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GRA 5917: Input Politics and Public Opinion Introduction GRA 5917 Public Opinion and Input Politics. Introductory Lecture, August 19th 2010 Lars C. Monkerud,

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Presentation on theme: "GRA 5917: Input Politics and Public Opinion Introduction GRA 5917 Public Opinion and Input Politics. Introductory Lecture, August 19th 2010 Lars C. Monkerud,"— Presentation transcript:

1 GRA 5917: Input Politics and Public Opinion Introduction GRA 5917 Public Opinion and Input Politics. Introductory Lecture, August 19th 2010 Lars C. Monkerud, Department of Public Governance, BI Norwegian School of Management

2 Introduction to GRA 5917: Iput Politics and Public Opinion, outline of lecture: purpose and goal: writing a good research paper based on thorough data analysis… 1)analysis of data: some general points… and some practical issues (Lars) 2)writing a good paper: an interesting problem, clear and consistent analysis/presentation (Rune) 3)data and statistical tools: an introduction to SPSS and central data sets (Rune and Lars in computer lab)

3 1)analysis of data for many, if not most, problems relevant to the course subject matter we need to sensibly combine country- level data (often collected over a certain period of time) from two or more data sets… Policy = f(public preferences, institutional setup) Data set 1Data set 2Data set 3 particularily useful data sets that together can be used to analyze a number of interesting problems in course paper and/or thesis: available (w/documentation) through the course pages on It’s LearningIt’s Learning

4 1)… and some practical issues Stay updated: activate forwarding of internal messages to e-mail adress (under Messages > Message settings)

5 1)… and some practical issues

6 3)data and statistical tools data sets available (w/documentation) through the course pages on It’s Learning under the PolEc Datasets folder on the leftIt’s Learning data in PolEc Datasets are identified by country-years according to one single coding scheme (i.e. not Russia- RUS which will not automatically combine, but Russia- Russia); specifically, country is indexed in the cname variable, year of measurement in year

7 3)data and statistical tools Basic ”components” (windows) in SPSS: data sets appear in the Data Editor; output from analysis in the Viewer; (programming code in the Syntax Editor)

8 3)data and statistical tools Variable View in the Data Editor gives information on each variable in the set: To change variables’ characteristics (e.g. labels for category codes, define values that will read as ”missing”); useful for ”getting to know” the data For covenience: to work with several data sets at a time, uncheck under Windows in Edit > Options…

9 next week’s lecture (computer lab) Procedures for data and data set manipulation and data analysis – and much else - available on the menu toolbar. Importantly, we will be looking at: 1.Outputing descriptives to get to ”know” the data/check on successfulness of data manipulation: Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Frequencies and Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Descriptives 2.Basic procedures to recode variables: Transform > Compute Variable 3.Procedures to aggregate data: Data > Aggregate 4.Procedures to match-merge data from two sets: Data > Sort Cases and Data > Merge Files > Add Variables

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