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Poinsettia Growth An Introduction to Poinsettia Cultivation By: Becky McGuire.

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1 Poinsettia Growth An Introduction to Poinsettia Cultivation By: Becky McGuire

2 Getting started A. pot immediately after arrival to eliminate stress B. provide shade to reduce heat and light intensity C. mist cuttings during hottest part of day to reduce stress D. humidity levels: 75-85% E.temperature: night: 60-65 F, day: 75-80 F

3 Watering A. keep evenly moist B. don’t water on leaves; they rot and wilt C. avoid over-watering = root rot =FAST DEATH

4 Photoperiod: certain amount of day length (certain amount of light and dark ) A. low light plants have weak stems and small bracts B. BRACTS: top leaves of plant that change color and act as flowers C. Maximize space between plants so light reaches lower leaves; encourages outward branching

5 Photoperiodism, continued D. Long days (more light) = vegetative growth E. Short days (less light) = flowers start F. Plants need 20-25 days of at least 12 hours of darkness

6 Fertilization A. Poinsettia Mix: 20-10-20 (less Phosphorus) B. Soluble salts

7 Pinching A. encourages lateral growth instead of vertical growth B. also encourages more branching and more bracts C. pinch top of plant leaving 4-6 leaves below pinch D. pinch in the middle of September

8 Marketing A. have ready to sell immediately after Thanksgiving B. stop fertilizing 2 weeks before selling C. plants must be in full color D. water plants before selling E. maintain even temperature F. sleeve plants if exposed to outdoors G. remove dead leaves, clean pots, wrap

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