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THE PREHUMAN WORLD Big Bang 10+ billion BC5 billion BC Earth forms 3.5 billion BC life begins 500 million BC multicelled 250 50 5 mammals primates hominids.

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Presentation on theme: "THE PREHUMAN WORLD Big Bang 10+ billion BC5 billion BC Earth forms 3.5 billion BC life begins 500 million BC multicelled 250 50 5 mammals primates hominids."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE PREHUMAN WORLD Big Bang 10+ billion BC5 billion BC Earth forms 3.5 billion BC life begins 500 million BC multicelled 250 50 5 mammals primates hominids (australopithecenes)

2 HUMAN PREHISTORY 1 million BC40 10 3125 thousand BC homo erectush. sapiens neanderthalensis h. sapiens sapiens paleolithic age neolithic age civilization

3 AGES OF MAN 40000 BC8000 BC 3000 BC 1000 BC paleolithic neolithic bronze iron

4 PERIODS OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION 3000 BC2000 BC1000 BC 0600 BC400 AD 14001600 pre-classical classical medieval renaissance modern Greek Roman

5 TWO TRADITIONS CONVERGE 3000 BC1200 BC 30AD800 BC 312 “medieval synthesis” Judeo-Christian Greco-Roman trojan war exodus Iliad Exodus 332 BC Alexander Jesus Constantine 1400 16001100 crusades renaissance 630 Mohammed ????

6 AGES OF GREECE 3000 BC2000 BC1000 BC 0600 BC400 AD 14001600

7 AGE OF ROBOTS 2008 AD 158285 AD humanity enslavedEarth destroyed by comet

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