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Useful Programs for Soc. 708 Stata Word LaTeX Excel.

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Presentation on theme: "Useful Programs for Soc. 708 Stata Word LaTeX Excel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Useful Programs for Soc. 708 Stata Word LaTeX Excel

2 Stata One of several statistical programs –SPSS –SAS –R Soc. department tends to use Stata Homework for this class uses it

3 Stata: Getting Access Computer labs –Odum Institute lab in Manning All computers have Stata Helpful consultants Short courses Field trip, end of this class! –Sociology lab Hamilton (Room 228/207) Non-Soc grad. Students: email me name & onyen! Computers have Stata –Health Sciences library (possibly)

4 Stata: Getting Access Remote access Citrix – [Demonstration] Buying Stata Most people will be fine with using the lab A few people will end up buying Stata eventually

5 Using Stata Who has used it? Who has used any statistical program?

6 Using Stata

7 Variables Command window Results window Review

8 Using Stata



11 Stata Resources This class –Lecture notes –Stata notes for each module –Hamilton book Odum Institute workshop ! ! ! September 30 – October 02 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Cathy Zimmer (very helpful person) Handouts on the web As you go: Stata help menu, Google…

12 Word Mathematical symbols, Greek letters… Insert/Symbol and choose one by one Or try… Insert/Object/Microsoft Equation 3.0 Superscripting, subscripting… Format/Font and choose As you type: Ctrl-shift-+ to superscript 123

13 Word Tables Create table –Toolbar –Table/Insert … choose # of rows and columns Format table –Right click and change line appearance

14 LaTeX High quality symbols, letters, etc. –E.g., Syllabus created in LaTeX Involves programming; high “start-up cost” May be worth it for some people (markup language I know nothing about) Available at Odum Institute lab –(lab consultant Jamie Monogan can help)

15 Excel Math functions –Sum –“=“ at beginning of column indicates function –Copy functions Cut and paste tables from Excel Entering data –[Demo, if time: enter qaire data then transpose columns]

16 More about Odum, Soc. etc. Cathy Zimmer Field trip to Odum

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