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ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 1 Frank Allan Hansen, Integrating the Web and the World: Contextual Trails on.

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Presentation on theme: "ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 1 Frank Allan Hansen, Integrating the Web and the World: Contextual Trails on."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 1 Frank Allan Hansen, Integrating the Web and the World: Contextual Trails on the Move Torben B. Pedersen Frank Allan Hansen Niels Olof Bouvin Bent G. Christensen Kaj Grønbæk Jevgenij Gagach Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark Euman Ltd., Denmark

2 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 2 Frank Allan Hansen, Talk Overview Motivation –Trails in hypermedia and the real world –Prospects in combining them in a variety of application domains –Mobile clients and GPS tracking HyCon trail services –Browsing, searching and annotation Achitecture and implementation –Architecture, Data Model, and XLink usage –SVG for platform independent clients Conclusion

3 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 3 Motivation

4 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 4 Frank Allan Hansen, Trails and Annotations in Hypermedia and the Real World Bush’s trails Walden paths Ariadne Webnize –Metromaps Annotations Links Roads and paths Railways and metros Maps and routes Signs Posters Messages Graffiti GPS and IDs

5 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 5 Frank Allan Hansen, Goal Augmenting the physical world with digital structures Linking objects in physical and digital space –Access to digital information in context –Production of information in context Application domains –Learning tools –Tourism –Transportation –…

6 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 6 Frank Allan Hansen, Mobile Clients and Sensors Phone Interface TabletPC Interface

7 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 7 Frank Allan Hansen, Open Hypermedia in Ubiquitous Hypermedia How can Open Hypermedia structures be used to link objects in physical and digital space? –Externally defined, out-of-line links –Structures are not embedded in linked resources! –LocSpecs If you can identify an object you can link it! Hypermedia structures: –Information trails based on XLink –Links; Multi-headed, bi-directional, typed, generic –Annotations (user created comments and footnotes)

8 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 8 HyCon: Contextual Hypermedia

9 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 9 Frank Allan Hansen, Hypermedia Trails in the Real World Producing and accessing information in the field Digital graffiti –Leaving annotated trails of information –Location based annotations and links –Tagged with sensor data Location based browsing and search relative to the users context (time, place, activity,...) –Geo-tagged information –Unstructured Web information (GBS/Google) Digital graffiti: augmenting the environment without spoiling it

10 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 10 Frank Allan Hansen, Context Based Trails

11 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 11 Frank Allan Hansen, Context Based Browsing Navigating resources by browsing –Browsing the digital context… by changing parameters in the physical context Direct Physical Navigation –Browsing with your feet Indirect Representational Navigation

12 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 12 Frank Allan Hansen, Context Based Annotations Going beyond the classical context- aware browsing and navigation systems Support users as active information producers –Documenting or commenting on objects or situations –Linking Web resources to places Combining context sensors with mobile devices equipped with built- in cameras and microphones –Take photo in context –Taking notes about a site

13 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 13 Frank Allan Hansen, Geo Based Search (GBS) Search for information associated with the user’s context Geo Based Search: Web searches are augmented with context information or information derived from sensor data –Search terms augmented with computed postal addresses from GPS data posted on Google (See detailed discussion in NRHM Issue 9).

14 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 14 Implementation

15 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 15 Frank Allan Hansen, The HyCon Platform

16 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 16 Frank Allan Hansen, HyCon Data Model: Trails

17 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 17 Frank Allan Hansen, SVG for Platform Independent Clients Creating user interfaces for heterogeneous mobile devices is challenging! The client framework implements a “scriptable SVG browser” The SVG-based Client Framework –Prototype developed at Aalborg University, Denmark –Implemented in Symbian C++ and using the Bitflash SVG component on Symbian

18 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 18 Frank Allan Hansen, The SVG Browser SVG as interface description language –XML and DOM SVG for data transportation SVG for application integration

19 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 19 Frank Allan Hansen, The HyConExplorer Prototype Utilizing Open Hypermedia techniques –Trails, annotations, and links Using standard Web technologies –SOAP –SVG –XLink based data model Novel approach to XLink based physical trails

20 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 20 Conclusion

21 ISIS Katrinebjerg i n t e r a c t i v e s p a c e s. n e t 21 Frank Allan Hansen, Conclusion Concept for binding hypermedia trails to paths in the real world Linking objects in physical and digital space General Open Hypermedia mechanisms combined with the use of Web standards –SVG –XLink HyCon is a general framework for context based hypermedia. –Not just out-door location –In-door location sensors –Other types of sensors –User specified Context (purpose, task, etc.)

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