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JR Vanhoy, F.D. Correll, J.H.Huddle, D.M.Moore Educational Activities at the USNA 5SDH-1 J.R.Vanhoy, F.D.Correll, J.H.Huddle, D.M.Moore.

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Presentation on theme: "JR Vanhoy, F.D. Correll, J.H.Huddle, D.M.Moore Educational Activities at the USNA 5SDH-1 J.R.Vanhoy, F.D.Correll, J.H.Huddle, D.M.Moore."— Presentation transcript:

1 JR Vanhoy, F.D. Correll, J.H.Huddle, D.M.Moore Educational Activities at the USNA 5SDH-1 J.R.Vanhoy, F.D.Correll, J.H.Huddle, D.M.Moore

2 Outline Background –USNA –Students Equipment –Instrumentation Lab –Accelerator Lab Uses –SP434 Nuclear Physics Course –Physics Major Research –Oceanography Capstone Projects –External Contacts

3 Background: USNA

4 Background: Students Technical Core Professional Training ~Std Physics Major Pgm All advanced physics courses have 2 hour labs

5 Equipment: Pelletron 5SDH-1









14 Usage: Nuclear Physics Course Instrumentation – 6 weeks –NaI and DAQ Layout –HpGe Detectors –Compton Scattering –  Coincidence Accelerator – 6-8 weeks –Parts is parts –Accelerator Operations –PIXE –Coulomb Excitation –P + 12C Resonances –P + 27Al Resonance – oxide layers –RBS

15 Usage: Nuclear Physics Course NaI and DAQ Layout –Week One NaI Response Function NIM & CAMAC Module discussion –Week Two “Oops, someone broke in and dismantled all the equipment”

16 Usage: Nuclear Physics Course HpGe Detector – 152 Eu Spectrum Odd-odd nucleus: 2-mode decay Practice using “Table of Isotopes” –Fiestaware Plate – 238 U decay scheme Practice using “Wall Chart” and “Table of Isotopes” Reasons behind  vs  vs  decay Data for later HW on  particle penetrabilities

17 Usage: Nuclear Physics Course Accelerator Operations –Students learn to drive –Experience with ion optics

18 Usage: Nuclear Physics Course


20 Optimum Number of Students = 2 Jobs –Driver –Data acquisition –Analysis 1 experiment can be run all day MUST review whole experiment next day in class

21 Usage: Nuclear Physics Course Gleanings –mix practical skills & book smarts –2 students per lab class (maybe 3) –Divide jobs, promote independent/team work –“You found it, You fix it” –Problems are educational experiences too –2 instructors per lab



24 Usage: Nuclear Physics Course Coulomb Excitation p + 181 Ta –“determine nuclear shape: Q” –energy loss by projectiles dE/dx –detector efficiency, solid angles,… –approximations 181Ta is not even-even Use proton xs instead of  production xs Ignore angular dependance p 181 Ta

25 p measure  at 90 o 181 Ta 7/2 + 181 Ta L=2

26 expt’l values = 6 - 9 b evaluated Q = 3.3 b

27 Usage: Nuclear Physics Course p + 12C resonances –Week One Chamber setup and configuration Thin target prep SB detectors: ground loops & noise –Week Two Resonance vs Rutherford Spin and Lifetimes

28 Usage: Nuclear Physics Course p + 27 Al997-keV Resonance –Fine points of Accelerator operation: Feedback systems Particle trajectories –surprise measurement of Oxide layers Slits GVM CPO } needle

29 ~100 nm

30 Usage: Physics Major Research Topics: –Development of Ion Microprobe –Fourier Analysis of Feedback System –Multiparameter DAQ Using Kmax –Development of Scanning Ion Milliprobe –2-D Elemental Mapping Using RBS –Feasibility Study for Isotopic Analysis

31 Usage: Oceanography Capstone Projects P.A. Rona, National Geographic v182, 105 (1992)

32 Usage: Oceanography Capstone Projects Gleanings –Students not sure what they want to discover –Difficult to control quality of final product –Provides opportunity for YOU to learn –Typically low yield projects

33 Usage: External Contacts Professional –Anthropology & Archeology –Assays Public Service –“meteorites”

34 Usage: Public Service

35 “Meteorites”

36 Summary HELP! Assistant Professor Inquiries may be sent via e-mail to Search updates will be posted on Search Committee, Physics Department, U.S. Naval Academy,572 Holloway Road, Annapolis, MD 21402-5026

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