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Soils Information By: Becky McGuire. Soil A. outer layer of earth’s crust, renewable natural resource that supports life --takes 1000 years for 1 inch.

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Presentation on theme: "Soils Information By: Becky McGuire. Soil A. outer layer of earth’s crust, renewable natural resource that supports life --takes 1000 years for 1 inch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soils Information By: Becky McGuire

2 Soil A. outer layer of earth’s crust, renewable natural resource that supports life --takes 1000 years for 1 inch of soil to form

3 Soil Components A. Soil is made up of: 1. Minerals—45% 2. Water—25% (good soil) 3. Air—25% 4. organic matter—5%

4 Pores A. spaces between soil particles. B. Filled with air and/or water

5 Mineral Material began as rock, undergoes weathering to break down 1. Classified according to particle size a. sand: largest in size, large pores, water flows through easily, not as fertile, nutrients leach out b. silt: mid-sized, good water holding capacity, holds nutrients C. clay: smallest in size, holds water and nutrients, has poor water drainage and lacks air

6 Soil Texture a. proportions of the 3 particle sizes in a soil --Landscapers need to know soil texture: 1. time to plant 2. drainage 3. nutrient holding capacity 4. plant soil requirements 5. easier to work with

7 Organic Matter A. decayed plants and animals 1. leaves, roots, stems 2. dark in color 3. more productive because of increased fertility/nutrients sources: manure, mulch, peat moss

8 Water A. necessary for good soil --permeable: allows water to flow through --leaching: salts, minerals and nutrients washed out of soil

9 Air 1. roots need air to breathe 2. soil must have air in pores for plants to grow

10 Soil Structure A. Aggregates: large particles of soil B. Soil structure: way in which aggregates are arranged --affects water and air movement in soil, nutrient availability and microorganism activity --structure can be destroyed by compaction (driving heavy equipment over, working soil when it’s too wet or too dry)

11 Soil Structure --8 categories 1. granular 2. crumb 3. platy 4. prismatic 5. massive 6. columnar 7. blocky 8. single grain

12 Soil Profiles view of a cross-section of soil --show layers of soil (horizons)

13 Soil Profiles 4 main horizons A. O horizon: (not main): organic matter (leaves, roots, limbs, decaying matter) on surface B. A horizon: topsoil, top layer of soil --contains greatest amount of decomposed O.M. --fertile --0 – 10 inches

14 Soil Profiles C. B horizon: subsoil, few nutrients, low O.M., some plant roots anchor here D. C horizon: parent material, weathered bedrock, and leached materials. No roots or O.M. E. R horizon: bedrock or solid rock

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