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Unlocking the Door to Outstanding Volunteer Programming.

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Presentation on theme: "Unlocking the Door to Outstanding Volunteer Programming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unlocking the Door to Outstanding Volunteer Programming

2 Training  Definition  Agency perspective

3 Types of Training  Micro  Macro

4 What Training Accomplishes

5 Guide to Adult Learning  Adults makes associations  Brains operate on multi-levels  Memories not stored in one place  Breaks are important  Need cycle of learning  Need to be attractive and interactive  Diff. people learn differently

6 Principles of Adult Learning

7 Praxis Exploration Reflection Action

8 Rewards  Monetary  Symbolic

9 Needs Assessment  Evaluate trainings  Observe volunteers and staff  Talk  Performance evaluations  Consult experts  Standards and measures of progress

10 Other Important Factors  The need to learn  Relationship to past experiences  Adult developmental stage  Autonomy  Climate/Environment  Diversity of individuals/Learning styles

11 Importance of Mission

12 Needs Assessment + Principles of Adult Ed. + Content Training Design (Lesson Plan)

13  Purpose  Objective  Time  Training activity  Evaluation  Resources

14 Cost of Training

15 What a Trainer Should Be….  Someone who develops and environment that encourages discovery  Enabler, facilitator, guide, and encourager  Patient with the process and the learner

16 Designing and Managing Programs

17 A Volunteer Must Be:  Recruited  Screened  Oriented  Assigned  Trained  Supervised  Motivated  Recognized  Evaluated

18 Agencies Must:  Determine the reason  Determine the plan  Develop the job  Orient and train employees  Develop(Collaborative philosophy)

19 Misconceptions

20 Types of Volunteers:  Direct  Policy

21 Setting the Plan in Motion

22 Determining the Need

23 Develop Plans  Gather  Develop  Train/Orient

24 Recruitment  Screen  Orient  Train  Assign  Evaluate  Recognize

25 Collaborative Philosophy

26 Involvement + Knowledge + Sense of Ownership = Commitment Leading to Innovation

27 Definition of a Volunteer

28 Assignment/Job Description

29 Administrative Procedures  Reimbursement  Use of equipment  Record keeping  Confidential requirements

30  Policies should be comparable to employee guidelines  Staff = paid volunteer

31 Volunteer Needs  Exigencies confront agencies  Recruitment possibilities  Office within agency

32 Management Differences  Personnel management  Program management

33 Job Description

34 Prime Jobs for Volunteers

35  When  What  How  Skills  Episodic  Virtual

36 Management Differences  Less dependent  More selective  Flexibility  Not faithful  Know administrative responsibility

37 Evaluation is Essential

38 Recognition

39 Evaluation of Program

40 Recruiting and Retaining Volunteers

41 Advantages

42 Disadvantages

43 Framework

44 Staff Involvement  Collaborative agreement  Staff should be trained

45 Position and Development Design

46 Development of Position is:  Most important stage  Planning tool to help  Continuity  Living document

47 Descriptions are blocks

48 Types of Jobs  Direct assistant to mission or clients  Office Admin.  Direct assistant to staff  Outreach

49 Job should meet requirements

50 Ways to offer the job:  Length of time  Who will do  When  Where  With who

51 Recruitment  Broad  Defined

52 Four Questions: 1. Why 2. What 3. Possibilities 4. Benefit

53 Types of volunteers  Warm body  Targeted  Concentric circles

54 Events for Recruitment  Attractor events  Scouting process  Nurturing process

55 Potential Dangers

56 Other Possibilities

57 Volunteer Environment = Customer Service Relationship

58 Interviewing volunteers vs. interviewing employees

59 Talking about the Job Description

60 Once you have done these things:  Make an offer  Explain what’s next  Get permission

61 Qualifications + (Both are Equal) Temperament = Job Match

62 (Trial Basis Assignments)

63 Risk Management Screening

64  Orientation and training  Background  Operation  Procedures  Agency

65  Orientation  History  Description of program  Organization chart  Orientation to facilities  Knowledge of policies  Description of volunteer system  Volunteer

66 Training  How  What  Emergency plan

67 After Training -> Coaching

68 Volunteer Motivation  Job satisfaction  Acquire skills  Relationships  Good surroundings

69 Supervision of Volunteers  Criteria of success  Measured performance  Making corrections

70 Making Time for Management  Open time  Special meetings  (Walk around)

71 Evaluation  Volunteer an agency  Volunteer a project

72  Evaluation does not replace management  Debriefing very important  Information for those who leave

73 Creativity

74 Short term volunteering

75 Family Volunteering

76 How to unlock your door

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