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Impetus:2003-4 –5.9% growth in hotels and restaurants –7.8% wholesale/retail trade –4% government services –4.7% banking and insurance.

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3 Impetus:2003-4 –5.9% growth in hotels and restaurants –7.8% wholesale/retail trade –4% government services –4.7% banking and insurance

4 Tourism Total visitor arrivals grew –+4.5% in 2003 –+15.5% in 2004 –8.1% decrease in 2005 Cruise arrivals –-18% –60% of all arrivals “ Stayover” segment +6.5% Yachts +21.9% Excursionists -34.1% Oil prices +27% Hurricanes -active Terrorism


6 Growth in European visitors due to –Relative value of US dollar –Perception of Caribbean as safe destination “Tourism receipts account for 71% of total export of goods and services”


8 Agriculture 2004 +1.8%, 2005 -22% 2004 Bananas =47%of Tot 2005 1.3% of GDP –2004Expanded by 17.7% –2005 Decreased by 36.2% Non-traditional crops =25% –2004-Declined 2.4% –2005 -16.9% Other sectors –Fisheries 2004+.3%, 2005-6.8% –Livestock 2004-14.2, 2005+2.2

9 Bananas Total exports from Windward Islands 2004 +15.9%. 2005 -25.7% St. Lucia’s 2004 +3% to 54% of total 2005 -29.1% to 52% of total Contributing factors –Hurricane Ivan, Sept. 2004, Roseau valley –yellow sigatoka or leaf spot disease deterioration in field maintenance/crop husbandry

10 Bananas



13 11.4 percent fall in purchases by supermarkets Hotel purchases-16.0 percent, despite an increase in stay-over arrivals. This highlights the weak linkage between the two sectors, which was exacerbated the poorly organised marketing structures that exist in the non-traditional sector. There continues to be a need to strengthen the linkages between the agricultural and the hotel sectors. However, there are issues of availability, consistency and quality of crops supplied. Moreover, farmers who currently have working capital constraints have had some difficulties adjusting to the payment systems under which hotels operate.”


15 Manufacturing +6% in 2004, +13% in 2005 Spurred by government incentives and increased domestic demand Constraints –Diseconomies of scale –Cost of energy –Cost of shipping to external markets 7% of total employment Beverages constitute 50% of all manufacturing exports

16 Communications/ Telecommunications

17 2004 +4.6% 11.3% of real GDP “cellular, internet and cable sub-sectors continued to grow albeit at a slower rate relative to 2004. 9.6 percent decrease in cellular minutes sold.” the land line component continued to decline in both subscriber base and activity, a trend which began with the introduction of the new mobile companies in 2003.

18 Electricity

19 4.8% increase in electricity generated All categories except industrial recorded increases in consumption 3.2% increase in domestic consumption –Vs. 6.2% increase in commercial consumers Number of hotel consumers increased 8.3% but demand increased 2.6% 2004 price LUCELEC paid +30% to $3.82/gallon 2005 +55% to 5.87/gallon –2004 Fuel surcharge +23% to 22.6 /unit. Highest in eight years –2005 +42% to 32.1c

20 Alternative sources of energy The Government of Saint Lucia is currently working on a National Energy Policy. Geothermal Solar –Working with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization to develop a solar financing project; aimed a promoting benefits of solar water heating and procuring solar energy amongst low-income households.

21 Wind –Continuing to encourage development of wind energy –Received technical assistance under the Caribbean Renewable Energy Development Project (CREDP) –Help Lucelec acquire 71 acres –Measuring equip. provided

22 Landfill gas –Undertaken assessment of potential for capture of landfill gas; feasibility studies have produced promising results Hydroelectricity –Study conducted on potential of John Compton Dam –Potential for construction of small plant with installed capacity of 200kW

23 Misc. statistics of interest Population: 162,311 Birth rate: 15.3/1000 population –US rate: 13.9 (2002) –Kenya: 40.13 Infant mortality rate: 14.7/births –US: 6.8 –Kenya: 62.62




27 Construction Public sector construction expenditure more than doubled to $134.5 million, “During 2005, the level of tourism investment within the domestic economy was unprecedented. This high level of investment can be associated with the International Cricket World Cup which will be partly hosted by St. Lucia in 2007.”

28 Properties expected to open in 2005: –Four new hotels 590 new rooms/apartments/villas Construction costs: $85 million Properties under construction 2005 ($130million) –30-home timeshare resort (Soufriere) –20-condo complex (Rodney Bay) –50-villa, 144-condo and marina facility (Rodney Bay) –300-room Beaches Resort (Rodney Bay)

29 Continued investment in road infrastructure –Castries/Gros Islet highway upgrade –East Coast Road Planned $34.2 million government expenditure to upgrade Beausejour Cricket Ground WASCO expenditure of $5-7 million on Northern Water Supply project –Increase supply by 25%

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