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Laboratory of Reliable Computing Department of Electrical Engineering National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu, Taiwan Delay Defect Characteristics and Testing.

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Presentation on theme: "Laboratory of Reliable Computing Department of Electrical Engineering National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu, Taiwan Delay Defect Characteristics and Testing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laboratory of Reliable Computing Department of Electrical Engineering National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu, Taiwan Delay Defect Characteristics and Testing Strategies Kee Sup Kim, Subhasish Mitra, and Paul G.Ryan Design&Test 2003

2 2 IntroductionIntroduction  A timing failure is case that circuit can’t operate correctly at the specified speed  setup time violation  hold time violation  This paper discusses  delay defect characteristic  impact on IC quality  testing strategy

3 3 What Significance of Delay Defect?  Output response for 30% to 35% of defective parts depend on the test speed. (VTS02)  Delay defects have typically represented 1% to 5% of the total defect population observed. (Intel)  At-speed functional testing is cost prohibitive  on-chip clock source  ATE cost/test pattern generation  low voltage testing

4 4 Delay Defect Classification  Gross defects: cause errors at any speed  Delay defects: affect the f max only  Systematic delay defect (process or intrinsic defect)  Broad impact on the unit  Random defect (point or spot defect)  At single location and several paths

5 5 Timing Failure due to Process Variation  Probability distribution for path delay

6 6 Solutions to Process Timing Failure  Choice of product’s operating frequency  economic tradeoff  Speed binning:  to distinguish faster parts to be sold at a higher price  Over-design:  increase the die size, power, and packages cost

7 7 Characteristic of Speed Failure  First-fail data from microprocessor (.18  m)  Process variation -> critical path  Random defect -> any locations

8 8 Distinguishing of Defects  Two complementary techniques to differentiate random defects and process variation  Signature-based approach  analyze the number of units sharing each fail signature  random defects on critical path  Frequency distribution technique  Analyze the f max data for all units sharing a common signature

9 9 Histogram of f max  Normal process variation results in f max values with a Gaussian distribution

10 10 Delay Testing Techniques  Some delay defect can be detected by process monitor  ring oscillators  trees of NAND gates with controlled delays  Boolean testing at some clock frequency  test pattern generation?  at what clock frequency?

11 11 Test Pattern for Systematic Delay Defect  Systematic delay problem caused by process variation will affect several paths including the critical path  Functional test  patterns are manually written by designers  Advantage  it can be exercised in the system  Disadvantage  difficult and cost a lot of time

12 12 Test Pattern for Random Delay Defect  Comparing to the systematic defects, additional test patterns covering the entire design are required  Using the path delay fault model  complexity issue  Using the transition-fault model  total number of transition fault  100% fault coverage  EDA tool support  without timing analysis

13 13 Impact of Inaccurate Timing analysis  Static timing analysis/dynamic timing analysis  gate delay, interconnection delay  Many physical factor affect the accuracy  voltage, temperature, skew, cross-talk, …  For large designs, the center and the edge may exhibit different speed  A fault model for delay defect must not be critically dependent on accurate timing analysis

14 14 Limitation of Transition Fault Model  Which path excites a transition fault or propagates the fault effect does not consider  If the fault effect propagates from the fault site along a very short path with a lot time slack  ATPG issue?

15 15 Test Pattern with Scan-based Test  Approaches to generating a pair of test patterns with scan:  One memory element  Skewed-load or launch-on-last-shift  Double-pulse or launch-on-capture  Two memory element  LSSD  False path problem  paths is detected but cannot exercised during normal operations  yield-loss

16 16 Launch-on-Shift Scan  V2 is shifted version of V1 (un-testable fault)  SE routing is critical  ATPG is easy

17 17 Launch-on-CaptureLaunch-on-Capture  SE routing is easy  ATPG is more complex

18 18 Effectiveness of TF Testing  ASIC1 (0.18  m) with 800K gates from LSI Logic  IEEE D&T 2003 Test MethodNo. of scan partitions TF coverage Test freq. Defect coverage At-speed functional30%160M30% Launch-on-capture8,49572.45%100M57% Launch-on-shift4,20080.10%20M28%

19 19 Effectiveness of TF Testing (cont.)  Venn diagram of test results 80 74 16 19 0 0 3 3 53 Launch-on-capture At-speed functional Launch-on-shift Total 245 units

20 20 More Issues?  Multiple clock domains  High performance application  How fast to apply clock  Most solutions increase the complexity of ATPG

21 21 ConclusionConclusion  Overdesign cannot guarantee all parts pass the delay defect screening  For systematic delay defects  process monitor  critical-paths delay testing  For random defects  transition-fault testing is necessary  Test compression is considered due to test economics

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