2 PSF subtracted PSF subtraction Verhoeff et al., 2010, submitted 11.8  m 19  m 11.8  m 1" HD142527 Herbig star VISIR image SiC (10.8 um) = 18.7  m

54 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry The MIRI disks imaging GTO sample 10.6, 11.4, 15.5, 23  m coronagraphic imaging 10 Herbig  / 14 T-Tauri  / 2 brown dwarves A large sample of moderately inclined disks A handful of almost edge-on disks ("disk tomography", direct imaging) a selection of "transition disks" (last stages of planet formation ???) Several star forming regions/evolutionary stages represented (Chameleon, Taurus-Aurigae, Scorpus, Ophiuchi Good overlap/complementarity with the spectroscopic program

55 Imaging of debris disks

56 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry NIRCAM imaging  Pic-like disk @ 100 pc residual wavefront error (~ 200 "zodis")

57 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry MIRI imaging

58 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Complementary with existing/future facilities

59 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Conclusions  no major step in angular resolution capabilities (~ground)  not an exoplanets "hunter" but  amazing sensitivity (extended sources !) and stability: 10 3 gain factor  full set of space-born coronagraphic capabilities 2-25  m  JWST will characterize wide separation (5-100 AU) giant exoplanets (M>M s ) and discover new ones around faint (M) stars  spectroscopy of giant exoplanets R=10  R=3000  unique to detect/characterize thermal emission (  scattered emission) of disks

60 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry

61 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry

62 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry

63 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Things the JWST cannot (or badly) do faint stars (M!), no AO limitation PSF subtraction very long integrations follow-ups

64 Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA) E-ELT Design Reference Mission (DRM & DRSP Workshop, Garching, 26.-29. May 2009 28-30/05/2010 Kiel Disks and exoplanets : sciences cases for interferometry Compared performances ELT/METIS (see M.Kissler-Patig presentation, B.Brandl poster)  good sensitivity to point sources and peaky structures (~25  Jy at 10  m)  excellent angular resolution (0.05"/10  m), direct imaging of planetary regions (r<30 AU) in closest disks (d<150 pc) will be achievable  very limited sensitivity (~10 mJy/" 2, nul in some cases !) to extended emission JWST/MIRI (see A.Glasse presentation)  very good sensitivity to point sources (~1  Jy at 10  m)  angular resolution (0.3" at 10  m) comparable to that of current 8m- class telescopes instruments (e.g. VISIR)  awesome sensitivity to extended emission (~1  Jy/" 2 at 10  m) Same wavelength coverage, high level of complementary between extended source sensitivity/angular resolution

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