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Prof. John Nestor ECE Department Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 ECE 425 - VLSI Circuit Design Lecture 15 - ASIC Design with Verilog Spring 2007
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog2 Announcements Reading Book: 4.1-4.8, 5.1-5.2 Verilog Handout: 5.1-5.3, 5.6
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog3 Where we are Last Time: Logical Effort Testing Today: ASIC Design with Verilog Overview Verilog Review - Combinational Design
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog4 ASIC Design with Logic Synthesis Goal: automate ASIC Design Process Translate HDL into Boolean Expressions Optimize design for cost and timing constraints Map into ASIC gate library History Two-level logic optimization algorithms - early 1980s Multi-level logic optimization - mid-1980s Commercial logic synthesis (Synopsys) - late 1980s Tighter integration with physical design - present
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog5 Logic Optimization Two-Level Logic Optimization Minimize logic in AND/OR form Simple Optimization: Karnaugh Map Computer-Based Optimization Quine/McCluskey - Exact method (slow) Espresso - Heuristic method (fast) Multi-Level Logic Optimization Factor common subexpressions in a logic network Simplify individual nodes using two-level optimization Apply multiple transformations with command scripts Integrate with timing analysis, technology mapping
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog6 Outline - Introduction to Verilog Goals of HDL-Based Design Verilog Background A First Example Module and Port Declarations Modeling with Continuous Assignments Some Language Details Modeling with Hierarchy Modeling with always blocks (combinational logic) Demonstration: Using Verilogger Discuss Project 1 Summary
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog7 HDL Overview What is an HDL? A language for simulation - “event driven” model of execution synthesis - generates designs that match simulated behavior for a subset of the language Common HDLs: Verilog HDL VHDL - VHSIC (Very High-Speed IC) HDL SystemC - C++ with class libraries to support System-Level Design and Hardware Design
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog8 Verilog Simulators On Windows Machines: Synapticad Verilogger Mentor ModelSim On the Linux (?): Synopsys vcs vcs -RI
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog9 Verilog module construct Key building block of language declaration - specifies a module interface Input & output ports connections to outside world “black box” model - no details about internals body - specifies contents of "black box" behavior - what it does structure - how it's built from other "black boxes"
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog10 A First Example Full Adder: module fulladder(a, b, cin, sum, cout); input a, b, cin; output sum, cout; assign sum = a ^ b ^ cin; assign cout = a & b | a & cin | b & cin; endmodule Ports Port Declarations Semicolon NO Semicolon Continuous Assignment Statements
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog11 Comments about the First Example Verilog describes a circuit as a set of modules Each module has input and output ports Single bit Multiple bit - array syntax Each port can take on a digital value (0, 1, X, Z) during simulation Three main ways to specify module internals Continuous assignment statements - assign Concurrent statements - always Submodule instantiation (hierarchy)
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog12 Bitwise Operators Basic bitwise operators: identical to C/C++/Java module inv(a, y); input[3:0]a; output [3:0]y; assign y = ~a; endmodule Unary Operator: NOT 4-bit Ports
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog13 Reduction Operators Apply a single logic function to multiple-bit inputs module and8(a, y); input[7:0]a; output y; assign y = &a; endmodule Reduction Operator: AND
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog14 Conditional Operators Like C/C++/Java Conditional Operator module mux2(d0, d1, s, y); input[3:0]d0, d1; inputs; output [3:0]y; assign y = s ? d1 : d0; // if s=1, y=d1, else y=d0 endmodule Comment
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog15 More Operators Equivalent to C/C++/Java Operators Arithmetic: + - * / & Comparison: == != >= Shifting: > Example: module adder(a, b, y); input[31:0]a, b; output[31:0]y; assign y = a + b; endmodule Small expressions can create big hardware!
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog16 Bit Manipulation: Concatenation { } is the concatenation operator module adder(a, b, y, cout); input[31:0]a, b; output[31:0]y; output cout; assign {cout,y} = a + b; endmodule Concatenation (33 bits)
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog17 Bit Manipulation: Replication { n {pattern} } replicates a pattern n times module signextend(a, y); input[15:0]a; output [31:0]y; assign y = {16{a[15]}, a[15:0]}; endmodule Copies sign bit 16 times Lower 16 Bits
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog18 Internal Signals Declared using the wire keyword module fulladder(a, b, cin, s, cout); inputa, b, cin; output s, cout; wireprop, gen; assign prop = a ^ b; assign gen = a | b; assign s = prop ^ cin; assign cout = gen | (cin & prop); endmodule
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog19 Some Language Details Syntax - See Quick Reference Card Major elements of language: Lexical Elements (“tokens” and “token separators”) Data Types and Values Operators and Precedence Syntax of module declarations
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog20 Verilog Lexical Elements Whitespace - ignored except as token separators blank spaces tabs newlines Comments Single-line comments // Multi-line comments /* … */ Operators- unary, binary, ternary Unary a = ~b; Binary a = b && c; Ternary a = (b < c) ? b : c;
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog21 Verilog Numbers Sized numbers: ' - decimal number specifying number of bits - base of number decimal 'd or 'D hex 'h or 'H binary ‘b or ‘B - consecutive digits normal digits 0, 1, …, 9 (if appropriate for base) hex digitsa, b, c, d, e, f x "unknown" digit z "high-impedance" digit Examples 4’b111112’h7af16’d255
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog22 Verilog Numbers (cont'd) Unsized numbers Decimal numbers appearing as constants (236, 5, 15, etc.) Bitwidth is simulator-dependent (usually 32 bits) Negative numbers sized numbers: '-' before size -8'd127 -3'b111 unsized numbers: '-' before first digit -233 Underline '_' can be used as a "spacer 12'b00010_1010_011 is same as 12'b000101010011
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog23 Verilog Strings Anything in quotes is a string: "This is a string" "a / b" Strings must be on a single line Treated as a sequence of 1-byte ASCII values Special characters - C-like (\)
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog24 Verilog Identifiers Starting character: alphabetic or '_' Following characters: alpha, numeric, or '_' Examples: george_paul "Escaped" identifiers: start with backslash follow with any non-whitespace ASCII end with whitespace character Examples: \212net\**xyzzy**\$foo Special notes: Identifiers are case sensitive Identifiers may not be reserved words
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog25 Verilog Reserved Words alwaysandassignbeginbufbufif0bufif1 case casexcasezcmos deassigndefaultdefparamdisableedge elseendendcaseendfunctionendmodule endprimitiveendspecifyendtableendtaskeventfor forceforeverforkfunctionhighz0highz1ififnone initialinoutinputintegerjoinlargemacromodule mediummodulenandnegedgenmosnor not notif0notiforoutputparameterpmos posedgeprimitivepull0pull1pulldownpulluprcmos realrealtimeregreleaserepeatrnmosrpmosrtran rtranif0rtranif1scalaredsmallspecifyspecparamstrong0 strong1supply0supply1tabletasktimetrantranif0 tranif1tritri0tri1triandtriortriregvectored waitwandweak0weak1whilewireworxnor xor
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog26 Verilog Data Types Nets - connections between modules input, output ports wires - internal signals Other types: wand, wor, trior, trireg (ignore for now) Advanced Data Types (more later) Vectors - multiple bit wires, registers, etc. reg - Variables that are assigned values Arrays and Memories Parameters
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog27 Operators and Precedence Override with parentheses () when needed
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog28 Verilog Module Declaration Describes the external interface of a single module Name Ports - inputs and outputs General Syntax: module modulename ( port1, port2,... ); port1 direction declaration; port2 direction declaration; reg declarations; module body - “parallel” statements endmodule // note no semicolon (;) here!
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog29 Verilog Body Declaration - “Parallel” Statements Parallel statements describe concurrent behavior (i.e., statements which “execute” in parallel) Types of Parallel Statements: assign - used to specify simple combinational logic always - used to specify repeating behavior for combinational or sequential logic initial - used to specify startup behavior (not supported in synthesis, but often used in simulation) module instantiation - used for structure … and other features we’ll talk about later
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog30 Combinational Modeling with always Motivation assign statements are fine for simple functions More complex functions require procedural modeling Basic syntax: always (sensitivity-list) statement or always (sensitivity-list) begin statement-sequence end Signal list - change activates block Sequential statement ( =, if/else, etc.) Compound Statement - sequence of sequential statements
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog31 Sequential Statements Similar to statements in C, Java, etc. Like C/Java, statements execute sequentially Value assigned values must be declared as “ reg ” When combined with always block Code is “activated” when inputs change Full execution determines final value Storage implied if values not assigned for all conditions
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog32 Combinational Modeling with always Example: 4-input mux behavioral model module mux4(d0, d1, d2, d3, s, y); input d0, d1, d2, d3; input [1:0] s; output y; reg y; always @(d0 or d1 or d2 or d3 or s) case (s) 2'd0 : y = d0; 2'd1 : y = d1; 2'd2 : y = d2; 2'd3 : y = d3; default : y = 1'bx; endcase endmodule Blocking assignments (immediate update)
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog33 Modeling with Hierarchy Create instances of submodules Example: Create a 4-input Mux using mux2 module Original mux2 module: module mux2(d0, d1, s, y); input[3:0]d0, d1; inputs; output [3:0]y; assign y = s ? d1 : d0; endmodule
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog34 Modeling with Hierarchy Create instances of submodules Example: Create a 4-input Mux using mux2 module module mux4(d0, d1, d2, d3, s, y); input[3:0]d0, d1, d2, d3; input[1:0]s; output [3:0]y; wire[3:0]low, high; mux2 lowmux(d0, d1, s[0], low); mux2 highmux(d2, d3, s[0], high); mux2 finalmux(low, high, s[1], y); endmodule Instance NamesConnections
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog35 Larger Hierarchy Example Use full adder to create an n-bit adder module add8(a, b, sum, cout); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] sum; output cout; wire [7:0] c; // used for carry connections assign c[0]=0; fulladder f0(a[0], b[0], c[0], sum[0], c[1]); fulladder f1(a[1], b[1], c[1], sum[1], c[2]); fulladder f2(a[2], b[2], c[2], sum[2], c[3]); fulladder f3(a[3], b[3], c[3], sum[3], c[4]); fulladder f4(a[4], b[4], c[4], sum[4], c[5]); fulladder f5(a[5], b[5], c[5], sum[5], c[6]); fulladder f6(a[6], b[6], c[6], sum[6], c[7]); fulladder f7(a[7], b[7], c[7], sum[7], cout); endmodule
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog36 Hierarchical Design with Gate Primitives “Built-In” standard logic gates and or not xor nand nor xnor Using Gate Primitives: and g1(y, a, b, c, d); How are the different from operators ( &, |, ~, etc.)? Operators specify function Gate primitives specify structure Output Inputs (variable number)
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog37 Gate Primitives Example 2-1 Multiplexer module mux2s(d0, d1, s, y); wire sbar, y0, y1; not inv1(sbar, s); and and1(y0, d0, sbar); and and2(y1, d1, s); or or1(y, y0, y1); endmodule; Why shouldn’t we use gate primitives? Requires “low-level” implementation decisions It’s usually better to let synthesis tools make these
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog38 Lab 8 - Comb. Design with Verilog Prelab: write out case statement by hand for binary decoder In the lab: Type in and simulate binary decoder using Verilogger FTP to Linux & synthesize using Synopsys tools FTP to Suns & convert optimized logic to layout
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog39 Lab 8 - Decoder Design in Verilog Part 1: design, simulate, and synthesize a decoder module dec2_4(d_in, d_out); input [1:0] d_in; output [3:0] d_out; reg [3:0] d_out; always @(d_in) begin case (d_in) 2’b00 : d_out = 4’b0001; … default: d_out = 4’bxxxx; endcase end endmodule d_in d_out Fill in the 4 cases with the proper values
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog40 Lab 8 - Decoder Design in Verilog Part 2: add an inverted output to your decoder module dec2_4(d_in, d_out, d_out_b); input [1:0] d_in; output [3:0] d_out, d_out_b; reg [3:0] d_out, d_out_b; always @(d_in) begin case (d_in) 2’b00 : d_out = 4’b0001; … default: d_out = 4’bxxxx; endcase end endmodule Add code to generate d_out_b d_in d_out d_out_b
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog41 Lab 8 - Additional Tasks Modify decoder to intentionally create a “latch inference” and synthesize Create, simulate, and synthesize designs for: Row decoder for D/A converter (include d2 input) 4-bit incrementer 4-bit adder
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog42 Lab 8 - CAD Tools Verilogger - simulator Synopsys - synthesis db2mag - placement/routing magic - use to view resulting layout
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog43 Synthesis Example: mux4 module mux4(d0, d1, d2, d3, s, y); input d0, d1, d2, d3; input [1:0] s; output y; reg y; always @(d0 or d1 or d2 or d3 or s) case (s) 2'd0 : y = d0; 2'd1 : y = d1; 2'd2 : y = d2; 2'd3 : y = d3; default : y = 1'bx; endcase endmodule
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog44 mux4 - Before Optimization
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog45 mux4 - After Optimization
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog46 mux4 - Layout
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog47 More about always Specifies logic with procedural statements Simulation model: executes statements in order Synthesized hardware: matches simulation “ reg ” declarations treat like variables in C or Java assignment: holds value until a new assignment is made module my_logic(a, b, c, d); input a, b; output c, d; reg c,d; always @(a or b) begin c = a & b; d = b ^ c; end endmodule
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog48 Synthesizing Comb. Logic When no if, case, or loop statements: Assignment statements generate logic Outputs are values of last assignments Logic optimized, reduced during synthesis module my_logic(a, b, c, d); input a, b; output c, d; reg c,d; always @(a or b) begin c = a & b; d = b ^ c; c = d | a; end endmodule
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog49 Synthesizing Comb. Logic - if/else if/else statements become multiplexers multiplexers follow statement order always @(c or d or x or y) begin if (c == 1’b1) z = x + y; else z = x - y; if (d == 1’b0) w = z; else w = x; end
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog50 Synthesizing Comb. Logic - if /else if / else Each else implies mutual exclusion if / else if / else creates a priority encoder always @(c or d or x or y) begin if (c == 1’b1) z = x + y; else if (d == 0’b0) z = x - y; else z = x; end Use sequential if statements without else if to avoid priority if desired
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog51 Synthesizing Comb. Logic - if without else if without else : output depends on previous value always @(a or x or y) begin w = x + y; if (a == 1’b1) w = x; end What if no previous value is specified? Must preserve the semantics of the language This requires a latch inference
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog52 Synthesizing Comb. Logic - if without else (latch inference) if without else : output depends on previous value always @(a or x or y) begin if (a == 1’b1) w = x; end What if no previous value is specified? Must preserve the semantics of the language This requires a latch inference to store “old” value
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog53 Synthesizing Comb. Logic - case statements Verilog case : treated as if / else if / else... always @(e or x or y) begin case (e) 2’b00 : w = x + y; 2’b01 : w = x - y; 2’b10 : w = x & y; default: w = 4’b0000; endcase end Use default to avoid latch inference! To avoid priority: use parallel_case “pragma” case (e) //synopsys parallel_case 2’b00 : w = x + y;... end
ECE 425 Spring 2007Lecture 15 - Design w/ Verilog54 Coming Up Sequential Logic Latches Flip-Flops Finite State Machines
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