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TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Marian Bubak, Michal Turala and the CrossGrid Collaboration CrossGrid in Its Halfway:

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Presentation on theme: "TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Marian Bubak, Michal Turala and the CrossGrid Collaboration CrossGrid in Its Halfway:"— Presentation transcript:

1 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Marian Bubak, Michal Turala and the CrossGrid Collaboration CrossGrid in Its Halfway: Achievements and Challenges

2 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Outline  Applications  Overview of X# architecture  Tool environment  Grid middleware  X# and OGSA  Software development, standards, bodies, …  Summary

3 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Medical Application  Adding small modifications to the proposed structure results in immediate changes in the blood flow  Online presentation of simulation results via a 3D environment  The progress of the simulation and the estimated time of convergence should be available for inspection LB flow simulation VE WD PC PDA Visualization Interaction

4 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Basic Features of Flood Simulation  Meteorological Intensive simulation (HPC), large input/output data sets, high availability of resources  Hydrological Parametric simulations (HTC) may require different models (heterogeneous simulations)  Hydraulic Many 1-D simulations HTC, 2-D hydraulic simulations require HPC Data sources Meteorological simulations Hydraulic simulations Hydrological simulations Users Output visualization

5 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Distributed Data Analysis in HEP  Objectives Access to distributed databases Data mining with neural networks  Issues Typical interactive requests will run on o(TB) of distributed data Transfer/replication may take hours Data are transferred before interactive session Allocation, installation and setup of the database servers before the interactive session Replica Manager Interactive Session Resource Broker DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING DBInstallation Interactive Session Database server Interactive Session Manager Interactive Session Worker Interactive Session Worker Interactive Session Worker Interactive Session Worker Interactive Session Worker Portal XML in/out On-line output

6 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Weather Forecast and Air Pollution Modeling  Distributed/parallel code on Grid Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System STEM-II Air Pollution Code Integration of distributed databases  Data mining applied to downscaling weather forecasts

7 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Interactions in the CrossGrid Applications  Interactive steering  Control of a cascade of simulations  Distributed data access  Parameter study with online results  Interactive estimation of simulation time

8 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Features of Interactive Grid Computing  Run time application control Performance data on-line  Possible effects of decisions Access to benchmark information  Interpreting application’s behavior in heterogeneous open system Access to infrastructure performance  Information meaningful in the context of application field more application specific performance data  Need in on-line standard and user-defined metrics

9 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 CrossGrid Architecture

10 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Migrating Desktop Multiple Sites Application OCM-G Data Access Portal and Roaming Access Infrastructure Monitoring Scheduling Agent DataGrid Job Management DataGrid Data Management Benchmark Globus Toolkit User Interaction Services Grid Visualization Kernel Tool (Parallel) Application Running Simulation Output

11 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Multiple Sites Application OCM-G Data Access Portal and Roaming Access Infrastructure Monitoring Scheduling Agent DataGrid Job Management DataGrid Data Management Benchmark Globus Toolkit User Interaction Services Grid Visualization Kernel Tool (Parallel) Application Running MARMOT MPI Verification Tool 8 rank 1 performs MPI_Recv 8 Rank 0 is pending! 8 Rank 1 is pending! WARNING: deadlock detected

12 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Multiple Sites Application OCM-G Data Access Portal and Roaming Access Infrastructure Monitoring Scheduling Agent DataGrid Job Management DataGrid Data Management Benchmark Globus Toolkit User Interaction Services Grid Visualization Kernel Tool (Parallel) Application Running Performance Prediction Tool

13 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Multiple Sites Application OCM-G Data Access Portal and Roaming Access Infrastructure Monitoring Scheduling Agent DataGrid Job Management DataGrid Data Management Benchmark Globus Toolkit User Interaction Services Grid Visualization Kernel Tool (Parallel) Application Running G-PM Performance Analysis Tool

14 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Multiple Sites Application OCM-G Data Access Portal and Roaming Access Infrastructure Monitoring Scheduling Agent DataGrid Job Management DataGrid Data Management Benchmark Globus Toolkit User Interaction Services Grid Visualization Kernel Tool (Parallel) Application Running Jiro-based Infrastructure Monitoring Site Administrator

15 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Multiple Sites Application OCM-G Data Access Portal and Roaming Access Infrastructure Monitoring Scheduling Agent DataGrid Job Management DataGrid Data Management Benchmark Globus Toolkit User Interaction Services Grid Visualization Kernel Tool (Parallel) Application Running SANTA-G Network Packets Monitoring Site Administrator

16 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Migrating Desktop Multiple Sites Application OCM-G Data Access Portal and Roaming Access Infrastructure Monitoring Scheduling Agent DataGrid Job Management DataGrid Data Management Benchmark Globus Toolkit User Interaction Services Grid Visualization Kernel Tool Benchmark Running Benchmark Results

17 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Handling Multiple Mass Storage Systems Application OCM-G Data Access Portal and Roaming Access Infrastructure Monitoring Scheduling Agent DataGrid Job Management DataGrid Data Management Benchmark Globus Toolkit User Interaction Services Grid Visualization Kernel Tool Estimation of Data Access Time for Replica Management

18 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 CrossGrid Tool Environment  MPI code debugging and verification  Metrics and benchmarks for the Grid environment  Grid-enabled Performance Measurement  Performance Prediction Component

19 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 User Interactive Service  Enables end-users to run and to steer distributed simulations in the Grid environment  OGSA mechanisms will be used to call external resource brokers, job submission services (efficient and transparent execution of the simulation on the Grid)

20 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Grid Visualization Kernel  Addresses the problems of distributed visualization on heterogeneous devices  Allows easily and transparently interconnect Grid applications with existing visualization tools (AVS, OpenDX, VTK,...)  Handles multiple concurrent input data streams  Multiplexes compressed data and images efficiently across long-distance networks GVK Portal Server GVK Visualization Planner Simulation Init Visualization Update Visualization GRAMGASSMDS GVK Visualization pipeline Simulation Data

21 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Roaming Access  Portal - easier access and use of the Grid by applications  Migrating Desktop - a transparent, independent user environment  Roaming Access Server - responsible for managing user profiles, job submission, file transfers and Grid monitoring

22 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Scheduling Agents  Scheduling user jobs over the CrossGrid testbed infrastructure  Submission based on Condor-G  Support for sequential and MPI parallel jobs, batch jobs and interactive jobs  Priorities and preferences determined by the user for each job

23 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Application Monitoring  OCM-G Components Service Managers Local Monitors  Application processes  Tool(s)  External name service Component discovery ServiceManager LocalMonitor Tool SharedMemory OMIS ExternalLocalization ApplicationProcess

24 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003  Infrastructure monitoring  Invasive monitoring (based on Jiro technology)  Non-invasive monitoring (Santa-G) Infrastructure Monitoring Benchmark Infrastructure Monitoring (JIRO) Performance Prediction (PPC) Information System (MDS) Infrastructure Information System Database Instruments Non-invasive Monitoring (SANTA-G) Grid Resource Management Postprocessing Analysis

25 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003  Selection of specialized components best suited for data access operations  Estimation of data access latency and bandwidth inside the storage elements  Faster access to large tape-resident through fragmentation Data Access

26 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Sites of the CrossGrid Testbed UCY Nicosia DEMO Athens Auth Thessaloniki CYFRONET Cracow ICM & IPJ Warsaw PSNC Poznan CSIC IFIC Valencia UAB Barcelona CSIC-UC IFCA Santander CSIC RedIris Madrid LIP Lisbon USC Santiago TCD Dublin UvA Amsterdam FZK Karlsruhe II SAS Bratislava Géant

27 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Resources in CG Testbed  At each site LCFG configuration server User Interface Gatekeeper (Computing Element) Worker Nodes Storage Element  16 sites: 115 CPUs (Worker Nodes) 4 TB (Storage Elements)  Grid services (LIP) Information Index Top MDS Information Server, points to site Information Servers Resource Broker Matchmaking and load balancing scheduler Replica Catalogue Database for physical replica file location Certificate Proxy Server Short lived certificates for long lived processes, used by RB Virtual Organization Server Database for user authentication (CROSSGRID VO) Monitoring Mapcenter: network monitoring system  National Certification Authority machines

28 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 And with Related Grids...

29 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 X# and OGSA  OGSA – Open Grid Services Architecture General vision of Grid made of services  OGSI – Open Grid Services Infrastructure Defined conventions and basic interfaces of Grid Services OGSI-compliant Grid Service  Globus Toolkit 3.0 Contains OGSI-implementation OGSI-based higher level Globus Toolkit services

30 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 OGSA and CG Time Schedule

31 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Migration to GT3  Replacing GT2 with GT3 on our testbed  More technical than architectural issue  CrossGrid uses Globus indirectly (through EDG)  No stable relese of GT3 yet  No direct requirements for using GT3 However experimental installation for Task 1.1

32 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Migration to OGSA  Functionalities of CrossGrid from the beginning designed as services  Web Service protocols (SOAP) widely used  Easy to be made OGSI-compliant when required when stable implementation available

33 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Tools and OGSA  MARMOT – MPI verification Independent of OGSA – can use any MPI implementation  Benchmarks Can publish benchmark results in Grid information systems  Performance evaluation and prediction tools Basically independent of OGSA

34 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Services  Portal and Roaming Access RAS uses SOAP protocol to communicate Little effort to migrate to OGSA  Scheduling Agents Dependent on EDG and Condor OGSI-compliant interface can be added  Monitoring Application monitoring is not going to migrate to OGSA – due to performance issues, however feasibility studies are performed Infrastructure monitoring is compatible with EDG R-GMA that is going to migrate to OGSA  Optimization of Data Access Ready to migrate, SOAP protocol already used

35 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Towards OGSA - Summary  From the beginning of the Project we were evaluating the development of OGSA.  To achieve compatibility with DataGrid, the CrossGrid Testbed is based on GT2.  As some of the applications require OGSA, the experimental installation of GT3 is prepared.  The services that are developed in CrossGrid are designed to be easily migrated to be OGSI-compliant in the future.  The WebServices protocols are used for the communication to facilitate future migration.  The decision about the migration will be discussed after the 2nd year of the project.

36 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Proceeds through all the development phases Requires gathering of quality indicators and producing monthly reports Crucial for ensuring quality of code Currently in progress Software Development and Testing

37 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Static Code Metrics Measured separately for each task: amount of new lines of code since last report compliance with coding conventions count of packages, functions and inner classes complexity number (McCabe metric) count of formal Javadoc comments per class and method

38 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 X# Management in Short Main Bodies Project Coordinator CG Office Steering Group Technical Board Architecture Team Quality Assurance Central Dissemination Better focus on technical issues and quality control

39 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Collaboration with DataGrid  Architecture interoperability, reuse of MW components joint proposals to GGF  Interactive applications methodology, generic structure, grid services security issues for medical applications  Tools: benchmarks and application monitoring  Interoperability of EDG testbeds collaboration of testbed support teams mutual recognition of Certification Authorities common access/usage policy and procedures common installation/configuration procedures joint infrastructure for HEP applications  Software Testing

40 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Collaboration with Other Grid Projects  GRIDSTART Active participation in Technical Board meetings Conferences: Cracow Grid Workshop, Across Grids (Santiago) – to stimulate exchange of information and personal contacts  GLOBUS Regular contacts CrossGrid use cases for OGSA  GridLab Development of grid applications Application monitoring Portals, data access, security Participation in joint testbeds (SC’2002)  EuroGrid and GRIP Regular contacts and exchange of information

41 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 Research Areas in CG (about 90 papers)  New paradigms for grid application programming  Grid PSE for complex problems  Collaborative environments  Grid monitoring and benchmarking  Monitoring of grid applications  Performance of grid applications (analysis and prediction)  Grid services for interactive applications  Building of Virtual Organizations (tools, rules)  Methods and tools for grid middleware deployment  In F. Berman, G. Fox, T. Hey (eds): Grid Computing, Wiley 2003  Participation in 6FP projects (EGEE, Oct 15 – 5?)  GGF – 2 x BOF, and plans for GGF10 in Frankfurt; ICCS ’ 2004

42 TAT Cracow Grid Workshop, October 27 – 29, 2003 21 partners 5 Work Packages: WP1 – CrossGrid Applications WP2 – Grid Tool Environment WP3 – New Grid Services WP4 - International Testbed WP5 – Project Management

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