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Restaurant Dining System Donald Kaulukukui. Introduction ► Team manager = ME ► Secretary = ME ► President = ME ► R & D = ME ► Tester = ME.

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Presentation on theme: "Restaurant Dining System Donald Kaulukukui. Introduction ► Team manager = ME ► Secretary = ME ► President = ME ► R & D = ME ► Tester = ME."— Presentation transcript:

1 Restaurant Dining System Donald Kaulukukui

2 Introduction ► Team manager = ME ► Secretary = ME ► President = ME ► R & D = ME ► Tester = ME

3 Overview ► Create a computer system for a restaurant that will handle checks, tables, servers, and item information. ► Allow easy manipulation of table data and allow for ease of customization.

4 General Approach ► My main approach will be to design the program using C++ object oriented design. ► Data structures (lists, classes, etc.)to handle data modification and access. ► Implement a GUI for use on touch screen terminals

5 Potential Problems ► Complex Data Structures ► Making wrong decisions in planning stage ► Implementation of GUI ► No experience using GUI

6 What I Expect To Learn ► Deeper understanding of C++ and it’s advanced features. (templates, classes, etc.) ► How to implement & configure a GUI ► General approach to designing a usable software application ► Software Engineering

7 Deliverable Goals ( SPR 07 ) ► Working program with basic features ► User friendly GUI

8 Future Plans ( FALL 07 ) ► Add more advanced features ► Reservation system integration ► Network printers & computers to simulate real restaurant system.

9 Gantt Chart

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