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Lab session 3 and 4 Topics to be covered Escape sequences Escape sequences Variables /identifiers Variables /identifiers Constants Constants assignment.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab session 3 and 4 Topics to be covered Escape sequences Escape sequences Variables /identifiers Variables /identifiers Constants Constants assignment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab session 3 and 4 Topics to be covered Escape sequences Escape sequences Variables /identifiers Variables /identifiers Constants Constants assignment statement assignment statement String concatenation String concatenation String methods String methods

2 ESCAPE SEQUENCES Java defines several Escape sequences to represent Special characters. An escape sequence begins with a backslash character (\) and indicates a character or characters that follow should be interpreted in some special way.

3 What does \t do \t - tab When u use this in a println statement System.out.println(“Roses are red,\t Violets are blue,\t,Sugar is sweet”) OUTPUT Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet

4 Escape Seq Meaning \b backspace \t tab \n newline \r carriage return \” Double quote \’ Single quote \\ backslash

5 What does \n do \n - newline When u use this in a println statement System.out.println(“Roses are red,\n Violets are blue,\n Sugar is sweet”); OUTPUT Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet

6 What does \” do \n” - Double quote When u use this in a println statement System.out.println(“\ Roses are red,\”Violets are blue”,\n Sugar is sweet”); OUTPUT Roses are red, “Violets are blue”, Sugar is sweet

7 What does \’ do \’ - Single quote When u use this in a println statement System.out.println(“Roses are red, \‘Violets are blue\’Sugar is sweet.”); OUTPUT Roses are red, ‘Violets are blue’, Sugar is sweet.

8 What does \\ do \\ - backslash When u use this in a println statement System.out.println(“Roses are red\\Violets are blue\\Sugar is sweet.”); OUTPUT Roses are red\Violets are blue\Sugar is sweet.

9 What does \b do \’ - backspace When u use this in a println statement System.out.println(“Roses are red, \bViolets are blue,\bSugar is sweet.”); OUTPUT Roses are red, Violets are blue,Sugar is sweet.

10 String Concatenation Strings that are printed using a print statement can be concatenated using + Eg System.out.println(“Roses are red”+“ ” +“Violets are blue” ); OUTPUT Roses are red Violets are blue

11 VARIABLES /IDENTIFIERS A Variable is a name for a location in the memory used to hold a data value num=25 25 num memory

12 Eg public class keys { Public static void main(String args[]) { int key ; //declaration statement key = 88; //initialization statement System.out.println(“A piano has” + key + “keys.”); System.out.println( key ); } OUTPUT: A piano has 88 keys 88

13 Primitive Data type There are 8 data types in java Integer - has 4 subsets (byte, short, int,long) Floating point numbers - 2 subsets ( float, double) Boolean Character

14 Examples: int num; // num can store whole numbers float average; // average can store decimal numbers char ch; // stores alphabets Boolean value ; // stores either True/False

15 INTIALISATION STATEMENT num=23; average=23.00; ch= ‘s’; value=true;

16 Assignment statement Assignment statement –assigns a value to a variable. Public class assign { Public static void main (String args[]) { int no; no=89; int num=56; //assignment st System.out.println(num); System.out.println (“The no is :“+no); }

17 Arithmetic expression An expression is a combination of one or more operators and operands the basic arithmetic operations defined for integer type and floating point type are addition(+),subtraction(-,multiplication(*),division(/). Java has one more arithmetic operation remainder(%) 17%4 will return 1 a= b + c; a,b,c – operands + -- operator

18 Operator precedence Result=14+8/2; ans=18 ans=11 correct ans is 18 operator precedence hierarchy division/multiplication/% add/sub /concatenation assignment

19 Result=(14+8)/2; ans=11; result=((18-4)*(2+2)); =(14*4) = 56 expression should be syntactically correct no of left parenthesis should be =no of right parenthesis Result=((19+6)%3)*3); //invalid Result=2+8-6; usually u start from left when same level of precedence

20 objects Class is used to define an object Class name is nothing but type of object; String name; //declaration 1 st step The above declaration creates a reference to string object No object actually exist To create an obj use NEW operator: name=new String (“Adam”); //obj created 2 nd step

21 1 st and 2 nd can be combined String name=new String (“Adam”); The String class has a no of methods Which its objects can use They are charat,replace,substring,length, toLowercase,toUppercase, concat,equals

22 String methods String(String str) Constructor: creates a new string object with the same characters As str Eg String name=new String(“kenny”); Is eqvivalent to String name=“kenny”;

23 Length method Int length () Returns the no of characters in the string Eg String greeting= “Hello!”; greeting. length(); returns 7

24 Lowercase String toLowerCase() Returns a new string identical to this string except all uppercase letters converted to lowercase Eg String greeting= “Hello!”; greeting. toLowerCase(); returns “hello!”.

25 UPPER CASE String toUpperCase() Returns a new string identical to this string except all lowercase letters converted to uppercase Eg String greeting= “Hello!”; greeting. toLowerCase(); returns “HELLO!”.

26 Trim String trim() Returns a new string identical to this string but with leading and trailing white space removed String pause= “ hhh “; pause. trim() returns “hhh”.

27 concatenation String concat(String str) Returns a new string consisting of this string concatenated with str Eg String name=new String (“kenny”); name.concat(“ is great “) returns “kenny is great”;

28 Char at Char charat(int index) Returns a character at specified index eg String name=new String (“kenny”); name.charat(0) returns ‘k’; name.charat(4) returns ‘y’;

29 Substring String substring(int start) Returns a substring of a string starting from index till end of this string. Eg String name=new String (“kenny”); name.substring(2) returns “nny”;

30 String substring(int start,int end) Returns a substring of a string starting from index start through but not including index endof this string. Eg String name=new String (“kenny”); name.substring(2,4) returns “nn”;

31 Replace String replace(char old,char new) Returns a new string identical to this string except that every occurrence of old is replaced by new. Eg String name=new String (“kenny”); name. replace (‘n’,’l’) returns “kelly”;

32 equals Boolean equals(String str); Returns true if the string contains the same characters as str and false otherwise (including case) String greeting= “Hello!”; greeting. equals(“Hello”) returns true. but greeting. equals(“HELL0”) returns false

33 equalsIgnorecase Boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String str); Returns true if the string contains the same characters as str and false otherwise (without regard to case); String greeting= “Hello!”; greeting. equals(“HELL0”) returns true

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