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Siemens in Russia. April 2006 1851 Supply of 75 recording telegraphs for the Russian telegraph line from St. Petersburg to Moscow 1853 Foundation of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Siemens in Russia. April 2006 1851 Supply of 75 recording telegraphs for the Russian telegraph line from St. Petersburg to Moscow 1853 Foundation of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Siemens in Russia

2 April 2006 1851 Supply of 75 recording telegraphs for the Russian telegraph line from St. Petersburg to Moscow 1853 Foundation of the Siemens office in St. Petersburg 1855 Construction of the state telegraph lines Moscow - Sevastopol, St. Petersburg - Kronstadt, St. Petersburg - Warsaw. The total length of lines in Russia reached 9000 km 1855 Foundation of Russian subsidiary of Siemens & Halske by Carl von Siemens in St. Petersburg 1882 Building of the cable plant and the electro-technical plant in St. Petersburg 1886 Foundation of «Obshestvo electricheskogo osvesheniya». Installation of lighting systems in St. Petersburg and Moscow 1888 Electrification in Moscow. Construction of the first power station 1898 Foundation of the “Association of Russian electrical plants of Siemens & Halske,” St. Petersburg Siemens in Russia: more than 150 years of tradition and progress

3 April 2006 1928 Opening of the consulting office in Moscow 1924-1930 Construction of power station on Kura river; participation in the Dnepr regional power station (DNEPROGES); turbine delivery for the Kashira regional power station. Laying of the first radio cable (38 km length) in Moscow 1956 Design and supply of electrical equipment for the ice-breaker ship “Moskva” 1970 Beginning of regular deliveries of medical equipment supplies to Russian hospitals 1971 Opening of Siemens AG representative office in Moscow 1975 Installation of the automation system for the world’s most productive rolling mill 2000 in Cherepovez 1982 Complete equipping of the “All-Union Cardio Center” hospital in Moscow 1991 Opening of Siemens office in St. Petersburg 1996 Construction of the longest radio-relay link in the world from Moscow to Khabarovsk 1997 Foundation of the OOO Siemens (Siemens Ltd.) 1998 – 2006 Expansion of company’s regional presence in Russia, opening of regional centers in Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Khabarovsk, Kaliningrad. Siemens in Russia: more than 150 years of tradition and progress

4 April 2006 Siemens presence in Russia Cherepowez Ufa Vladivostok Khabarovsk Novosibirsk Krasnoyarsk St. Petersburg Petrozawodsk Moscow Kaluga N. Novgorod Izhevsk Perm EkaterinburgSamara Krasnodar Rostov-Don Tambov Stary Oskol Barnaul Angarsk Irkutsk Yakutsk Archangelsk Tomsk Astrakhan Volgograd Togliatti Tjumen Chelyabinsk Kazan Voronezh       Kaliningrad  

5 April 2006 Siemens in Russia today  Over 4,000 employees;  Sales of 1.6 billion euros *)  Broad spectrum of production, services and solutions  Complex solutions for various branches of the Russian economy  Service centers and customer support centers  Know-how and technology transfers  Wide network of regional bureaus  11 joint ventures *) in 2005

6 April 2006 Information and Communications Automation & Control Power Transport Medical Lighting MED Medical Solutions A&D Automation and Drives I&S Industrial Solutions and Services SHS Siemens Hearing Solutions СОМ Communications TS Transportation Systems PGTD Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution SBT Siemens Building Technologies SBS Siemens Business Services Siemens VDO Automotive Siemens VDO Engineering OSRAM-RUS Moscow ОАО Svet Smolensk ZAO Izhtel Izhewsk Siemens in Russia: business areas

7 April 2006 Siemens Groups with own legal status and companies with Siemens share Regional Offices Central departments A&C Accounting & Controlling CC Corporate Communication CIO Corporate Information Office CO Corporate Office CPL Procurement & Logistics CS Corporate Strategy CT Corporate Technologies GP Government Projects GR Government Relations HR Human Resources IA Internal audit LD Legal department RD Regional development SFS Financial Services & Solutions TD Tax department QM Quality Management OOO Siemens ZAO NPF Systema-Service, St. Petersburg Siemens in Russia: organization OOO SBS Moscow ZAO Izhtel, Izhewsk OOO SMII Моscow OOO OSRAM-RUS Моscow St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Khabarovsk, Kaliningrad Med Medical Solutions A&D Automation and Drives I&S Industrial Solutions and Services SHS Siemens Hearing Solutions COM Communications TS Transportation Systems PGTD Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution SBT Siemens Building Technologies OOO VDO Automotive, Moscow OOOBSH Bytovaya Tekhnika, Moscow ZAO Interavtomatika, Moscow OАО KTZ, Kaluga ОАО Nevsky Zavod, St. Petersburg ООО Interturbo, St. Petersburg ОАО Kompressorny Komplex, St. Petersburg ООО Fujitsu Siemens Computers, Moscow OAO Nuclear control, Moscow ООО Demag Delaval Power Nevsky, St. Petersburg OOO TS Transportation Systems OOO VDO Engineering, Moscow OAO Power Machines, Moscow SO Siemens One Corporate Projects OAO Svet, Smolensk

8 April 2006 Siemens mission in Russia is to be the leading partner in the field of modernization and development of branches of the Russian economy, being an integral component of the Russian society

9 April 2006 Siemens in Russia June 2006 Thank you! Siemens in Russia Corporate Office 115093 Moscow, Dubininskaya St., 96

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