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By Brittney and Leslie By Brittney and Leslie Arthur Granjean A frenchman in Nuremberg,Germany 37 years old.

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Presentation on theme: "By Brittney and Leslie By Brittney and Leslie Arthur Granjean A frenchman in Nuremberg,Germany 37 years old."— Presentation transcript:



3 By Brittney and Leslie

4 By Brittney and Leslie Arthur Granjean A frenchman in Nuremberg,Germany 37 years old

5 1959 mostly poor people at the time small towns By Brittney and Leslie

6 Drawing Purpose new toy for people fun new toy for kids to draw or write portable toy By Leslie and Brittney

7 Arthur Granjean Products;like metal,plastic,and rubber By Leslie and Brittney

8 Makes Lines Vertically and Horizontally You make it draw By Brittney and Leslie

9 Kids Adults Teenagers Babies George Vlosich By Leslie and Brittney

10 By Brittney and Leslie George Vlosich just won an award at the White House Special sites about Etch-A- Sketch drawings Etch-A-Sketch has been around ever since 1960 Etch-A-Sketch was originally named L’Ecran Magique


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