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Does the Moon Influence Human Behavior?. Do some people turn into werewolves during the full moon?

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Presentation on theme: "Does the Moon Influence Human Behavior?. Do some people turn into werewolves during the full moon?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does the Moon Influence Human Behavior?

2 Do some people turn into werewolves during the full moon?

3 Are there more births during a full moon?

4 Is there a Man or a Woman in the Moon? Man in the MoonWoman in the Moon

5 Is the Moon made of cheese?

6 Is the Moon pulled across the sky by a person, animal, or force?

7 Is the human female menstrual cycle linked to the moon?

8 Does the moon influence when to plant?

9 In addition to the prior beliefs, some people think the moon affects : homicide rate, traffic accidents domestic violence Suicide sleep walking Epilepsy Assassinations Kidnappings Assaults Stabbings emergency room admissions Murder.

10 What do you think? Does the moon influence our behavior? How can we find out?

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