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Symantec Corporation Norton Family Safety Presentation to ISTTF September 23, 2008 Symantec Corporation – Norton Family Safety ISTTF Presentation 9/23/2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Symantec Corporation Norton Family Safety Presentation to ISTTF September 23, 2008 Symantec Corporation – Norton Family Safety ISTTF Presentation 9/23/2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Symantec Corporation Norton Family Safety Presentation to ISTTF September 23, 2008 Symantec Corporation – Norton Family Safety ISTTF Presentation 9/23/2008

2 Our Approach with Norton Family Safety Symantec Corporation – Norton Family Safety ISTTF Presentation 9/23/2008 There are all kinds of dangers associated with kids and the internet Cyberbullying, predators, online reputation and social networking dangers, web searches for inappropriate content, and time abuse. A product that offers visibility and activity controls is crucial The two concepts are equally important. You can’t control what you don’t see/know about/understand, and therefore visibility is the first step to healthy dialogue. And once clear rules or boundaries are put in place, the product offers the technical ability to execute and uphold on the rules (i.e. blocking sites, managing time, etc.) How can a parent protect their family completely with today’s active lifestyles? Mobility of the product is key. Parents can’t possibly, nor do they want to, “watch over” their children whenever they are online. The ability to create visibility and control mechanisms that are location agnostic is extremely important. A successful relationship between child and parent with regards to online safety will result from constructive dialogue In stark contrast to many other products, Watchdog aims to provide the mechanisms that enable healthy dialogue, and the tools to shepherd children’s online activity by enforcing the agreed upon (or mandated) guidelines.

3 Overview of Norton Family Safety ISTTF Presentation 9/23/2008 3 3 Web IM Chat Search Social Network Time Win Set up Define family, rules and preferences Monitor Child activity, reports, alerts, requests Engage Share with other parents, rules, forums, tutorials Family Safety site

4 Q&A Owen Sweeney Jr 202-742-6583 Keith Newstadt (Sr. Principal Software Engineer) 781-530-2299 Symantec Corporation – Norton Family Safety ISTTF Presentation 9/23/2008

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