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Introduction to XLink Transparency No. 1 How the Minimum Set of Platform Plugins Are Related Cheng-Chia Chen.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to XLink Transparency No. 1 How the Minimum Set of Platform Plugins Are Related Cheng-Chia Chen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to XLink Transparency No. 1 How the Minimum Set of Platform Plugins Are Related Cheng-Chia Chen

2 Introduction to XLink Transparency No. 2

3 Introduction to XLink Transparency No. 3

4 Introduction to XLink Transparency No. 4

5 Introduction to XLink Transparency No. 5 XLink, XPointer, XPath, Xinclude and XML Base XLink: 27 June 2001, Recommendation a generalization of the HTML link concept higher abstraction level (intended for general XML - not just hypertext) more expressive power (multiple destinations, special behaviours, out- of-line links,...) uses XPointer to locate resources XPointer : 11 September 2001, Candidate recommendation an extension of XPath suited for linking specifies connection between XPath expressions and URIs XPath: November 16, 1999 1.0 Specification a declarative language for locating nodes and fragments in XML trees used in both XPointer (for addressing) and XSL (for pattern matching) XInclude :: 21 February 2002, Candidate recommendation embeds a document identified by a URI inside an XML document. XMLBase:27, June 2001, Recommendation defines the URI against which relative URIs are resolved

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