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Status of the Tracker Outer Barrel Joe Incandela University of California Santa Barbara for the illustrious and colorful TOB Group Tracker General Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the Tracker Outer Barrel Joe Incandela University of California Santa Barbara for the illustrious and colorful TOB Group Tracker General Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the Tracker Outer Barrel Joe Incandela University of California Santa Barbara for the illustrious and colorful TOB Group Tracker General Meeting July 15, 2005 (Slides compliments of D. Abbaneo, A. Affolder, C. Campagnari, A. Marchioro, A. Onnela, Lenny Spiegel, and many others…)

2 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 2 US Module Assembly Plates Now in useproposedTotals Plate TypesUCSBFNALUCSBFNALActual If add R7 at FNAL TOB R-phi7815 TOB Stereo3477 TEC R5 R-phi333 R5 Stereo333 TEC R6555 TEC R73538 Totals241253641 We are now setup to process at most 15 plates (20 plates) per day (extended day). A much larger number of plates was prepared to allow us to adapt to whatever variations may occur in component deliveries and tracker needs.

3 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 3 US Production Cycle Quick test hybrids on ARCGantry makes modules. Modules test on ARC Assemble rods from modules Rod burn-in Rods shipped to CERN Thermal cycled module Wire bond Final pinhole test on ARC Wire bond Thermal cycle hybrids

4 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 4 US Tracker Group Brown University R. Hooper, G. Landsberg, H.D. Nguyen, C. Pehlevan, T. Hartman, H.Y. Jung University of California, Riverside (UCR) G. Hanson, H. Liu, G.Y. Jeng, G. Pasztor, A. Satpathy, R. Stringer University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) A. Affolder, S. Burke, C. Campagnari, F. Garberson, D. Hale, J. Incandela, S. Jaditz, P. Kalavase, S. Kyre, J. Lamb, D. Stuart, D. White + technicians University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) E. Chabalina, C. Gerber, L. Nigra, T. Ten Fermilab (FNAL) S. Cihangir, M. Demarteau, D. Glenzinski, H. Jensen, A. Ronzhin, J. Spalding, L. Spiegel, S. Tkaczyk + technicians University of Kansas (KU) P. Baringer, A. Bean, L. Christofek, D. Coppage Mexican Consortium: Cinvestav: H. Castilla, R. Perez, A. Sanchez Puebla: E. Medel, H. Salazar San Luis Potosi: A. Morelos University of Rochester (UR) R.Demina, R. Eusebi, Yu. Gotra, E. Halkiadakis, S. Korjenevski, S. Lockwood D. Miner, P. Tipton + technicians

5 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 5 US Production Steps/Status TaskCapacityManpower issuesSoftware Issues? Hardware Issues? Hybrid Bonding & Thermal Cycle 84/dNoneNo Module Assembly 50/dNoneNo Module Bonding>50/dNoneNo ARC Testing>50/dNoneNo LT Testing200/wkNoneNo ARC LED>50/dNoneNo Reinforcing>50/dNoneNo Rod Assembly8/dNoneNo Single rod test>8/dNoneNo Multi rod test>32/wkNoneYes DAQ Component shortages and/or failures can limit production testing capacity in future

6 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 6 UCSB TEC Production Module Production R5N, R5S, R6 and R7 All TEC production equipment is commissioned With the possible exception of R7 at UCSB General capacity issues Can (and likely will) saturate our capacity with TEC production (30/d) Actual rate depends on need and availability of parts as well as TOB production parts availability and schedule Bonding and Testing capacity adequate LT testing capacity limit is ~100 per week but could eventually be mostly TEC if necessary (since TOB burn-in will be shifted to rods) or it will have to be sampled

7 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 7 R7 as of yesterday Message from Dean White (UCSB) We built 9 TOB 4-chip and 3 R7 modules today (July 14). All were grade A. For the 6 sensors on the 3 R7 modules built, the angle between the sensors was 4 mdeg or less, and the individual sensors were all 6 mdeg or less. It will take a bit more time to be confident about the R7 assembly plates, but we appear to be headed in the right direction with the rebuilt pick-up tool. We are doing dry runs on one of the other R7 plates. The plan is to build on this plate today

8 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 8 FNAL & UCSB Inventory – 7/12/05 HybridsSensorsFrames FNALUCSBFNALUCSBFNALUCSB OldNewITOldNewITSTHPKITSTHPKIT L12pu56 0 -85 0 -197516-276357-609644 L12pd0 0 -0 0 - “ “- “ “-609644 L12su0 0 -0 0 -““-““-251248 L12sd0 0 -0 0 -““-““-251248 L34pu56 0 -85 79 -““-““61720631 L56pu0 86 -0 184 -27266-1594245720631 R5p0 5 -18496-70 R5s6 4 -18496-77 R60 1 -0170-229 R70 61 -0238-243 As of July 12 2005: Plenty of sensors and frames on hand Hybrids are still the critical path components

9 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 9 Module Issues Now storing ~2000 modules We’re making storage for ~400 more TOB modules. We’ll need even more storage capacity Continue in batches of 400 storage units Musical wirebonders FNAL has shipped a K&S 8090 to UCSB which will be commissioned after the UCSB K&S 8060 has a bond-head replacement. Once fully commissioned we ship the 8060 to FNAL THIS GIVES BOTH SITES MODULE BONDING CONTINGENCY AS WELL AS ADEQUATE HYBRID BONDING CAPACITY

10 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 10 US module production (to June 10) US will build >8,000 modules US peak Capacity ~250-300 modules per week. One week peak so far ~ 100  85

11 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 11 Other Planning Will help accelerate TEC schedule R7 production at FNAL in Autumn at 12-15 modules per day. UCSB will make R5 and R6 at up to 30 per day when TOB is finished Second hybrid line Go-ahead given for up to 2k circuits – David Stuart (UCSB) will oversee Riverside repair and diagnostics center Nearly online Goal to study the small fraction of rejected hybrids/modules in order to fully categorize and document problems Create an encyclopedia and museum of pathology that could be referenced during data-taking if similar problems appear on modules that are then completely inaccessible…

12 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 12 Rods Overview Basic components procured Assembly of frames is DONE (modulo ICC) Integration of modules on rods is understood Rate of ≳ 8/d in the US is not be a problem … Testing was problematic and rod production was halted I2C communication errors seen on 30-50% of rods Recent and very substantial effort to understand and remedy Many thanks to : A. Marchioro, Wim Beaumont, M. Johnson, G. Maggazu, Slawek Tkaczyk… Simple solution (number 6) an improvement but not quite.. A better solution (number 7) adopted and requires new ICC Secondary issues of header errors and failures in LT tests are also under study

13 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 13 Main cause SCL on FE-Hybrid SDA Unequal fall-time of SCL and SDA signals Picture shows sequence of SCL/SDA signals with SDA pulled-down in AOH and measured on FEH

14 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 14 Solution 6 AOH FE-Hybrid SCL SDA 82  PSU Control PSU FE LLD APV Jumper creates a common time domain but some recent information from US indicates may still be marginal

15 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 15 Option 7 AOH FE-Hybrid SCL SDA 100 pF Parasitic on AOH C A PSU Control PSU FE ICC CRT245 (Line driver)  22   pF  pF 330  LLD DCU/APV

16 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 16 Effect of “damping” resistor SDA with “damping” SDA without “damping” SCL not show on this slide

17 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 17 Assembly procedures well developed Trained personnel (including backups) at both sites Takes ~ 1-1.5 hours to assemble a rod Not a bottleneck Long term testing 4 (6) (8) DS (SS6) (SS4) rods/2 days No issues – everything is in place US Rod Production - Mechanical

18 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 18 Single Rod Teststand (SRT) Many room temperature Tests: Hardwired thermistors and humidity sensors CCU ring redundancy DCU readouts Leakage current Pedestals & noise Looking for gross problems No channel level characterization Most tests done using LtStruct currently V29 Hardwired sensors tested with simple custom box Root macro similar to module test macro to generate plots Plots etc. uploaded to e-log Output root and text files saved for ALL tests including version number, if tested more than once Only piece missing: protocol for testing digital functionality, experts will provide FNAL UCSB

19 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 19 Sample SRT output

20 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 20 Multi Rod Test-stand (MRT) (Semi) long term test ~ 2 days 6-8 SS rods/load Thermal cycle Full channel level characterization FNAL UCSB

21 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 21 Current MRT test cycle Warm Test Cold Warm Cold TestWarm Test Cold TestWarm Test Expected to evolve…

22 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 22 MRT status 1.Hardware: all OK, robust now (was very leaky…) 2.DAQ software (LtStruct) Much progress recently thanks to great cooperation from Wim et al. But there are still a few problems 3.Analysis SW: DefectAnalyzer V0.28 + some changes: Makes plots and XML file First pass cuts defined…will be refined as we learn… Custom perl script Compares bad channels with lists from module tests and also flags DCU problems, etc

23 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 23 Current (limited) production While I2C solution 7 is being prepared we are assembling and testing a limited number of rods with "jumpers" (I2C Solution 6) Test I2C solution 6 To be shipped to CERN to populate 1st cooling segment, and possibly the cosmic rack Gain experience with (somewhat) large scale rod production Somewhat longer testing cycle to double-triple- quadruple-check I2C behavior Gain experience with testing protocol Document/investigate non-I2C failures Refine cut requirements

24 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 24 Part Count as of July 13, 2005UCSBFNAL Rods jumpered with “solution 6” 1434 Rods populated with modules 1434 Rods tested at SRT 1033 Rods tested with MRT 618

25 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 25 SRT results – out of 43 tested rods 5 with unconnected thermistors (as read out by DCU, i.e., these are not the "hardwired" thermistors) 4 at FNAL, 1 at UCSB 1 fails ring redundancy test FNAL 1 Laser failure FNAL 1 with strange problem, open ring? UCSB, under investigation All 4 SS4 rods (UCSB) have unusually high noise Discussed in TOB meeting where we agreed upon the actions to be taken

26 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 26 But also… Still low rate of I 2 C errors 230 that we thought would have been cured by jumper (Solution 6) Other not-yet-understood I 2 C errors A few other annoyances like header errors HW or SW problems? Experts are actively investigating

27 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 27 Plans After this "limited production" we will stop Take stock of situation, firm up procedures Attack other (non I 2 C) problems Hold a mini-workshop to get the UCSB and FNAL-based people together in August We will likely consider another fairly substantial production exercise Allows one to hunt more rare problems Module storage…

28 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 28 TOB Wheel Assembly

29 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 29 TOB Wheel Measurements with theodolites, photogrammetry, slide calipers, and rulers: Wheel is correct in shape (better than 0.2 mm)

30 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 30 TOB wheel construction: complete Mechanics complete and rotated into final position Precision elements of disks and cylinders glued on a single jig yielding typically  30  m relative precision Relative positioning of disks and cylinders limited only by measurement system precision (  100  m) Major achievement by Antti Onnela and the DT2 technical crew!

31 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 31 Thermal screen operational Wheel ready for insertion in the tracker support tube and… The tube with thermal screen are already in the assembly clean room. Wheel on assembly chariot Wheel ready

32 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 32 Preparations for TOB integration - where we are as of yesterday He leak test standOK Rod precabling standOK Cu power cablestwo weeks Cable “bridge”one week Vacuum system for solderingto be commissioned Service supportsin production Cooling manifoldsin production Readout hardwareFEDs/FEC available - firmware 1 week (?) Power suppliesavailable Test softwareto be commissioned on C-Rack Plumbing in 186 (cooling and He)Basically done DB tools defined - only ribbon registration implemented ------ later ------ Alu cablesneed to update layout and start production (lengths OK) Cable test boxin production in Lyon (mid-August) - need updated pinout DOHMsfinalizing tail lengths - start production

33 Tracker Outer Barrel- July 15, 2005 – Tracker General Meeting slide 33 Summary Module production lines have completed 25% of TOB >99% yield and >99.95% good channels Production of 40-50 modules/day can be achieved, provided that we have adequate parts flow and stable testing Rod frames production in Helsinki is complete Rod integration and testing capacity ≳ 8 rods/day I2C communication problem is understood Rod integration and testing has restarted in the US with solution 6 Solution 7 likely definitive – will learn more in coming weeks. TOB Wheel is ready and other preparations are in train Integration exercises will start soon Very capable team at CERN US may send a team in September (headed by Jeff Spalding)

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