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Students: Asulin Ofir Heller Itai Supervisor: Mony Orbach In association with: June 16, summer 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Students: Asulin Ofir Heller Itai Supervisor: Mony Orbach In association with: June 16, summer 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students: Asulin Ofir Heller Itai Supervisor: Mony Orbach In association with: June 16, summer 2006

2 Project Goals: Developing a Communication adapter to connect between a USB PC Port and an Experiment board.

3 RS232 is disappearing from the PC ’ s. We can find a USB Port in all computers today. USB supports a bigger flow of data. In addition, the existing communication adapter includes a microcontroller, which contents are unknown. Why USB instead of RS232?

4 How the system works today? 1) PC Program is loaded and the Experiment Board is turned on. 2) The student enters the board number and board type used. 3) In the PC a number is randomly chosen. 4) The PC sends to the board the board number, the board type and the randomly chosen number. 5) The communication adapter verifies the correctness of the received data. 6) The randomly chosen number is used by the Ex. Board to set the value of the different components. 7) The PC loads the expected results based on this number.

5 We have used in this project a board designed at a previous semester. It contains a USB connector which connects the PC to the FPGA. USB connector and FPGA DLPDLP MIDGAM PC CLK RST BUZZERDIP_SW Transceiv er Transceiv ers Optional Ext. PORT PCB POWER SUPPLY DRAW CYCLON FPGA EPCS

6 The FPGA Top Level Analog Interface DLP Operating Machine Draw Buzzer Ext. Port Write Read

7 The PC Application a simple PC application has been built in order to verify the correctness of the communication adapter. The application flow chart: END Initialize USB connection Ask user for type and serial number interval Is a device connected? Ask user for desired drawn number. Send the entered numbers to the experimental board Read the result sent by the experimental board. Print on the screen the error/succeed message based on the received result Initialize USB connection No Ask user for type and serial number Yes Is a device connected? Ask user for desired drawn number. Send the entered numbers to the experimental board Read the result sent by the experimental board. Print on the screen the error/succeed message based on the received result

8 Summery The communication adapter operation has been tested in 2 ways: 1. by simulations using a signal generator. 2. by connecting it to a real experiment board. both were successful. Now, after the communication adapter is finished, a second team needs to create a code that is designed for the system running in the EE lab.

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