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AMMA-THORPEX THORPEX is: ‘a Global Atmospheric Research Programme’ ‘an international research programme to accelerate improvements in the accuracy of 1.

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Presentation on theme: "AMMA-THORPEX THORPEX is: ‘a Global Atmospheric Research Programme’ ‘an international research programme to accelerate improvements in the accuracy of 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 AMMA-THORPEX THORPEX is: ‘a Global Atmospheric Research Programme’ ‘an international research programme to accelerate improvements in the accuracy of 1 to 14 day weather forecasts’

2 Proposed activities 1) Impact of additional data and specially radio-soundings in analysis/forecasting systems for  a) Africa => EOP, SOPs  b) Atlantic & USA (Hurricane) => SOP3, EOP  c) Europe (2 week forecast)=> EOP, SOPs

3 2) Targeted observations in tropical regions SOP2 & SOP3:  mainly concern dropsondes launched from driftsondes and aircraft. Pre-SOP numerical studies are necessary (i.e. NCEP/EMC) to investigate the possible adaptive observational guidance of these observations.

4 3)Tailoring forecast products for users in tropical regions (1-14day, Seasonal)  Also should generate a link with operational forecast centres for SOP forecasting  ‘Dry run’ operational forecasting in summer 2006

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