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We have a broad consensus about what we mean by a c omplex system.We have a broad consensus about what we mean by a c omplex system. They are not a mystery.

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Presentation on theme: "We have a broad consensus about what we mean by a c omplex system.We have a broad consensus about what we mean by a c omplex system. They are not a mystery."— Presentation transcript:

1 We have a broad consensus about what we mean by a c omplex system.We have a broad consensus about what we mean by a c omplex system. They are not a mystery any more.They are not a mystery any more. It’s time to put complex systems to work.It’s time to put complex systems to work.

2 Multi-scalar –Multiple levels of abstraction (not self-similar). IT systems involve quantum physics, solid-state electronics, gates & logic, software (often many levels), CONOPs, strategies, … Prone to phase transitions/chaos: small change → big effect. –If the system involves real physical stuff … No feasibly simulatable bottom level. Quarks? Strings? –E.g., an evolutionary arms race. The different levels cannot be completely isolated from each other –or we would have magic –except when implemented in software. –Allows for creative new uses, “emergence.” –Includes “loosely coupled” components with a certain degree of autonomy, e.g., agents. Multi-disciplinary (see levels of abstraction)

3 Entangled with its environment. –Systems are often built to act on their environments—to do something in the world. –Systems can often be controlled/manipulated by modifying the environments within which they exist. Often a multi-sided platform. –An operating system, a game system, a shopping center, a corporation, a standard, e.g., the internet protocols. Boundaries are deliberately permeable and indistinct. –Exchanges energy and materials with environment: eat & excrete. –System of systems; the operator goes home at night. Must extract energy from its environment to persist. –“Far from equilibrium.” Requires continual adaptation to a changing environment. –Always under development/evolving, e.g., version x.y. –Is simultaneously deployed and under development, e.g., Wikipedia. –Must be understood more broadly than as a “deliverable.” –A “social entity” that also includes its users and its developers.

4 Refine, clarify, and formalize these concepts. Make them intuitive, everyday, and commonplace. Make them operational. –Adapt them to practice in building real systems. –Build tools to allow anyone to use them.

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