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3D on-line representations Jan Valcik → introduction, main idea → VRML 97 → building of virtual worlds → VRML 97 at work → X3D → MUDVR → animations, navigation.

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Presentation on theme: "3D on-line representations Jan Valcik → introduction, main idea → VRML 97 → building of virtual worlds → VRML 97 at work → X3D → MUDVR → animations, navigation."— Presentation transcript:

1 3D on-line representations Jan Valcik → introduction, main idea → VRML 97 → building of virtual worlds → VRML 97 at work → X3D → MUDVR → animations, navigation → examples → sources

2 3D on-line representations everything on the web (main idea) time is the most important for real behavior 3D appearance or illusion tree structure, inheritance (parent-child relation between nodes) easy connection with WWW VR standards + other languages Main idea and introduction environment languages (VRML 97 & X3D)

3 3D on-line representations – VRML 97 VRML 97 standard for visual 3D data representation and simple action animations textual format, directly interpreted → prototyping and dynamic insertingsupports: → 4 navigation modes → new objects definitions → scripts (internal or external) → audio/video streams

4 VMRL 97 – Building of virtual worlds 54 basic nodes, tree structured Building of virtual worlds entire world is a forest of all trees nodes: → dynamic parameters – values or nodes → names (DEF-USE construction, animations) nodes for: → 2D/3D entities → grouping, transformations, insertion, LOD → lights, sounds → sensors, interpolators, time → scripts

5 VMRL 97 – Building of virtual worlds properties of nodes: → colors, materials, textures, transparency… → intensity, directions, affected space… → insertion of other worlds under desired transformation → LevelOfDetail – for optimal behavior → loading parts when they are needed → fast respond insertion and LOD

6 VRML 97 – animations, navigation Animations, navigation nodes connected by names – ROUTE construction events and nodes parameters classes: → field – static par. with initial values → eventIn – change their value according to event → eventOut – send data when their value is changed → exposedField – properties of all classes above interpolators, timers scripts – ECMAScript (directly interpreted), Java (compiled) sensors, manipulators (triggers) – proximity, visibility, touch, collision

7 VRML 97 – animations, navigation animation scheme: sensor proximity, visibility, touch, collision logic ECMAScript, Java timer traction interpolators target

8 VRML 97 – animations, navigation navigation modes → walking → flying → examining (no collisions) → teleportation → to another part of the world → different world → common web page

9 VRML 97 at work EAI – External Authoring Interface -worlds can be affected from outside by programs in Java → creating virtual worlds or objects what is it good for: → technical and process simulations, image processing (MATLAB) → technical drawing and presentations (CAD systems)

10 3D on-line representations – X3D X3D direct successor of VRML 97, compatible (more or less) description of 3D objects componentized supports XML (easier connection with other technologies) → both languages have the same “heart” open for new features

11 X3D componentized: → common set of functionalities – nodes, parameters, scripting… → components → levels → specify available possibilities → profiles → collection of components → interchange → interactive → immersive → full

12 X3D new possibilities: → human animations (H-Anim) → non-uniform beta-splines (NURBS) → geological modelling (GeoSpatial) → medical visualization (Med3D) → CAD Distillation Format (CDF profile) → MPEG-4 profile (MPEG-4 uses X3D for description of 3D objects) → components for games, education etc. in development

13 3D on-line representations - MUDVR MUDVR Multi-User Distributed Virtual Reality meetings, “classical” communication (writing, talking, gestures) possible to use both standards similar to MMORPG (but more on-line)

14 3D on-line representations - examples Examples Ivan’s Showroom Cardiac Museum face animations

15 3D on-line representations - Sources Sources Web3D Consortium, Parallel Graphics, Blaxxun Techinologies,

16 3D on-line representations Thank you for your attention

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