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Volume Changes (Equation of State) Volume is related to energy changes: Mineral volume changes as a function of T: , coefficient of thermal expansion.

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Presentation on theme: "Volume Changes (Equation of State) Volume is related to energy changes: Mineral volume changes as a function of T: , coefficient of thermal expansion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volume Changes (Equation of State) Volume is related to energy changes: Mineral volume changes as a function of T: , coefficient of thermal expansion Mineral volume changes as a function of P: , coefficient of isothermal expansion For Minerals:

2 Volume Changes (Equation of State) Gases and liquids undergo significant volume changes with T and P changes Number of empirically based EOS solns.. For metamorphic environments: –Redlich and Kwong equation: V-bar denotes a molar quatity, a Rw and b RK are constants

3 Hess’s Law Known values of  H for reactions can be used to determine  H’s for other reactions.  H is a state function, and hence depends only on the amount of matter undergoing a change and on the initial state of the reactants and final state of the products. If a reaction can be carried out in a single step or multiple steps, the  H of the reaction will be the same regardless of the details of the process (single vs multi- step).

4 CH 4 (g) + O 2 (g) --> CO 2 (g) + 2H 2 O(l)  H = -890 kJ If the same reaction was carried out in two steps: CH 4 (g) + O 2 (g) --> CO 2 (g) + 2H 2 O(g)  H = -802 kJ 2H 2 O(g) --> 2H 2 O(l)  H = -88 kJ CH 4 (g) + O 2 (g) --> CO 2 (g) + 2H 2 O(l)  H = -890 kJ Net equation Hess’s law : if a reaction is carried out in a series of steps,  H for the reaction will be equal to the sum of the enthalpy change for the individual steps.

5 Reference States We recall that we do not know absolute energies!!! We can describe any reaction or description of reaction relative to another  this is all we need to describe equilibrium and predict reaction direction, just need an anchor… Reference States: –Standard state: 1 atm pressure, 25°C –Absolute states – where can a value be defined?  entropy at 0 Kelvin

6 Heat of reaction  H 0 R  H 0 R is positive  exothermic  H 0 R is negative  endothermic Example: 2A + 3B  A 2 B 3  H 0 R =H 0 f (A 2 B 3 )-[2H 0 f (A) + 3H 0 f (B)] Heat of Reaction

7 Entropy of reaction Just as was done with enthalpies: Entropy of reaction S 0 R : When  S 0 R is positive  entropy increases as a result of a change in state When  S 0 R is negative  entropy decreases as a result of a change in state

8 J. Willard Gibbs Gibbs realized that for a reaction, a certain amount of energy goes to an increase in entropy of a system. G = H –TS or  G 0 R =  H 0 R – T  S 0 R Gibbs Free Energy (G) is a state variable, measured in KJ/mol Tabulated values of  G 0 R are in Appendix

9 G is a measure of driving force  G 0 R =  H 0 R – T  S 0 R When  G 0 R is negative  forward reaction has excess energy and will occur spontaneously When  G 0 R is positive  there is not enough energy in the forward direction, and the BACKWARD reaction will occur When  G 0 R is ZERO  reaction is AT equilibrium

10 Free Energy Examples  G 0 R =  H 0 R – T  S 0 R H 2 O (l) =-63.32 kcal/mol (NIST value: Fe 2+ + ¼ O 2 + H +  Fe 3+ + ½ H 2 O =[-4120+(-63320*0.5)]-[-21870+(3954*0.25)] =[-67440]-[-19893]=-47547 cal/mol

11 Now, how does free energy change with T and P? From  G=  H-T  S:

12 Phase Relations Rule: At equilibrium, reactants and products have the same Gibbs Energy –For 2+ things at equilibrium, can investigate the P-T relationships  different minerals change with T-P differently… For  G R =  S R dT +  V R dP, at equilibrium,  G  rearranging: Clausius-Clapeyron equation

13  V for solids stays nearly constant as P, T change,  V for liquids and gases DOES NOT Solid-solid reactions linear  S and V nearly constant,  S/  V constant  + slope in diagram For metamorphic reactions involving liquids or gases, volume changes are significant,  V terms large and a function of T and P (and often complex functions) – slope is not linear and can change sign (change slope + to –)  S R change with T or P? V = Vº(1-  P)


15 Example – Diamond-graphite To get C from graphite to diamond at 25ºC requires 1600 MPa of pressure, let’s calculate what P it requires at 1000ºC: graphitediamond  (K -1 ) 1.05E-057.50E-06  (MPa -1 ) 3.08E-052.27E-06 Sº (J/mol K) 5.742.38 Vº (cm3/mol) 5.29823.417

16 Clausius-Clapyron Example


18 Phase diagram Need to represent how mineral reactions at equilibrium vary with P and T

19 Gibbs Phase Rule The number of variables which are required to describe the state of a system: p+f=c+2 f=c-p+2 –Where p=# of phases, c= # of components, f= degrees of freedom –The degrees of freedom correspond to the number of intensive variables that can be changed without changing the number of phases in the system

20 Variance and f f=c-p+2 Consider a one component (unary) diagram If considering presence of 1 phase (the liquid, solid, OR gas) it is divariant 2 phases = univariant 3 phases = invariant

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