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LaguniCambriSilomaLowelKeley Hank Korth Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Lehigh University.

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Presentation on theme: "LaguniCambriSilomaLowelKeley Hank Korth Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Lehigh University."— Presentation transcript:

1 LaguniCambriSilomaLowelKeley Hank Korth Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Lehigh University

2 The “core” of the DBMS The basic architecture of a database system is under threat from changes in computer architecture –multicore, multithread, multiblade, multi-etc The main product of our field is viewed as a “heavyweight” solution and it could become heavier, not lighter –we’re working on this, but the improvement are not on a pace to track the hardware roadmap

3 Applications Lots of hot applications How can our community offer something distinct from other CS communities? Are we addressing the real problem or using the application as a reason to address problems we are already working on?

4 World-Wide Water Cooler (W3C) Social networking in a corporate setting –Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn -- but inside the firewall –Networks of social networks internal, supply-chain inclusive, customers, public… –Team building via social knowledge, not committees or hierarchies –Social network as a proprietary resource and a collaboration tool

5 Corporate Social Nets “Water-cooler” or “coffee-machine” institutional knowledge and memory in a global economy –Even small firms are global –Supply chains are global –But: corporate constraints still apply privacy, security, liability but these constraints may allow richer link data Control versus openness

6 Re-thinking our “product” What is the corporate database for a staff run by the next generation? What is the interface to that database? Two-pronged strategy: –continue “embrace-and-extend” by adapting DBMS to new hardware and new applications –invent the fundamental database concepts we’d have if we started today without our back-office data-processing heritage

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