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City of n Tigard Respect and Care | Do the Right Thing | Get it Done City of n Tigard Respect and Care | Do the Right Thing | Get it Done Presented to.

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Presentation on theme: "City of n Tigard Respect and Care | Do the Right Thing | Get it Done City of n Tigard Respect and Care | Do the Right Thing | Get it Done Presented to."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of n Tigard Respect and Care | Do the Right Thing | Get it Done City of n Tigard Respect and Care | Do the Right Thing | Get it Done Presented to Council September 20, 2011 An Introduction to Sustainability At the City of Tigard

2 City of Tigard September 20, 2011 Agenda  Develop a List of Existing Sustainability Practices  Discuss Council Goals Work Plan  Define Sustainability  Draft Milestones

3 City of Tigard Existing City of Tigard Sustainability Practices

4 City of Tigard 2011 Council Goals Work Plan DescriptionStatus Designate Coordinator for Sustainability PracticesDone Develop List of Existing Sustainability PracticesIn progress Define SustainabilityIn progress Create Scope of Work for Sustainability ConsultantIn progress

5 City of Tigard Start Defining Sustainability for Tigard According to the United Nations Commission, sustainability means “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs.”

6 City of Tigard Start Defining Sustainability for Tigard The three interrelated pillars of sustainable development include the environment, social equity, and economic development. To act sustainably is to balance the aims of these pillars with the need to use resources more efficiently.

7 City of Tigard  Sustainability enables a community to meet its current environmental, economic and social needs without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same.  A sustainable community is one that can meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability - Sample Definitions

8 City of Tigard  Meet the economic, social, and environmental needs of the present without compromising the future’s ability to do the same.  Meeting the needs of current generations in a way that allows future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability - Sample Definitions

9 City of Tigard Five Milestones for Sustainability Getting Started Checklist (five-year plan)Status Milestone 1: Conduct Sustainability Assessment 2012 Milestone 2: Set Sustainability Goals 2013 Milestone 3: Develop Sustainability Plan 2014 Milestone 4: Implement Plan 2015 Milestone 5: Monitor/Evaluate Implementation Progress 2016

10 City of Tigard Sustainability Questions & Discussion

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