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3) Student (ufid, major) Quiz(Q_num, point_pos) Q_score(q_num,ufid,points_scored) (in TRC) A) Which quizzes did a “CE” major score 100% on? { a[Q_num]:

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Presentation on theme: "3) Student (ufid, major) Quiz(Q_num, point_pos) Q_score(q_num,ufid,points_scored) (in TRC) A) Which quizzes did a “CE” major score 100% on? { a[Q_num]:"— Presentation transcript:


2 3) Student (ufid, major) Quiz(Q_num, point_pos) Q_score(q_num,ufid,points_scored) (in TRC) A) Which quizzes did a “CE” major score 100% on? { a[Q_num]: a  Quiz,  s  STUDENT ; t  Q_score, s[ufid]=t[ufid]  s[ufid]=“CE”  a[Q_num]=t[q_num]  t[points_scored]=100% } Relational Algebra:  q_num [ Quiz |x| (  major=“CE” Student) |x| (  points_scored=“100” Q_score))

3 Consider the following relational database schema: Pizza(pid, pname, size) Store(sname, phone, quality) Soldby(pid, sname, price) Express each of the following queries in the relational algebra. a)Find the name of all stores that sell both veggie and cheese pizza. Answer:  sname (  pname = ‘veggie’ Pizza |X| Soldby)   sname (  pname = ‘cheese’ Pizza |X| Soldby)

4 Consider the following relational database schema: Pizza(pid, pname, size) Store(sname, phone, quality) Soldby(pid, sname, price) Express each of the following queries in the relational algebra. b) Find the names and phone numbers of all stores that sell good or excellent veggie pizza under $10. Answer:  sname, phone ((  pname = ‘veggie’ Pizza) |X| (  quality = ‘good’ Store) |X| (  price < 10 Soldby))   sname, phone ((  pname = ‘veggie’ Pizza) |X| (  quality = ‘excellent’ Store) |X| (  price < 10 Soldby))

5 Student (ufid, major) Quiz(Q_num, point_pos) Q_score(q_num,ufid,points_scored b) Who are the “CE” major who missed Quiz 3? { s [ufid]:s  STUDENT.  t  Q_SCORE  s[ufid]=“CE”  t[q_num ]=“3”  t[points_scored] =“null”  s[ufid]=t[ufid] }

6 Student (ufid, major) Quiz(Q_num, point_pos) Q_score(q_num,ufid,points_scored c) Which students have a 0 score for 2 different quizzes? { s[ufid]: s  STUDENT   t 1, t 2  Q_SCORE s[ufid]=t 1 [ufid]= t 2 [ufid]  t 1 [q_num]  t 2 [q_num]  t 1 [point_score]=t 2 [point_score]=“0” }

7 7) Author (aid, name, phone) with key =(aid) wrote(aid, isbn, order) with key =(aid, Isbn) book(isbn, title, publisher,dte) with key=(isbn) a) Find the names of authors who wrote or co wrote books published in 1995 {a [name]: a  Author  w  WROTE  b  Book  a.aid=w.aid  w.isbn=b.isbn }

8 Author (aid, name, phone) with key =(aid) wrote(aid, isbn, order) with key =(aid, Isbn) book(isbn, title, publisher,dte) with key=(isbn) b) Find the names of authors who were always the first author of books they wrote { a[name]: a  Author,  w  Wrote, b  Book  a.aid=w.aid  w.isbn = b.isbn  w.order=1 }

9 Author (aid, name, phone) with key =(aid) wrote(aid, isbn, order) with key =(aid, Isbn) book(isbn, title, publisher,dte) with key=(isbn) c) Find the AID of author (if any) who have written or co written books published by every publisher of book? Let Publisher = {b[publisher]: b  Book } { a[aid]: a  Author   p  Publisher  w  Wrote & b*  Book & a [aid]=w[aid] & w[isbn]= b*[isbn] & b*[publisher]=p }

10 6 c) Author (aid, name, phone) with key =(aid) wrote(aid, isbn, order) with key =(aid, Isbn) book(isbn, title, publisher,dte) with key=(isbn Find the aid of authors (if any) who have written or co-written books published by every publisher of books? (Relational Algebra, TRC) Relational Algebra: Let T =  publisher Book,  aid [ (Author |x| Wrote|x| Book)  T ]

11 Data Definition in SQL So far we have see the Data Manipulation Language, DML Next: Data Definition Language (DDL) Data types: Defines the types. Data definition: defining the schema. Create tables Delete tables Modify table schema Indexes: to improve performance

12 Data Types in SQL Characters: –CHAR(20)-- fixed length –VARCHAR(40)-- variable length Numbers: –INT, REAL plus variations Times and dates: –DATE, TIME (Pointbase)

13 Creating Tables CREATE TABLE Person( name VARCHAR(30), social-security-number INT, age SHORTINT, city VARCHAR(30), gender BIT(1), Birthdate DATE ); CREATE TABLE Person( name VARCHAR(30), social-security-number INT, age SHORTINT, city VARCHAR(30), gender BIT(1), Birthdate DATE ); Example:

14 SQL Queries Principal form: SELECT desired attributes FROM tuple variables –– range over relations WHERE condition about tuple variables; Running example relation schema: Beers(name, manf) Bars(name, addr, license) Drinkers(name, addr, phone) Likes(drinker, beer) Sells(bar, beer, price) Frequents(drinker, bar)

15 Example What beers are made by Anheuser-Busch? Beers(name, manf) SELECT name FROM Beers WHERE manf = 'Anheuser-Busch'; Note: single quotes for strings. name Bud Bud Lite Michelob

16 Union, Intersection, Difference (SELECT name FROM Person WHERE City=“Seattle”) UNION (SELECT name FROM Person, Purchase WHERE buyer=name AND store=“The Bon”) (SELECT name FROM Person WHERE City=“Seattle”) UNION (SELECT name FROM Person, Purchase WHERE buyer=name AND store=“The Bon”) Similarly, you can use INTERSECT and EXCEPT. You must have the same attribute names (otherwise: rename).

17 Formal Semantics of Single-Relation SQL Query 1.Start with the relation in the FROM clause. 2.Apply (bag) , using condition in WHERE clause. 3.Apply (extended, bag)  using attributes in SELECT clause. Equivalent Operational Semantics Imagine a tuple variable ranging over all tuples of the relation. For each tuple: Check if it satisfies the WHERE clause. Print the values of terms in SELECT, if so.

18 Star as List of All Attributes Beers(name, manf) SELECT * FROM Beers WHERE manf = 'Anheuser-Busch'; namemanf BudAnheuser-Busch Bud LiteAnheuser-Busch MichelobAnheuser-Busch

19 Renaming columns Beers(name, manf) SELECT name AS beer FROM Beers WHERE manf = 'Anheuser-Busch'; beer Bud Bud Lite Michelob

20 Expressions as Values in Columns Sells(bar, beer, price) SELECT bar, beer, price*120 AS priceInYen FROM Sells; barbeerpriceInYen Joe’sBud300 Sue’sMiller360 ……… Note: no WHERE clause is OK.

21 Trick: If you want an answer with a particular string in each row, use that constant as an expression. Likes(drinker, beer) SELECT drinker, 'likes Bud' AS whoLikesBud FROM Likes WHERE beer = 'Bud'; drinkerwhoLikesBud Sallylikes Bud Fred likes Bud…

22 Example Find the price Joe's Bar charges for Bud. Sells(bar, beer, price) SELECT price FROM Sells WHERE bar = 'Joe''s Bar' AND beer = 'Bud'; Note: two single-quotes in a character string represent one single quote. Conditions in WHERE clause can use logical operators AND, OR, NOT and parentheses in the usual way. Remember: SQL is case insensitive. Keywords like SELECT or AND can be written upper/lower case as you like. –Only inside quoted strings does case matter.

23 Updates UPDATE relation SET list of assignments WHERE condition. Example Drinker Fred's phone number is 555-1212. Drinkers(name, addr, phone) UPDATE Drinkers SET phone = '555-1212' WHERE name = 'Fred'; Example Make $4 the maximum price for beer. Updates many tuples at once. Sells(bar, beer, price) UPDATE Sells SET price = 4.00 WHERE price > 4.00;

24 Modifying the Database Three kinds of modifications Insertions Deletions Updates Sometimes they are all called “updates”

25 Deleting or Modifying a Table Deleting: ALTER TABLE Person ADD phone CHAR(16); ALTER TABLE Person DROP age; ALTER TABLE Person ADD phone CHAR(16); ALTER TABLE Person DROP age; Altering: (adding or removing an attribute). What happens when you make changes to the schema? Example: DROP Person; Example: Exercise with care !!

26 Default Values Specifying default values: CREATE TABLE Person( name VARCHAR(30), social-security-number INT, age SHORTINT DEFAULT 100, city VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT ‘Seattle’, gender CHAR(1) DEFAULT ‘?’, Birthdate DATE CREATE TABLE Person( name VARCHAR(30), social-security-number INT, age SHORTINT DEFAULT 100, city VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT ‘Seattle’, gender CHAR(1) DEFAULT ‘?’, Birthdate DATE The default of defaults: NULL

27 Conserving Duplicates (SELECT name FROM Person WHERE City=“Seattle”) UNION ALL (SELECT name FROM Person, Purchase WHERE buyer=name AND store=“The Bon”) (SELECT name FROM Person WHERE City=“Seattle”) UNION ALL (SELECT name FROM Person, Purchase WHERE buyer=name AND store=“The Bon”)

28 Insertions General form: Missing attribute  NULL. May drop attribute names if give them in order. INSERT INTO R(A1,…., An) VALUES (v1,…., vn) INSERT INTO Purchase(buyer, seller, product, store) VALUES (‘Joe’, ‘Fred’, ‘wakeup-clock-espresso-machine’, ‘The Sharper Image’) INSERT INTO Purchase(buyer, seller, product, store) VALUES (‘Joe’, ‘Fred’, ‘wakeup-clock-espresso-machine’, ‘The Sharper Image’) Example: Insert a new purchase to the database:

29 Insertions INSERT INTO PRODUCT(name) SELECT DISTINCT Purchase.product FROM Purchase WHERE > “10/26/01” INSERT INTO PRODUCT(name) SELECT DISTINCT Purchase.product FROM Purchase WHERE > “10/26/01” The query replaces the VALUES keyword. Here we insert many tuples into PRODUCT

30 Insertion: an Example prodName is foreign key in Suppose database got corrupted and we need to fix it: namelistPricecategory gizmo100gadgets prodNamebuyerNameprice cameraJohn200 gizmoSmith80 cameraSmith225 Task: insert in Product all prodNames from Purchase Product Product(name, listPrice, category) Purchase(prodName, buyerName, price) Product(name, listPrice, category) Purchase(prodName, buyerName, price) Purchase corrupted

31 Insertion: an Example INSERT INTO Product(name) SELECT DISTINCT prodName FROM Purchase WHERE prodName NOT IN (SELECT name FROM Product) INSERT INTO Product(name) SELECT DISTINCT prodName FROM Purchase WHERE prodName NOT IN (SELECT name FROM Product) namelistPricecategory gizmo100Gadgets camera--

32 Insertion: an Example INSERT INTO Product(name, listPrice) SELECT DISTINCT prodName, price FROM Purchase WHERE prodName NOT IN (SELECT name FROM Product) INSERT INTO Product(name, listPrice) SELECT DISTINCT prodName, price FROM Purchase WHERE prodName NOT IN (SELECT name FROM Product) namelistPricecategory gizmo100Gadgets camera200- camera ??225 ??- Depends on the implementation

33 Deletions DELETE FROM PURCHASE WHERE seller = ‘Joe’ AND product = ‘Brooklyn Bridge’ DELETE FROM PURCHASE WHERE seller = ‘Joe’ AND product = ‘Brooklyn Bridge’ Factoid about SQL: there is no way to delete only a single occurrence of a tuple that appears twice in a relation. Example:

34 Deletion DELETE FROM relation WHERE condition. Deletes all tuples satisfying the condition from the named relation. Example Sally no longer likes Bud. Likes(drinker, beer) DELETE FROM Likes WHERE drinker = 'Sally' AND beer = 'Bud'; Example Make the Likes relation empty. DELETE FROM Likes;

35 Updates UPDATE PRODUCT SET price = price/2 WHERE IN (SELECT product FROM Purchase WHERE Date =‘Oct, 25, 1999’); UPDATE PRODUCT SET price = price/2 WHERE IN (SELECT product FROM Purchase WHERE Date =‘Oct, 25, 1999’); Example:

36 Patterns % stands for any string. _ stands for any one character. “Attribute LIKE pattern” is a condition that is true if the string value of the attribute matches the pattern. –Also NOT LIKE for negation. Example Find drinkers whose phone has exchange 555. Drinkers(name, addr, phone) SELECT name FROM Drinkers WHERE phone LIKE '%555-_ _ _ _’; Note patterns must be quoted, like strings.

37 Nulls In place of a value in a tuple's component. Interpretation is not exactly “missing value.” There could be many reasons why no value is present, e.g., “value inappropriate.” Comparing Nulls to Values 3rd truth value UNKNOWN. A query only produces tuples if the WHERE - condition evaluates to TRUE ( UNKNOWN is not sufficient).

38 Example barbeerprice Joe's barBud NULL SELECT bar FROM Sells WHERE price = 2.00; UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Joe's Bar is not produced, even though the WHERE condition is a tautology.

39 3-Valued Logic Think of true = 1; false = 0, and unknown = 1/2. Then: AND = min. OR = max. NOT(x) = 1 – x. Some Key Laws Fail to Hold Example: Law of the excluded middle, i.e., p OR NOT p = TRUE For 3-valued logic: if p = unknown, then left side = max(1/2,(1–1/2)) = 1/2 ≠ 1. Like bag algebra, there is no way known to make 3-valued logic conform to all the laws we expect for sets/2-valued logic, respectively.

40 Testing for NULL The condition value = NULL always evaluates to UNKNOWN, even if the value is NULL ! Use value IS NULL or value IS NOT NULL instead.

41 Multi-relation Queries List of relations in FROM clause. Relation-dot-attribute disambiguates attributes from several relations. Example Find the beers that the frequenters of Joe's Bar like. Likes(drinker, beer) Frequents(drinker, bar) SELECT beer FROM Frequents, Likes WHERE bar = 'Joe''s Bar' AND Frequents.drinker = Likes.drinker;

42 Formal Semantics of Multi-relation Queries Same as for single relation, but start with the product of all the relations mentioned in the FROM clause. Operational Semantics Consider a tuple variable for each relation in the FROM. Imagine these tuple variables each pointing to a tuple of their relation, in all combinations (e.g., nested loops). If the current assignment of tuple-variables to tuples makes the WHERE true, then output the attributes of the SELECT.


44 Explicit Tuple Variables Sometimes we need to refer to two or more copies of a relation. Use tuple variables as aliases of the relations. Example Find pairs of beers by the same manufacturer. Beers(name, manf) SELECT, FROM Beers b1, Beers b2 WHERE b1.manf = b2.manf AND <; SQL permits AS between relation and its tuple variable; Oracle does not. Note that < is needed to avoid producing (Bud, Bud) and to avoid producing a pair in both orders.

45 Subqueries Result of a select-from-where query can be used in the where-clause of another query. Simplest Case: Subquery Returns a Single, Unary Tuple Find bars that serve Miller at the same price Joe charges for Bud. Sells(bar, beer, price) SELECT bar FROM Sells WHERE beer = 'Miller' AND price = (SELECT price FROM Sells WHERE bar = 'Joe''s Bar' AND beer = 'Bud'); Notice the scoping rule: an attribute refers to the most closely nested relation with that attribute. Parentheses around subquery are essential.

46 The IN Operator “Tuple IN relation” is true iff the tuple is in the relation. Example Find the name and manufacturer of beers that Fred likes. Beers(name, manf) Likes(drinker, beer) SELECT * FROM Beers WHERE name IN (SELECT beer FROM Likes WHERE drinker = 'Fred’); Also: NOT IN.

47 EXISTS “ EXISTS (relation)” is true iff the relation is nonempty. Example Find the beers that are the unique beer by their manufacturer. Beers(name, manf) SELECT name FROM Beers b1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Beers WHERE manf = b1.manf AND name <>; Note scoping rule: to refer to outer Beers in the inner subquery, we need to give the outer a tuple variable, b1 in this example. A subquery that refers to values from a surrounding query is called a correlated subquery.

48 Quantifiers ANY and ALL behave as existential and universal quantifiers, respectively. Beware: in common parlance, “any” and “all” seem to be synonyms, e.g., “I am fatter than any of you” vs. “I am fatter than all of you.” But in SQL: Example Find the beer(s) sold for the highest price. Sells(bar, beer, price) SELECT beer FROM Sells WHERE price >= ALL( SELECT price FROM Sells); Class Problem Find the beer(s) not sold for the lowest price.

49 Union, Intersection, Difference “(subquery) UNION (subquery)” produces the union of the two relations. Similarly for INTERSECT, EXCEPT = intersection and set difference. –But: in Oracle set difference is MINUS, not EXCEPT. Example Find the drinkers and beers such that the drinker likes the beer and frequents a bar that serves it. Likes(drinker, beer) Sells(bar, beer, price) Frequents(drinker, bar) (SELECT * FROM Likes) INTERSECT (SELECT drinker, beer FROM Sells, Frequents WHERE = );

50 Example Find the different prices charged for beers. Sells(bar, beer, price) SELECT DISTINCT price FROM Sells;

51 Join-Based Expressions A number of forms are provided. Can be used either stand-alone (in place of a select-from- where) or to define a relation in the FROM -clause. R NATURAL JOIN S R JOIN S ON condition e.g., condition: R.B=S.B R CROSS JOIN S R OUTER JOIN S Outerjoin can be modified by: 1. Optional NATURAL in front. 2. Optional ON condition at end. 3. Optional LEFT, RIGHT, or FULL (default) before OUTER. –LEFT = pad (with NULL ) dangling tuples of R only; RIGHT = pad dangling tuples of S only.

52 Aggregations Sum, avg, min, max, and count apply to attributes/columns. Also, count(*) applies to tuples. Use these in lists following SELECT. Example Find the average price of Bud. Sells(bar, beer, price) SELECT AVG(price) FROM Sells WHERE beer = 'Bud'; Counts each tuple (presumably each bar that sells Bud) once. Class Problem What would we do if Sells were a bag?

53 Eliminating Duplicates Before Aggregation Find the number of different prices at which Bud is sold. Sells(bar, beer, price) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT price) FROM Sells WHERE beer = 'Bud'; DISTINCT may be used in any aggregation, but typically only makes sense with COUNT.

54 Grouping Follow select-from-where by GROUP BY and a list of attributes. The relation that is the result of the FROM and WHERE clauses is grouped according to the values of these attributes, and aggregations take place only within a group. Example Find the average sales price for each beer. Sells(bar, beer, price) SELECT beer, AVG(price) FROM Sells GROUP BY beer;

55 Example Find, for each drinker, the average price of Bud at the bars they frequent. Sells(bar, beer, price) Frequents(drinker, bar) SELECT drinker, AVG(price) FROM Frequents, Sells WHERE beer = 'Bud' AND = GROUP BY drinker; Note: grouping occurs after the  and  operations.

56 Restriction on SELECT Lists With Aggregation If any aggregation is used, then each element of a SELECT clause must either be aggregated or appear in a group-by clause. Example The following might seem a tempting way to find the bar that sells Bud the cheapest: Sells(bar, beer, price) SELECT bar, MIN(price) FROM Sells WHERE beer = 'Bud'; But it is illegal in SQL. Problem How would we find that bar?

57 HAVING Clauses HAVING clauses are selections on groups, just as WHERE clauses are selections on tuples. Condition can use the tuple variables or relations in the FROM and their attributes, just like the WHERE can. –But the tuple variables range only over the group. –And the attribute better make sense within a group; i.e., be one of the grouping attributes.

58 Example Find the average price of those beers that are either served in at least 3 bars or manufactured by Anheuser-Busch. Beers(name, manf) Sells(bar, beer, price) SELECT beer, AVG(price) FROM Sells GROUP BY beer HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3 OR beer IN ( SELECT name FROM Beers WHERE manf = 'Anheuser-Busch' );

59 DB Modifications Modification = insert + delete + update. Insertion of a Tuple INSERT INTO relation VALUES (list of values). Inserts the tuple = list of values, associating values with attributes in the order the attributes were declared. –Forget the order? List the attributes as arguments of the relation. Example Likes(drinker, beer) Insert the fact that Sally likes Bud. INSERT INTO Likes(drinker, beer) VALUES('Sally', 'Bud');

60 Insertion of the Result of a Query INSERT INTO relation (subquery). Example Create a (unary) table of all Sally's potential buddies, i.e., the people who frequent bars that Sally also frequents. Frequents(drinker, bar) CREATE TABLE PotBuddies( name char(30) ); INSERT INTO PotBuddies (SELECT DISTINCT d2.drinker FROM Frequents d1, Frequents d2 WHERE d1.drinker = 'Sally' AND d2.drinker <> 'Sally' AND = );

61 Example Delete all beers for which there is another beer by the same manufacturer. Beers(name, manf) DELETE FROM Beers b WHERE EXISTS (SELECT name FROM Beers WHERE manf = b.manf AND name <> ); Note alias for relation from which deletion occurs.

62 Semantics is tricky. If A.B. makes Bud and BudLite (only), does deletion of Bud make BudLite not satisfy the condition? SQL semantics: all conditions in modifications must be evaluated by the system before any mods due to that mod command occur. –In Bud/Budlite example, we would first identify both beers a targets, and then delete both.

63 Subqueries A subquery producing a single value: In this case, the subquery returns one value. If it returns more, it’s a run-time error. SELECT Purchase.product FROM Purchase WHERE buyer = (SELECT name FROM Person WHERE ssn = ‘123456789‘); SELECT Purchase.product FROM Purchase WHERE buyer = (SELECT name FROM Person WHERE ssn = ‘123456789‘);

64 Subqueries Can say the same thing without a subquery: This is equivalent to the previous one when the ssn is a key and ‘123456789’ exists in the database; otherwise they are different. SELECT Purchase.product FROM Purchase, Person WHERE buyer = name AND ssn = ‘123456789‘

65 Subqueries Returning Relations SELECT FROM Company, Product WHERE = Product.maker AND IN (SELECT Purchase.product FROM Purchase WHERE Purchase.buyer = ‘Joe Blow‘); SELECT FROM Company, Product WHERE = Product.maker AND IN (SELECT Purchase.product FROM Purchase WHERE Purchase.buyer = ‘Joe Blow‘); Find companies that manufacture products bought by Joe Blow. Here the subquery returns a set of values: no more runtime errors.

66 Subqueries Returning Relations SELECT FROM Company, Product, Purchase WHERE = Product.maker AND = Purchase.product AND Purchase.buyer = ‘Joe Blow’ SELECT FROM Company, Product, Purchase WHERE = Product.maker AND = Purchase.product AND Purchase.buyer = ‘Joe Blow’ Equivalent to: Is this query equivalent to the previous one ? Beware of duplicates !

67 Removing Duplicates SELECT DISTINCT FROM Company, Product, Purchase WHERE Product.maker AND = Purchase.product AND Purchase.buyer = ‘Joe Blow’ SELECT DISTINCT FROM Company, Product, Purchase WHERE Product.maker AND = Purchase.product AND Purchase.buyer = ‘Joe Blow’ SELECT DISTINCT FROM Company, Product WHERE Product.maker AND IN (SELECT Purchase.product FROM Purchase WHERE Purchase.buyer = ‘Joe Blow’) SELECT DISTINCT FROM Company, Product WHERE Product.maker AND IN (SELECT Purchase.product FROM Purchase WHERE Purchase.buyer = ‘Joe Blow’) Now they are equivalent

68 Subqueries Returning Relations SELECT name FROM Product WHERE price > ALL (SELECT price FROM Purchase WHERE maker=‘Gizmo-Works’) SELECT name FROM Product WHERE price > ALL (SELECT price FROM Purchase WHERE maker=‘Gizmo-Works’) Product ( pname, price, category, maker) Find products that are more expensive than all those produced By “Gizmo-Works” You can also use: s > ALL R s > ANY R EXISTS R

69 Correlated Queries SELECT DISTINCT title FROM Movie AS x WHERE year ANY (SELECT year FROM Movie WHERE title = x.title); SELECT DISTINCT title FROM Movie AS x WHERE year ANY (SELECT year FROM Movie WHERE title = x.title); Movie (title, year, director, length) Find movies whose title appears more than once. Note (1) scope of variables (2) this can still be expressed as single SFW correlation

70 Complex Correlated Query Product ( pname, price, category, maker, year) Find products (and their manufacturers) that are more expensive than all products made by the same manufacturer before 1972 Powerful, but much harder to optimize ! SELECT DISTINCT pname, maker FROM Product AS x WHERE price > ALL (SELECT price FROM Product AS y WHERE x.maker = y.maker AND y.year < 1972); SELECT DISTINCT pname, maker FROM Product AS x WHERE price > ALL (SELECT price FROM Product AS y WHERE x.maker = y.maker AND y.year < 1972);

71 Existential/Universal Conditions Product ( pname, price, company) Company( cname, city) Find all companies s.t. some of their products have price < 100 SELECT DISTINCT Company.cname FROM Company, Product WHERE Company.cname = and Product.price < 100 SELECT DISTINCT Company.cname FROM Company, Product WHERE Company.cname = and Product.price < 100 Existential: easy !

72 Existential/Universal Conditions Product ( pname, price, company) Company( cname, city) Find all companies s.t. all of their products have price < 100 Universal: hard ! 

73 Existential/Universal Conditions 2. Find all companies s.t. all their products have price < 100 1. Find the other companies: i.e. s.t. some product  100 SELECT DISTINCT Company.cname FROM Company WHERE Company.cname IN (SELECT FROM Product WHERE Product.price >= 100 SELECT DISTINCT Company.cname FROM Company WHERE Company.cname IN (SELECT FROM Product WHERE Product.price >= 100 SELECT DISTINCT Company.cname FROM Company WHERE Company.cname NOT IN (SELECT FROM Product WHERE Product.price >= 100 SELECT DISTINCT Company.cname FROM Company WHERE Company.cname NOT IN (SELECT FROM Product WHERE Product.price >= 100

74 NULLS in SQL Whenever we don’t have a value, we can put a NULL Can mean many things: –Value does not exists –Value exists but is unknown –Value not applicable –Etc. The schema specifies for each attribute if it can be null (nullable attribute) or not How does SQL cope with tables that have NULLs ?

75 Null Values If x= NULL then 4*(3-x)/7 is still NULL If x= NULL then x=“Joe” is UNKNOWN In SQL there are three boolean values: FALSE = 0 UNKNOWN = 0.5 TRUE = 1

76 Null Values C1 AND C2 = min(C1, C2) C1 OR C2 = max(C1, C2) NOT C1 = 1 – C1 Rule in SQL: include only tuples that yield TRUE SELECT * FROM Person WHERE (age < 25) AND (height > 6 OR weight > 190) SELECT * FROM Person WHERE (age < 25) AND (height > 6 OR weight > 190) E.g. age=20 heigth=NULL weight=200

77 Null Values Unexpected behavior: Some Persons are not included ! SELECT * FROM Person WHERE age = 25 SELECT * FROM Person WHERE age = 25

78 Null Values Can test for NULL explicitly: –x IS NULL –x IS NOT NULL Now it includes all Persons SELECT * FROM Person WHERE age = 25 OR age IS NULL SELECT * FROM Person WHERE age = 25 OR age IS NULL

79 Outerjoins Explicit joins in SQL: Product(name, category) Purchase(prodName, store) Same as: But Products that never sold will be lost ! SELECT, FROM Product JOIN Purchase ON = Purchase.prodName SELECT, FROM Product JOIN Purchase ON = Purchase.prodName SELECT, FROM Product, Purchase WHERE = Purchase.prodName SELECT, FROM Product, Purchase WHERE = Purchase.prodName

80 Outerjoins Left outer joins in SQL: Product(name, category) Purchase(prodName, store) SELECT, FROM Product LEFT OUTER JOIN Purchase ON = Purchase.prodName SELECT, FROM Product LEFT OUTER JOIN Purchase ON = Purchase.prodName

81 NameCategory Gizmogadget CameraPhoto OneClickPhoto ProdNameStore GizmoWiz CameraRitz CameraWiz NameStore GizmoWiz CameraRitz CameraWiz OneClickNULL ProductPurchase

82 Outer Joins Left outer join: –Include the left tuple even if there’s no match Right outer join: –Include the right tuple even if there’s no match Full outer join: –Include the both left and right tuples even if there’s no match

83 Aggregation SELECT Avg(price) FROM Product WHERE maker=“Toyota” SELECT Avg(price) FROM Product WHERE maker=“Toyota” SQL supports several aggregation operations: SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, COUNT

84 Aggregation: Count SELECT Count(*) FROM Product WHERE year > 1995 SELECT Count(*) FROM Product WHERE year > 1995 Except COUNT, all aggregations apply to a single attribute

85 Aggregation: Count COUNT applies to duplicates, unless otherwise stated: SELECT Count(category) same as Count(*) FROM Product WHERE year > 1995 Better: SELECT Count(DISTINCT category) FROM Product WHERE year > 1995

86 Simple Aggregation Purchase(product, date, price, quantity) Example 1: find total sales for the entire database SELECT Sum(price * quantity) FROM Purchase Example 1’: find total sales of bagels SELECT Sum(price * quantity) FROM Purchase WHERE product = ‘bagel’

87 Simple Aggregations Purchase

88 Grouping and Aggregation Usually, we want aggregations on certain parts of the relation. Purchase(product, date, price, quantity) Example 2: find total sales after 9/1 per product. SELECT product, Sum(price*quantity) AS TotalSales FROM Purchase WHERE date > “9/1” GROUP BY product SELECT product, Sum(price*quantity) AS TotalSales FROM Purchase WHERE date > “9/1” GROUP BY product Let’s see what this means…

89 Grouping and Aggregation 1. Compute the FROM and WHERE clauses. 2. Group by the attributes in the GROUP BY 3. Produce one tuple for every group by applying aggregation SELECT can have (1) grouped attributes or (2) aggregates.

90 First compute the FROM-WHERE clauses (date > “9/1”) then GROUP BY product:

91 Then, aggregate SELECT product, Sum(price*quantity) AS TotalSales FROM Purchase WHERE date > “9/1” GROUP BY product SELECT product, Sum(price*quantity) AS TotalSales FROM Purchase WHERE date > “9/1” GROUP BY product

92 GROUP BY v.s. Nested Quereis SELECT product, Sum(price*quantity) AS TotalSales FROM Purchase WHERE date > “9/1” GROUP BY product SELECT product, Sum(price*quantity) AS TotalSales FROM Purchase WHERE date > “9/1” GROUP BY product SELECT DISTINCT x.product, (SELECT Sum(y.price*y.quantity) FROM Purchase y WHERE x.product = y.product AND > ‘9/1’) AS TotalSales FROM Purchase x WHERE > “9/1” SELECT DISTINCT x.product, (SELECT Sum(y.price*y.quantity) FROM Purchase y WHERE x.product = y.product AND > ‘9/1’) AS TotalSales FROM Purchase x WHERE > “9/1”

93 Another Example SELECT product, Sum(price * quantity) AS SumSales Max(quantity) AS MaxQuantity FROM Purchase GROUP BY product SELECT product, Sum(price * quantity) AS SumSales Max(quantity) AS MaxQuantity FROM Purchase GROUP BY product For every product, what is the total sales and max quantity sold?

94 HAVING Clause SELECT product, Sum(price * quantity) FROM Purchase WHERE date > “9/1” GROUP BY product HAVING Sum(quantity) > 30 SELECT product, Sum(price * quantity) FROM Purchase WHERE date > “9/1” GROUP BY product HAVING Sum(quantity) > 30 Same query, except that we consider only products that had at least 30 items sold. HAVING clause contains conditions on aggregates.

95 General form of Grouping and Aggregation SELECT S FROM R 1,…,R n WHERE C1 GROUP BY a 1,…,a k HAVING C2 S = may contain attributes a 1,…,a k and/or any aggregates but NO OTHER ATTRIBUTES C1 = is any condition on the attributes in R 1,…,R n C2 = is any condition on aggregate expressions Why ?

96 General form of Grouping and Aggregation SELECT S FROM R 1,…,R n WHERE C1 GROUP BY a 1,…,a k HAVING C2 Evaluation steps: 1.Compute the FROM-WHERE part, obtain a table with all attributes in R 1,…,R n 2.Group by the attributes a 1,…,a k 3.Compute the aggregates in C2 and keep only groups satisfying C2 4.Compute aggregates in S and return the result

97 Aggregation Author(login,name) Document(url, title) Wrote(login,url) Mentions(url,word)

98 Grouping vs. Nested Queries Find all authors who wrote at least 10 documents: Attempt 1: with nested queries SELECT DISTINCT FROM Author WHERE count(SELECT Wrote.url FROM Wrote WHERE Author.login=Wrote.login) > 10 SELECT DISTINCT FROM Author WHERE count(SELECT Wrote.url FROM Wrote WHERE Author.login=Wrote.login) > 10 This is SQL by a novice

99 Grouping vs. Nested Queries Find all authors who wrote at least 10 documents: Attempt 2: SQL style (with GROUP BY) SELECT FROM Author, Wrote WHERE Author.login=Wrote.login GROUP BY HAVING count(wrote.url) > 10 SELECT FROM Author, Wrote WHERE Author.login=Wrote.login GROUP BY HAVING count(wrote.url) > 10 This is SQL by an expert No need for DISTINCT: automatically from GROUP BY

100 Grouping vs. Nested Queries Find all authors who have a vocabulary over 10000 words: SELECT FROM Author, Wrote, Mentions WHERE Author.login=Wrote.login AND Wrote.url=Mentions.url GROUP BY HAVING count(distinct Mentions.word) > 10000 SELECT FROM Author, Wrote, Mentions WHERE Author.login=Wrote.login AND Wrote.url=Mentions.url GROUP BY HAVING count(distinct Mentions.word) > 10000 Look carefully at the last two queries: you may be tempted to write them as a nested queries, but in SQL we write them best with GROUP BY

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