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Charts to the article Fiscal policy and financial crises – what are the actual effects of fiscal policy? by Nina Larsson Midthjell in Economic Bulletin.

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Presentation on theme: "Charts to the article Fiscal policy and financial crises – what are the actual effects of fiscal policy? by Nina Larsson Midthjell in Economic Bulletin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charts to the article Fiscal policy and financial crises – what are the actual effects of fiscal policy? by Nina Larsson Midthjell in Economic Bulletin 2011

2 Chart 1a GDP in selected countries. Four-quarter change. Broken lines indicate projections. Per cent

3 Chart 1b GDP in selected countries. Four-quarter change. Broken lines indicate projections. Per cent Source: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, October 2010

4 Chart 2a Unemployment in selected countries. Broken lines indicate projections. Per cent

5 Chart 2b Unemployment in selected countries. Broken lines indicate projections. Per cent Source: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, October 2010

6 Chart 3 Key policy rates 1). Broken lines indicate estimated forward rates. Per cent 1) EONIA for the euro area. Sources: Bloomberg and Norges Bank

7 Chart 4 Gross public debt in selected euro area countries. Percentage of GDP. Broken lines indicate projections. 60 per cent criterion limit highlighted in black Sources: Eurostat, November 2010. All projections: IMF, World Economic Outlook Database, October 2010

8 Chart 5 Gross public debt in selected countries. Percentage of GDP. Broken lines indicate projections Sources: Eurostat, November 2010. For Norway: Statistics Norway. For US and all projections: IMF, World Economic Outlook Database, October 2010.

9 Chart 6 Public budget balance in selected euro area countries. Percentage of GDP. Broken lines indicate projections. 3 per cent criterion limit highlighted in black Sources: Eurostat, November 2010. All projections: IMF, World Economic Outlook Database, October 2010

10 Chart 7 Public budget balance in selected countries. Percentage of GDP. Broken lines indicate projections Sources: Eurostat, November 2010. For Norway: Statistics Norway. For US and all projections: IMF, World Economic Outlook Database, October 2010.

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