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Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences NARCIS: The Gateway to Dutch Scientific Information Elly Dijk, Chris Baars, Arjan Hogenaar and Marga van.

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Presentation on theme: "Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences NARCIS: The Gateway to Dutch Scientific Information Elly Dijk, Chris Baars, Arjan Hogenaar and Marga van."— Presentation transcript:

1 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences NARCIS: The Gateway to Dutch Scientific Information Elly Dijk, Chris Baars, Arjan Hogenaar and Marga van Meel KNAW Research Information ElPub 2006, Bansko (Bulgaria), 14-16 June 2006

2 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Outline KNAW Research Information NARCIS -Background of the NARCIS project -Content of NARCIS -Advantages for the users -End-users tests -NARCIS techniques -Future plans -Demonstration of the portal

3 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences KNAW Research Information Academy's mission: to ensure the quality of scientific research in the Netherlands Our mission: national focal point of research information Dutch Research Database (NOD): current research, researchers and research institutes Development of NARCIS…

4 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences What is NARCIS?

5 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences NARCIS is a portal that combines: Structured research information from the NOD Information from academic OAI repositories Information from websites of universities and other research institutes All these records are simultaneously searchable

6 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Partners in the NARCIS project The Academy (KNAW) Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) Information Centre of the Radboud University of Nijmegen (RU-UCI) Funded by the DARE programme: national initiative to give free access to academic research output in the Netherlands

7 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Goals of the NARCIS project Giving an overview of research in the Netherlands Central place for searching all the different types of data Data collection via the already existing administrative systems of the participating institutes Registering of data only once Minimization of administrative report burden for researchers and institutes

8 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Institutes and researchers

9 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Research and (web) publications

10 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Datasets and news items

11 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Advantages for the users The different types of research information are simultaneously searchable (one-stop-shopping) Free access to Dutch academic full text publications Up-to-date information: data gathered in an early stage of the registration process High quality information: editors select the sources of NARCIS Overview of Dutch scientific output Scientific information also from repositories and websites

12 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

13 User Surveys Two user surveys among: Repository specialists (academic library staff) Researchers, policy advisors and research information officers Goals of the surveys: Input for further improvement of the site ‘Look and feel’ and functionality of the NARCIS homepage Search functionality and limiting options

14 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences The users are positive about: One portal for all types of research information NARCIS web view appreciated (‘like Google’) Retrieval of web publications is value adding service Broad range of search options and search performance

15 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences The users have criticisms about: Complexity of NARCIS-portal Limiting options too complicated Users perceive NARCIS as a new information source, instead of a shell around existing ones Presenting search results not only by relevance but also chronologically

16 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences NARCIS: part two Technical aspects of NARCIS Future Developments Demo

17 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences METIS Webpages Institutional Repositories NARCIS Web-formsNWO NOD Categorizer

18 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Future developments Automatic categorisation of the content via Collexis Digital Identifier (for authors, institutes and objects) in order to connect the Dutch CRIS systems to the repositories Including CV-information of Dutch researchers

19 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences NARCIS DEMO

20 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences







27 Thank you for your attention! QUESTIONS ?

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