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Finding Function in Social Media: Day Two Presented by Jordan Epp, MEd Instructional Designer, University of Saskatchewan.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding Function in Social Media: Day Two Presented by Jordan Epp, MEd Instructional Designer, University of Saskatchewan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding Function in Social Media: Day Two Presented by Jordan Epp, MEd Instructional Designer, University of Saskatchewan

2 How to manage your active web presence  Collective Filtering Through Networks  Wiki  Social Networks  RSS Feeds  Mashups  Embedding  Widgets

3 The web is vast. How do we effectively and efficiently filter through all the filler?  Wikis – a trusted group of editors can collect and post resources and research in a particular field of interest.  Social Networks – a large, chosen cohort of peers or friends who follow similar interest will provide a wider selection of relevant information. This network can also be used as a “lifeline”.

4 Tune your RSS Reader into all your favorite “stations” Your RSS Feed Reader Blog CBC News Local Events Podcast Wordpress Blog MacRumors

5 RSS Feed Readers Advantages:  One stop shop for your favorite updates  Quickly skim the “headlines” for interesting or relevant stories  Aggregate Feeds from many sources Readers:  Google Reader  NewsFire  RssReader

6 Mashups So you’ve got a few great tools you use. Your blog is all set up, you’re using social bookmarking, you’ve got the family photos on Flickr, and your friends are being updated regularly by your status updates…phew! If this is starting to sound like a lot of running around you might be ready to look into doing the Mash!

7  Combine tools in one location to create efficiency in your web activities  Embedding one web application into another  Place a YouTube video in a Blog post  Have your Blog posts tweeted automatically  Combine your Twitter posts and your facebook status updates  Post an interactive Google Map in your Wiki

8 How does this magic happen?  Mashups make use of what programmers call “code reuse”.  Snippets of HTML code are provided for copying and pasting.  The act of copying and pasting code into another site is called “Embedding”.  Common forms of this code are provided as “Widgets”, sometimes known as “gadgets” or “applets”




12 Time for lunch. Meet back here at 1pm Sharp! When you return we’ll try embedding a few different widgets, gadgets, and applets into your WebPages. Image by Annie Mole CC-BY

13 Continuing Down the Information Highway How do we keep up with the web as it changes?  You’re in the right place to find out  You’ve got the tools that will help inform  You will determine the shape of the web

14 Continuing Down the Information Highway Keeping our Web Presence in shape  Maintain your presence  Groom your networks  Try something new

15 Web 1.0Web 2.0Web 3.0 & Beyond Content developer drivenUser as content developerComputer as content developer User goes to the web to retrieve information User goes to the web to contribute information Web becomes Ubiquitous in our lives Dial-upWifiCloud computing/Mobile Web 3.0 will be difficult to define because of the speed at which things will be advancing. 1990200520102015 2020

16 There are a few emerging trends that most people agree will help define the World Wide Web of the Future  The Semantic Web  Mobile Technologies  Cloud Computing

17 The Web Finally “Gets” Me Semantics refers to the meaning of a sentence whereas Syntax refers to characters used. “I love the Internet.” The meaning or semantics behind this statement is that I enjoy having access to information and applications through an online environment. The Syntax is the letters and punctuation I’ve chosen to write it. If we change the Syntax of this statement to be, “I the Internet.” I’ve changed the Syntax, but not the Semantics of the sentence.

18 The Problem  Computers understand Syntax, but not Semantics  When you search for your favorite band, you may get results of upcoming shows, new albums, fan clubs, or pictures, but only you can decipher the semantics or meaning of these web pages.

19 The Possibilities  Computers that understand semantics would better understand how to deliver content to you.  They would also be more able to work with other applications to use that content for things like buying tickets or exporting concert dates to your calendar.

20 There are a few projects you can check out for more information if you’re interested in testing out the Semantic Web:  Firefox – Operator Plug-in  

21 The Web In Your Pocket We Have The Technology  1 GHz Processor  512 MB Ram  15 GB Storage  WiFi & 3G Network Capable  Bluetooth 2.1  GPS w/ geotagging  5 megapixel Camera

22  Anytime Anywhere Wireless  Mobile Content Design for the Masses  Augmented Reality  Google Goggles  Star Chart  Wikitude  Golfscape GPS Rangefinder  Mobile Portals to “The Cloud”



25 What if everything were on the Web or in a Cloud?  Your Files  Your Software  Even Your Processors

26 Connecting to the Cloud poppet with a camera – CC-BY Characteristics  All data processing and the resulting data lives in the Cloud  Access to applications and files is available via any connected device  Similar to a power grid in concept Advantages  Up-to-date software  Maximum processing power  Multiple redundant backups  Universal Access

27 The Future is Access and Efficiency  An Internet that understands more  Ubiquitous wireless access  Mobile devices with the power to connect  A cloud to call our own

28 Jordan Epp Instructional Designer Centre for Continuing & Distance Education University of Saskatchewan Email: Twitter: I_am_10_ninjas Second Life: Harvey Storaro Skype: jordanepp Blog: U of S Homepage:

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