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Rights to Produce Externality. Externalities  refer to the spillovers which are the consequences of the action that actors don't take into account and.

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Presentation on theme: "Rights to Produce Externality. Externalities  refer to the spillovers which are the consequences of the action that actors don't take into account and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rights to Produce Externality

2 Externalities  refer to the spillovers which are the consequences of the action that actors don't take into account and therefore don't influence their decision.

3 Rules of the Game:  Now pair up yourselves.  One of you is a BarBQer who likes and wants to have barbecue;  The other is a neighbor to the BarBQer and thinks barbecue produces too much smoke.

4 Payoffs of Barbecue  For people who like barbecue (BarBQers) Barbecue payoffs  For people who don’t like barbecue(neighbors) Barbecue payoffs

5 Payoffs of BarBQer and neighbor Smoke level produced from barbecue 0 1 23 BarBQer’s total payoffs $0$30$50$60 Neighbor’s total payoffs $35$30$20$0 BarBQer + Neighbor’s payoffs $35$60$70$60

6 A Smoke-Free Country  The neighbors have the right to be compensated for any smoke level over zero.  If any BarBQer wants to have barbecue, you have to pay to your neighbors as compensation.

7 A Barbecue Country  The BarBQers have the right to be compensated to accept any smoke level below three.  If any neighbor doesn’t want BarBQer to have barbecue, neighbor has to pay to BarBQer as compensation.

8 Compensation Agreement  Now you have three minutes to decide what smoke level your own pair will have.  Every pair should try to come to a satisfactory bargain.  Each pair will receive a Compensation Agreement.

9 Compensation Agreement for the Smoke-Free Country I, BarBQer ( barBQers’ name ), hereby claim that I will pay $ ( compensation amount ) to Neighbor ( neighbors’ name ) for providing the smoke level of ( smoke level ).

10 Compensation Agreement for the Barbecue Country I, Neighbor ( neighbors’ name ), hereby claim that I will pay $ ( compensation amount ) to BarBQer ( barBQers’ name ) for reducing the smoke level to ( smoke level ).

11 Zero Smoke Level  How many of you agree on smoke level zero?  Why did you choose to reach this level ?  What did you consider when you had the bargaining?  What was your compensation?

12 Smoke Level of One  How many of you agree on smoke level of one?  Why did you choose to reach this level ?  What did you consider when you had the bargaining?  What was your compensation?

13 Smoke Level of Two  How many of you agree on smoke level of two?  Why did you choose to reach this level ?  What did you consider when you had the bargaining?  What was your compensation?

14 Smoke Level of Three  How many of you agree on smoke level of three?  Why did you choose to reach this level ?  What did you consider when you had the bargaining?  What was your compensation?

15 Discussion  What is the assumption behind when we claimed that BarBQer (or neighbor) has the right to be compensated?

16 Property rights  It is socially enforced rights to select the use of an economic good. It can be seen as rules or criteria of competition which must exist to solve conflict.

17 Discussion  What is the best choice of the smoke level to both of BarBQer and neighbor when BarBQer has the right to be compensated?  What is the best choice of smoke level to both of BarBQer and neighbor when neighbor has the right to be compensated?

18 Conclusion  No matter who has the right, the same optimal choice can also be achieved.

19 Coase Theorem  It states that if property rights are well- defined or specified and transaction costs are zero, then:  the allocation of resources will be efficient as there is no problem of externalities,  the allocation of resources will be identical, regardless of the initial assignment of property rights.

20 End

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