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Verifying Distributed Real-time Properties of Embedded Systems via Graph Transformations and Model Checking Gabor Madl

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1 Verifying Distributed Real-time Properties of Embedded Systems via Graph Transformations and Model Checking Gabor Madl Sherif Abdelwahed Douglas C. Schmidt This work was supported by the NSF ITR Grant CCR-0225610 “Foundations of Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems.”

2 Outline  Challenge problems  Approach  Verification tool chain using GME  Generic timed automata model  Case study: Verification of a Bold Stroke application  Boeing Bold Stroke execution framework  Embedded Systems Modeling Language (ESML)  Transformation of the example application  Verifying properties with U PPAAL

3 Challenge problems  Distributed Real-Time Embedded (DRE) systems are traditionally hard to verify  In the Model Integrated Computing approach we create application models using Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSML)  We verify application models by mapping them to formally defined Models of Computations using well-defined model transformations (e.g. graph transformations) and checking the desired properties in that semantic domain

4 Approach Trace Verification Property Verification Design feedback Design feedback Generator Model Checker Simulator Input Analysis Model Semantic mapping Domain Specific Model Semantic Domain Executable Code

5 Verification tool chain using GME Component-based Modeling Language (ESML) Model Checker Input Domain (Timed Automata) U PPAAL Model Checker We provide a common framework based on the Graph Rewriting and Transformation (GR E AT) tool, which utilizes graph transformations, and the U PPAAL model checker to verify the non-preemptive scheduling of embedded systems

6 Generic timed automata model

7 Case study: Verification of a Bold Stroke application

8 Boeing Bold Stroke Execution Framework  Unsynchronized software timers trigger the periodic processing, event passing is asynchronous  Priority bands are executing same-priority actions  Preemptive scheduling between bands, non- preemptive between actions with the same priority  Priority bands are implemented using 3 threads (Thread-Pool policy for multi-threading)

9 Modeling the Bold Stroke application using the ESML language  ESML is a modeling language for component-based, event-driven systems  It uses the publisher/subscriber communication pattern  The models contain information about priorities, sub-priorities, worst case execution times and deadlines for actions

10 Proposed Model of Computation for Bold Stroke

11 Graph transformation using GREAT Pattern of components OR decomposition

12 Verifying properties with U PPAAL  Deadlock A[] not deadlock  The system is schedulable if all tasks can be executed within their deadlines  Verifying this property does not require additional property checking because the Timeout state deadlocks the model in our design  Additional properties can also be checked because dependencies and dense time information are captured in the network of timed automata

13 Conclusion and future directions  We presented a solution to verify dense timed properties of periodic event-driven systems  We have formalized the graph transformation as well as the computational model behind Bold Stroke  The verification process can provide simulation runs and pinpoint components that fail to meet their deadlines  Modeling preemption while avoiding the state explosion problem is our long-term goal

14 Questions?

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