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Introduction to Cognitive Science (COGN1001) Psychology Module (i)

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Cognitive Science (COGN1001) Psychology Module (i)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Cognitive Science (COGN1001) Psychology Module (i)

2 Nature of Human Mind Cognitive Psychology – Information processing system – The architecture of the mind

3 Information Processing Model Computer as an analogy – Select, encode, store & retrieve Empirical investigation & evidence

4 Sensory Memory Echoic memory Iconic memory Visual summation – Phi phenomenon – E.g., movies Backward masking

5 +

6 John

7 is

8 going

9 to

10 tell

11 you

12 a

13 story


15 Sensory Memory (cont’d) Temporal limitation – Brief Storage – Relatively large Capacity? Duration? Sperling (1960) 3 x 3 letter matrix 3 x 4.15,.30,.50 msecs delay Whole report Partial report technique

16 Sensory Memory (cont’d) Capacity – Relatively large Duration – 250 msecs Function: Information loss: – Decay


18 Attention Theories of Attention Early selection (Broadbent) Dichotic listening Left ear: 7 4 1 Right ear: 3 2 5

19 Contrasting findings: – Shadowing – Attended message: “They were throwing stones at the bank” – Unattended message: “money” rather “river” – Tended to remember: “They were throwing stones at the financial institution” Cocktail party phenomenon

20 Attenuation (Treisman) Late selection (Deutsch & Deutsch) Capacity model (Kahneman & others)

21 Selective attention Divided attention Attention – Unavoidable – E.g., Stroop effect RED BLUE GREEN ORANGE

22 Short-term Memory Encoding How is information encoded? – Demo

23 +

24 T L P K S J

25 P  B P  R Acoustic confusion

26 Short-term Memory (cont’d) How can you keep the info in your STM? Capacity? – Demo

27 +

28 F B I S A R U C S I B M


30 +

31 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1


33 +

34 Lake Bread Jump Sing Song Pen Water Hop Paper Butter


36 F B I S A R U C S I B M (7) 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 (9) Lake Bread Jump Sing Song Pen Water Hop Paper Butter (5)

37 Short-term Memory (cont’d) Storage limitation – 7 + 2 items (George Miller, 1956) Chunking 28571017 2857-1017

38 F B I S A R U C S I B M F B I -S A R- U C S- I B M 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 -0 1 1- 1 0 1- 0 0 0- 1 0 1 Lake Bread Jump Sing Song Pen Water Hop Paper Butter Lake Water Bread Butter Jump Hop Sing Song Paper Pen

39 Short-term Memory (cont’d) Duration? – How can we go about to test it?

40 Working Memory Baddeley (1989) 3 components: – Articulartory loop – Visuospatial sketchpad – Executive control system (e.g., simple arithmetic) – Limited resources – Digit span & Arithmetic

41 Digit span – English 7.3 – Chinese 9.9

42 Working Memory (cont’d) Information loss – Displacement – Interference – Decay

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