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Status of 3-D Analysis, Neutron Streaming through Penetrations, and LOCA/LOFA Analysis L. El-Guebaly, M. Sawan, P. Wilson, D. Henderson, A. Ibrahim, G. Sviatoslavsky, B. Kiedrowski, T. Tautges, C. Martin Fusion Technology Institute UW - Madison Contributors: X. Wang, S. Malang (UCSD) ARIES-CS Project Meeting October 4 - 5, 2006 PPPL
2 Final Radial Build ( ) (5.3 MW/m 2 Peak NWL) Thickness (cm) | | Thickness (cm) Non- uniform Blanket & Shield @ min Full Blanket & Shield Replaceable FW/Blkt/BW ≥ 179 cm SOL Vacuum Vessel FS Shield (permanent) Gap 3.8 cm FW Gap + Th. Insulator Winding Pack Plasma 5 >2 ≥2 32 19.4 2.2 28 Coil Case & Insulator 5 cm Back Wall 28 25 cm Breeding Zone-I 25 cm Breeding Zone-II 0.5 cm SiC Insert 1.5 cm FS/He 63 | | 35 He & LiPb Manifolds Vacuum Vessel Gap Gap + Th. Insulator Coil Case & Insulator Winding Pack Plasma 2 2 19.42.2 28 | | min = 130.7 cm Strong Back 28 SOL Back Wall 5 14 5 FW 3.8 FS Shield-I (replaceable) 34 WC Shield (permanent) Strong Back 25 Blanket
3 Status of 3-D TBR Analysis Purpose: compute overall TBR and M n CAD model received from UCSD on 9/19/06 including: FW/Blanket/BW Shield Manifolds VV Magnet Divertor No penetrations! Essential components for TBR and M n will be included in 3-D model: FW/Blanket/BW Shield Manifolds (continuous) Divertor ECH ducts (to be added by UW).
4 Status of 3-D TBR Analysis (Cont.) Complex 3-D problem, requiring many time-consuming iterations. UW had difficult time transferring UCSD model into ACIS. UW manipulated UCSD geometry to merge properly even though Xueren tried improving accuracy settings in Pro/E. Clean model shows no sign of overlapping. 3-D analysis in progress. Future ARIES modeling work should be produced in ACIS *. ___________ * Commercial solid modeling engine underlying CGM and CUBIT, analogous to what's under Pro/E.
5 Neutron Streaming through Penetrations Neutron streaming through penetrations compromises shielding performance. ARIES-CS 7 types of penetrations: –198 He tubes for blanket (32 cm ID) –24 Divertor He access pipes (~30 cm ID) –30 Divertor pumping ducts (42 x 120 cm each) –12 Large pumping ducts (1 x 1.25 m each) –3 ECH ducts (24 x 54 cm each). –6 main He pipes - HX to/from blanket (72 cm ID each) –6 main He pipes - HX to/from divertor (70 cm ID each) Potential solutions: –Local shield behind penetrations –He tube axis oriented toward lower neutron source –Penetration shield surrounding ducts –Replaceable shield close to penetrations –Rewelding of VV and manifolds avoided close to penetrations –Bends included in some penetrations. √ √
6 Streaming through Blanket He Tubes (9/15/05 Presentation) 198 He tubes (30 cm ID) connect manifolds to blanket modules. 2-D results: –High damage at tube wall –High damage at VV and magnet behind tubes. Solutions: –Orient tube toward lower n source –Avoid welding near tube wall –Replaceable shield close to tube –Local shield behind tube to protect VV and magnet. Back Wall 5 cm FS 32 cm OD 10 cm Thick WC VV & Magnets Weld 25 cm Local Shield
7 Streaming through Divertor System 24 He access pipes (~30 cm ID) 30 pumping ducts (42 x 120 cm each)
8 Streaming through Divertor Pumping Ducts Thickness (cm) 20 cm Divertor System Local shield behind ducts needed to protect VV & magnet Manifolds SOL Vacuum Vessel FS Shield Gap Gap + Th. Insulator Winding Pack Plasma 20 >2 ≥2 32 19.4 2.2 28 Coil Case & Insulator Back Wall 66 25 | | 35 He & LiPb Manifolds External Structure Blanket Gap 7.5 12.5 Targets / Baffles 30 cm ID 35 cm OD Divertor He Access Pipe 2.5 cm gap WC Shield Divertor Pumping Duct 42 Replaceable shield around pumping duct
9 Effect of Streaming through Divertor He Access Pipes NWL near pipes= 0.5 - 1 MW/m 2. 2-D model of pipe estimated: dpa at shield He production at manifolds He production at VV Fast neutron fluence at WP Flux behind pipe dpa & He production along pipe wall. 3-D streaming analysis is underway using Attila code. He Access Pipe Shield Blanket Manifolds Divertor Plasma VV Structure WP Intercoil
10 Part of Shield Surrounding Pipe Should be Replaceable 2.2 He Access Pipe Shield Blanket Manifolds Divertor Plasma VV Structure WP Intercoil
11 Part of Manifolds Surrounding Pipe Cannot be Rewelded 48 He Access Pipe Shield Blanket Manifolds Divertor Plasma VV Structure WP Intercoil
12 Part of VV Surrounding Pipe Cannot be Rewelded 43 He Access Pipe Shield Blanket Manifolds Divertor Plasma VV Structure WP Intercoil
13 30-40 cm Inter-coil Structure around Pipe Protects Sides of WP 230 He Access Pipe Shield Blanket Manifolds Divertor Plasma VV Structure WP Intercoil
14 High Flux Behind Pipe Calls for Local Shield to Protect Externals 10 4 He Access Pipe Shield Blanket Manifolds Divertor Plasma VV Structure WP Intercoil
15 Pipe Wall Front part of pipe wall should be replaceable Pipe wall is not reweldable Replace pipe with divertor Permanent Replaceable Divertor Surface Divertor Surface
16 Recommendations Replaceable Shield Not Reweldable Local Shield FS Shield Manifolds SOL Vacuum Vessel Gap Gap + Th. Insulator Winding Pack Plasma 20 >2 ≥2 32 19.4 2.2 28 Coil Case & Insulator Back Wall 66 25 | | 35 He & LiPb Manifolds External Structure Blanket Gap 7.5 12.5 Targets / Baffles 30 cm ID 35 cm OD Replaceable Divertor He Access Pipe 2.5 cm gap Divertor Pumping Duct 42 30-40 cm
17 Ongoing 3-D Streaming Analysis Using Attila Code Purpose: Determine dimensions of replaceable shield, non-reweldable manifolds and VV, and local shield.
18 Alternate Pipe Design (S. Malang)
19 Comments on Alternate Pipe Design Shielding ring and block do not solved streaming problem entirely: –10 cm thick WC shielding ring is insufficient to protect pipe wall, bulk shield, and manifolds Parts around pipe should be replaceable and cannot be rewelded. –Shielding block will not attenuate flux behind pipes by 4 orders of magnitude Local shield behind pipe is still needed. Sizable WC shield added: Mass / pipe (ton)Alternate DesignBaseline Design Shielding Ring~1.6--- Shielding Block~1--- 2.5 cm FS Pipe Wall0.60.4 Total mass - 24 pipes ~77 ton~10 ton
20 LOCA / LOFA Analysis (2.6 MW/m 2 Ave. NWL; 0.5 MW/m 2 Surface Heat Load) Initial temperatures at onset of LOCA/LOFA: FW500 o C Shield & Manifolds 450 o C SiC550 o C VV100 o C Back wall450 o C LiPb average temp 625 o C Assumptions: Plasma on for 3 s; Instantaneous loss of coolant. Blanket ShieldVacuum Vessel First Wall T init = 500 C SiC Liner T init = 550 C Back Wall T init = 450 C Shield & Manifold T init = 450 C Vacuum Vessel T init = 100 C Gap Radius = 2.0 m H20H20H20H20 H20H20 Manifold LiPB T init = 625 C
21 Uniform Blanket and Shield (He & LiPb LOCA in all Modules; H 2 O LOFA in VV) = 0.3 all surfaces Max temp = 753 o C Max temp = 700 o C = 0.5 for SiC
22 Non-uniform Blanket and Shield (He & LiPb LOCA in all Modules; H 2 O LOFA in VV) = 0.3 all surfaces Max temp = 762 o C Max temp = 720 o C = 0.5 for SiC
23 Summary and Conclusions 3-D TBR and streaming analyses are underway. No shielding ring or block should be included in divertor He access pipes. Ongoing 3-D streaming analysis will determine size of replaceable shield and non-reweldble manifolds/VV around pipes. More realistic LOCA/LOFA assumptions help reduce temperature during accident.
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