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Hungary and the new EU budget by Miklós Somai Institute for World Economics The new EU Budget and the new member states Project: „Preparing.

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Presentation on theme: "Hungary and the new EU budget by Miklós Somai Institute for World Economics The new EU Budget and the new member states Project: „Preparing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hungary and the new EU budget by Miklós Somai Institute for World Economics The new EU Budget and the new member states Project: „Preparing for the EU Council Presidencies of the Visegrad Countries” supported by the International Visegrad Fund Central European University (1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 9.), Gellner Room - 21 January 2010

2 Sources Consultation paper – September 2007 Hungarian gov. contribution – 2008 April Tamás Szemlér and Jonas Eriksson: The EU Budget Review (SIEPS = Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies) – April 2008

3 Has the EU budget proved sufficiently responsive to changing needs? A reform is needed…in order to –address new challenges: globalisation, environmental issues, climat change, energy security, migration, ageing population etc. –overcome net-balance approach = for H: main cause of difficulties H is in favour of a policy-driven budget –size of the budget should be defined by the needs created by policies –objectives…..policies…..own resources Balance between existing and new policies (Lisbon) –may require a higher level of Community spending

4 How should the right balance be found between the need for stability and the need for flexibility? MFF (multiannual financial framework) –good as it is: stable & predictable, loosening of the rules is not desirable –flexibility might only be considered for common policies within their budget BUT: –what if CAP with more flexibilty??? (like in US) –HC: no supply control, no (or minimal) intervention, no stocks to minimise price fluctuations (WTO, climat, food security scandals) –US new farm bill + Russia, Ukraine (low-tech/store)

5 Agricultural policy in

6 Objectives, policies, spending priorities 4 key policy objectives for EU-budget: –solidarity (unequal starting points, distortions on SM) –competitive Europe (Lisbon strategy) –sustainable development (environmental sust.) –EU as a reg/global player (joint actions to meet chall.) Existing policies contributing to these objectives should be kept: –Cohesion policy –CAP speed up modernisation and catching up to average EU-level of standard of living (…to consume)

7 Existing policies Cohesion policy boosts competitiveness by: –promoting employment –eliminating bottlenecks in infrastructure –supporting enterprises (…big multinationals) –facilitating intra-Community trade (…is that good?) No need for major reform (enough changes for 2007/13) CAP –Benefits for EU-citizens: safe food, high standards, preservation of landscape (public goods … new legitimacy: „if not as consumers, let them pay as taxpayers”) –Should remain EU competence

8 Impact of different level of co-financing of DPs on net budgetary position of the EU MS during the financial perspectives for 2007-2013 (€ Mn/year) EU-members 20% co- financing 35% co- financing 50% co-financingEU-members Poland France Greece Spain Hungary Ireland Czech Rep. Lithuania Slovakia … Austria Sweden Belgium UK Italy Netherlands Germany -399.2 -295.2 -287.9 -198.4 -194.6 -147.3 -95.3 -58.7 -43.1 … 39.8 70.4 231.4 248.2 266.6 337.6 558.5 -698.6 -516.6 -503.8 -347.3 -340.5 -257.8 -166.8 -102.8 -75.5 … 69.7 123.2 405.0 434.2 466.6 590.8 977.4 -998.0 -738.1 -719.7 -496.2 -486.5 -368.3 -238.3 -146.8 -107.9 … 99.5 175.9 578.6 620.3 666.5 844.0 1,396.2 Poland France Greece Spain Hungary Ireland Czech Rep. Lithuania Slovakia … Austria Sweden Belgium UK Italy Netherlands Germany Source: own calculations based on Commission Budget Report 2006 and Health Check of May 2008

9 New challenges – possible responses Hungary emphasizes the need for further integration in the field of: –justice and home affairs –R & D –energy –environment and climat policy (new infra?…NL, H) –common foreign and security policy –migration Might imply a greater role for EU-budget in these fields, but not endanger cohesion pol. financing. H interested in obtaining the same sum as in 2007/13

10 Own resources Principles for reforms of revenues: –sufficiency, stability, simplicity, transparency, cost- effectiveness of collection, fair burden-sharing among MS (…main beneficiaries: firms, EU-bureaucrates, politicians) Current ORS: too complex, intransparent, degressive (burden-sharing for the corr.mech.) Own resources –TOR: diminishing but correct (to be kept) –VAT-resource: complicated/intransp. (to be replaced by GNI resource) –Correction mechanism ~ juste retour approach (to be abolished) H is against any coor.mech. H is for a two-pillars system (TOR + GNI), new OR (EU-tax) not until 2020 (+unanimity be kept for OR)

11 Enlargement Croatia makes no trouble BUT: Turkey +Western Balkan (+ Ukraine) same attitude as when H was approaching the EU: –too agricultural –too underdeveloped –transitional periods (phasing in) –reform of the budget and that of common policies (before enlargement)

12 Many thanks for your time and interest!

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