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1 JPL Interdivisional Authorizations What is an Interdivisional Authorization? Authorization for Caltech to incur expenses for providing a service to JPL.

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Presentation on theme: "1 JPL Interdivisional Authorizations What is an Interdivisional Authorization? Authorization for Caltech to incur expenses for providing a service to JPL."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 JPL Interdivisional Authorizations What is an Interdivisional Authorization? Authorization for Caltech to incur expenses for providing a service to JPL and a means for billing JPL for those services (i.e., transferring funding from JPL to Caltech)

2 2 JPL Interdivisional Authorizations There are 2 types of IAs 1. Research IA 2. Service IA Set-up process depends on the type of IA

3 3 JPL Research IA’s Generally involve a member of the Caltech faculty Set-Up Must prepare a budget and statement of work that is reviewed by Caltech’s Office of Sponsored Research Should conform to all the usual requirements for proposal submission, e.g., Divisional Approval Form

4 4 JPL Research IA’s JPL Contract Management Office (CMO) will only issue an IA to authorize payment for the work after the proposal has been submitted and reviewed For more information refer to OSR website Billings and Close-Outs Processed by Project Accounting Divisional teams

5 5 JPL Service IA’s Generally do not involve, or are not supervised by, a member of the Caltech faculty e.g., services provided directly to JPL by MPS, technicians, shops, service centers, etc. Set-Up Complete template detailing budget and statement of work Submit to Lisa Frenchie in Project Accounting (M/C 211- 15) Template and instructions are available on the Project Accounting website under forms

6 6 JPL Service IA’s Reviewed by Project Accounting to verify Salary rates (JPL will not accept a different salary rate than Caltech rate) Correct overhead rate Work performed at campus (59.3%) Work performed at JPL (26%) Staff benefit rate

7 7 JPL Service IA’s JPL CMO will only issue an IA to authorize payment for the work after this paperwork has been submitted and reviewed Billings and Close-Outs Processed by Project Accounting JPL team

8 8 JPL IA’s Be aware of restrictions on charging to JPL IA’s (both service and research) Equipment Must be preauthorized and specifically identified in the IA Equipment threshold is lower than Caltech’s ($1,000 compared to $5,000) Foreign travel Must obtain prior approval

9 9 JPL IA’s Deobligations Not uncommon JPL CMO will only de-obligate after obtaining written concurrence from Caltech PI A revised IA will be issued deobligating the funds

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