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How Do Antibody Arrays Work?. Antibodies Are Robotically Arrayed on a Slide Anti CD-AntibodiesAnti-CD Antibodies Nitrocellulose coat Glass slide Robot.

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Presentation on theme: "How Do Antibody Arrays Work?. Antibodies Are Robotically Arrayed on a Slide Anti CD-AntibodiesAnti-CD Antibodies Nitrocellulose coat Glass slide Robot."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Do Antibody Arrays Work?

2 Antibodies Are Robotically Arrayed on a Slide Anti CD-AntibodiesAnti-CD Antibodies Nitrocellulose coat Glass slide Robot deposits 10 nL of antibody 400-450 µ spot Robot deposits 10 nL of antibody 400-450 µ spot

3 Leukocytes are Added to the Slide (usually PBMCs and added separately from PMNs) Anti CD Antibodies Different Leukocytes (e.g. T cells) Express Different CD Antigens

4 Leukocytes Bind to CD Antibodies (Depending on the match between Ab and Epitope) Anti CD Antibodies Leukocytes with non- matching epitopes do not bind Leukocytes with matching antigens are captured

5 Leukocytes That Are Not Captured Are Washed Away Anti CD-Y AntibodiesAnti CD-X Antibodies About 1000 cells are captured on any one antibody spot

6 CD Antibody Microarrays display a pattern of cell capture that distinguishes between healthy and inflammatory conditions LymphocytesGranulocytes CD antibodies in the array

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